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New Age / Relaxation

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Hennie Bekker - Mirage

APE 301 mb | MP3 104 mb | 256 kbps | 57 min

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Genre: New Age, Electronic, Relaxation

New age musician Hennie Bekker issued several solo albums during the '90s; contributed tracks to such albums series as SolitudesTM, Kaleidoscope, and Tranquility; as well as being a member of the Canadian techno/dance outfit BKS. Bekker gravitated toward the meditative sounds of new age, where he added soothing melodies to nature sounds compiled by Dan Gibson, which led to the duo collaborating on a total of 14 Exploring Nature With Music releases and to further Bekker musical contributions for the aforementioned Kaleidoscope and Tranquility series. In addition, Bekker launched another album series, African Tapestries, which explored the exotic music of his homeland. Showcasing his versatility, Bekker then turned his attention to techno/dance, working with the group BKS, a group that achieved quite a bit of success in Canada (their 1996 release, Astroplane, received a Juno Award for Best Dance Recording). Bekker also found time to issue his own solo releases, including such titles as Great Lakes Suite, Summer Breeze, Mirage, Tember, Jabula, and Spa, among others.~answers.com

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03. Introspection
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05. Nostalgia
06. Longing
07. Leftover Dreams
08. Mirage
09. Synthetique
10. Ad Infinitum

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-= neo and soul =-
Johannes Linstead - Kiss the Earth

mp3 | 256 kbps | 2000 г. | 87 mb | 47 min


Genre: Acoustic | World | Flamenco

Personnel: Johannes Linstead (guitar, bouzouki, piano, keyboards, shaker); Stephen Manning (guitar, bass); Paul Huthinson (guitar); Alex McMaster (cello); Anjo Arvo (flute); Gino Mirizio (drums, bongos, dumbek, timbales, udu drum, cymbals, shaker); Marcus Chomsky (bongos, congas); Alla Kadysh (background vocals).

This is traditional and contemporary flamenco at its finest. Let Johannes Linstead's lively rhythms, fiery fretwork and gorgeous melodies take you on a passionate and exotic journey through Caribbean and South American daydreams and nightdances." ~amazon.com

Можно сказать, что Йоханнес Линстед исполняет традиционное фламенко. Но у молодого канадского гитариста свой особый почерк, страстность и жизнеутверждающая сила. В исполнении Линстеда присутствуют мастерство и точность выражения, свойственные классному гитаристу, а, кроме того, в его музыке ощущается импровизационное начало. Музыка полная жизни, настоящий вулкан страсти и огня. Полет самовыражения и вдохновения. Музыка, в которой фламенко переплелось с карибскими ритмами и южноамериканскими мелодиями. С каждым новым прослушиванием эта музыка открывает тебе какие-то новые грани, и вот они уже переливаются на солнце всеми цветами радуги. Эта музыка не обусловлена никакими канонами. Слушая ее, ощущаешь, что гитарист просто празднует жизнь. ~Сергей Козловский


01. Mezza Luna
02. La Serpiente
03. Road To Marrakesh
04. Kiss The Earth
05. Chiaroscuro
06. Caja De Cerillas
07. Breathe
08. Savannah
09. Moonlight In Havana
10. Sadharasara
11. Ritmo De Amor

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-= neo and soul =-
Tom Barabas - The Very Best Of

APE 333 mb | MP3 123 mb | 256 kbps | 68 min

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Пианист и композитор, американец венгерского происхождения, Том Барабас стал известен благодаря своим альбомам с по-настоящему красивой, умиротворяющей и волнующей музыкой. Она достаточно разнообразна - ее нельзя однозначно причислить ни к джазу, ни к нью-эйджу, ни к чему-то другому, да и как это сделать, если в ней воедино переплелись традиции серьезного искусства и ритмы музыки нового тысячелетия.

Его цель - достижение абсолютной гармонии и душевной уравновешенности посредством музыки. Сейчас такое время, когда многие, устав от хаоса в жизни и искусстве, обращаются к его творчеству в поисках той красоты, которой им не хватает. Музыка очень мелодичная и успокаивающая - этакий психотерапевтический расслабляющий джаз-рок без единого диссонанса и неожиданного изменения ритма или тональности.

Фортепиано Барабаса скорее классическое, чем джазовое, очень "правильное" и с кристально чистым звучанием - все же за его плечами учеба в венгерской и венесуэльской консерваториях и большая практика на американской эстраде. За годы творческой карьеры музыкант выпустил более 10 альбомов. В сборник вошли лучшие инструментальные пьесы автора. Его музыка попадает прямо в душу, наполняя ее необычными ощущениями, помогая найти внутреннюю гармонию и покой. ~от издателя

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01. Midnight Affair (Mosaic 1995)
02. Endless Time (Classica Nouveau 1994)
03. After The Rain (Journey 1996)
04. More Than Words (Sedona Suite 1992)
05. Lovers In The Moonlight (Romantic Rhapsodies 1998)
06. Caressed By The Wind (Journey 1996)
07. Suite Memories (Sedona Suite 1992)
08. Epiphany (Romantic Rhapsodies 1998)
09. Moon Over Sedona (Journey 1996)
10. Dance Me To Heaven (Romantic Rhapsodies 1998)
11. Journey (Journey 1996)
12. Free Spirit (Sedona Suite 1992)
13. Shades Of Love (Romantic Rhapsodies 1998)

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pass: kiwi

-= neo and soul =-
Tom Barabas & Dean Evenson - Soaring

flac 344 mb | mp3 145 mb | 320 kbps | 65 min

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In this era of high-tech overdubs, overlays, and computer generated music composing, Soaring is refreshingly unique in its having been composed and created in 'real time'. It reflects personal expression merging as creative communication between two mature musicians who know their craft and have something to say through it. This musical dialogue or 'in the moment' composing style flows easily between Tom and Dean, and is what gives this recording its very alive feeling. The mood moves from spacious, expansive pieces to more vibrant and adventurous tunes.

Tom Barabas and Dean Evenson are both experienced musicians, each having played their instruments since they were knee-high to a recording console. They bring with them the understanding and depth that comes from years of working on their own personal expression and inner growth. After several successful collaborations and many concert performances together, they decided to put out a synthesizer and flute release. With the blessing of Tom's wife Bea, the Soundings studio was transposed to the Barabas' living room and the entire recording was put together in several evening sessions.

Prior to each piece, the key and specific sound qualities of the three or four synthesizers were decided upon. Some other slight discussion ensued and after a deep breath, off they would go, creating each cut as a unique statement of the moment, listening to each other and the universe for guidance through the cracks in time. The music flows forth 'as is' and no tracks were added to it. Mixing occurred in three separate sessions at the Soundings studio. Enjoy the feeling of this exploration into other realms of time and space. ~silverlakemusic.com


1. High Flying
2. Heartland Flight
3. Heather Breeze
4. Vanilla Float
5. Over The Beach
6. Soaring
7. Serene Sojourn
8. Spiral
9. Glide Path

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pass: kiwi

-= neo and soul =-
Dean Evenson & Tom Barabas - Back to the Garden

APE 250 mb | MP3 148 mb | 320 kbps | 55 min

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A magical interweaving of gentle melodies full of color and bright movement creates a nurturing and soothing sanctuary for the soul. Elegant keyboards, soaring flutes and rich woodwinds flow like soft breezes on a summer day, reflecting the peaceful beauty of a garden.

In 1984, Tom Barabas and Dean Evenson met and played music for the first time at a consciousness-raising workshop in Tucson, Arizona. They recognized that they had a similar style of relating to music, composing and co-creating in the moment. They shared a spiritual connection to music which they felt flowed through them from a transcendental source.

With Tom playing grand piano, and Dean on silver flute, a musical partnership evolved which has resulted in many concerts and popular recordings. Their long musical friendship continues on Back To The Garden, expressing their musical souls together.

Richard Hardy, former horn man for Carole King and Eliza Gilkyson, joins them on this album, gracing many songs with his seductive saxophone melodies and haunting clarinet and alto flute. Not only is Richard an outstanding musician, but a new friend and partner in the Soundings family. ~thepathway.com


01. What Grass Is This We Lie Upon
02. Gypsy Behind The Shrubbery
03. Come And See My Stamen
04. Change The Stream
05. Droplets Of Water
06. Back To The Garden
07. Harpin On The Sunlight
08. Soft Petal
09. Mysty Morning Light
10. Dew Bee Dew
11. Bedding On The Future

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pass: kiwi

-= neo and soul =-
Michel Pepe
Divine Oasis

New Age/320kbits/44.1kHz/168.2Mb + 5%

01-Le Grand Voyage
02-Terre Montagne
03-Hymne a la Vie
04-La Vallee des Merveilles
05-Les Citadelles de Lumiere
06-La Caresse de l' Ange
07-Arpegia Mundi
08-Les Noces d' Or
09-Divine Oasis
10-Au Coeur des Highlands
11-L' instant Sacre
14-Aube Nouvelle

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pass. citizenKAZ
Mike Rowland
Fairy Ring Suite


New Age/mp3/192kbits/44.1kHz/69.5Mb + 5%

01 - Come into the Fairy Ring
02 - In the Stillness of the Dawn
03 - A Gentle Message of Hope
04 - To Hear Spring Again

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pass. citizenKAZ

Mike Rowland
The Fairy Ring Piano Version


New Age/mp3/320kbits/44.1kHz/97.2Mb + 5%

01 - Come into the Fairy Ring
02 - In the Stillness of the Dawn
03 - A Gentle Message of Hope
04 - To Hear Spring Again

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pass. citizenKAZ
Mike Rowland & Michael Maloney
From Angels To Lovers


New Age/mp3/320kbits/44.1kHz/141.2Mb + 5%

1.-from Angels to Lovers (05:45)
2.-from Angels to Lovers (03:56)
3.-from Angels to Lovers (05:56)
4.-from Angels to Lovers (03:10)
5.-from Angels to Lovers (05:59)
6.-from Angels to Lovers (04:08)
7.-from Angels to Lovers (02:06)
8.-from Angels to Lovers (06:31)
9.-from Angels to Lovers (05:53)
10.-from Angels to Lovers (03:42)
11.-from Angels to Lovers (09:11)
12.-from Angels to Lovers (04:12)
13.-from Angels to Lovers (00:27)

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pass. citizenKAZ
Mike Rowland
The magical Elfin Collection

New Age/mp3/256kbits/44.1kHz/107.2Mb + 5%

01- The Fairy Ring (3)
02- Solace (2)
03- Silver Wings (2)
04- Silver Wings (3)
05- Titania (1)
06- Titania (5)
07- The Brighter Side (1)
08- The Brighter Side (6)
09- And So To Dream (1)

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pass. citizenKAZ
Chris Spheeris - Mystic Traveller.

Не повтора ради, а слушания для: Chris Spheeris - Mystic Traveller. 1996 год. Можно послушать Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?


Когда Крис путешествовал с родителями по свету ( а происходило это довольно часто), он постоянно обращал внимание на те звуки, которые характерны для той или иной культуры. Таким образом он создавал своеобразный «музыкальный словарь» экзотических созвучий, которые рано или поздно использовал и в своих произведениях. Апофеозом подобного опыта стала пластинка “Mystic Traveller”, записанная в 1996 году в соавторстве с Робертом Кори (Robert Cory) – уникальная работа, кардинально отличающаяся от всего того, что сделал Сфирис как до, так и после этого альбома. Здесь нет гитары как доминирующего инструмента, а основу всех треков составляют этнические вкрапления.
01. Mystic Traveller 01:32
02. Voices of Faith 05:03
03. The Stone Warriors 05:02
04. Guardian of the Rock 05:10
05. Island of 1000 Temples 07:00
06. Those Who Came Before 02:26
07. The Oasis 05:31
08. Kingdom in the Clouds 05:59
09. Treasure of the Spirit 06:24
10. Sacred River 08:20
11. As Above 03:41

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Kevin Kendle - Autumn

mp3 | 192 kbps | 66 mb | 48 min

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Kevin Kendle is a musician and composer working in the field of haunting, atmospheric instrumental music. He uses keyboards, synthesizers and samplers to create evocative soundscapes which are then layered with beautiful sounds of nature, such as birdsong, which Kevin records near his home in the Hertfordshire countryside. His music is inspired by nature and landscapes and is very suitable for any situation where a calming atmosphere is desired, such as aromatherapy, therapeutic treatments or relaxation in the home. The careful programming and selection of sounds give the music an organic, timeless feel.

Autumn is a beautiful album of haunting atmospheric music, evoking images of the ethereal, magical landscapes of the season of mists. The music uses keyboards & the sounds of flutes, acoustic guitar and oboe, combined with relaxing natural sounds to capture the spirit of the season in magical soundscapes.


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02. Golden Fields
03. Falling Leaves
04. Bonfires
05. Keeper's Cottage
06. Pastel Mists
07. October Trees
08. Twilight Plough
09. Fading Light
10. Rooks Return

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-= neo and soul =-
Kevin Kendle - Aerial Vistas

mp3 | 256 kbps | 110 mb | 58 min

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It is an album of profoundly uplifting, yet relaxing music, which carries the listener on a magical journey upwards and beyond. From a graceful ascent, drift over fields and along bright, green valleys. Ascend over mountain peaks, break into the sunlit world above the clouds and continue, ever upwards..

Inspired by views from the air, Kevin's AERIAL VISTAS album must surely be one of his finest works. Great for visualization and raising the spirit to new heights! ~kevinkendle.com


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02. Over Fields
03. Sunshine Valley
04. Woodland Drifting
05. Rising Thermal
06. The Summit Below
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08. Ever Upwards
09. The Realms Beyond

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-= neo and soul =-
Kevin Kendle - First Light

mp3 | 256 kbps | 127 mb | 69 min

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Kevin's First Light album is inspired by his early morning excursions into the heart of the countryside to record the nature sounds that add a further dimension to his music. First Light is a beautiful album of reflective, ambient music descriptive of early morning, with haunting melodies soaring above a soundscape of magical, floating synthesizer textures evocative of the mystical atmosphere present just before dawn. ~kevinkendle.com


01. First Light
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03. Moonset
04. Silver Frost
05. Stillness
06. Cloudless Sky
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08. The Mooring
09. Morning Dew
10. Awaken

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pass: kiwi

-= neo and soul =-
NuSound - Erotic Moods Vol.1, 2, 3 (2006)


Жанр: Ambient | Chillout | Newage
Год Выпуска: 2006
mp3 320 CBR

01.The Awakening
02.Sahara Sun
03.Midnight Clear
04.The Heart Given
07.Tranquil Shelter
08.Spring Song
09.The Sound Of Love
10.In Your Arms
11.Islas Malvinas
12.Autumn's Song

59:11 | 135 Mb
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02.For Want of Her
03.The Rain
04.She Walks in Beauty
05.My Beloved
07.Scattered Pictures
08.Day Dream
09.The Moment Eternal
10.Endless Sea

55:18 | 126Mb
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01.The Dream
02.On Wings of Angels
03.Breathe with Me
04.I Feel You in My Soul
05.Moving Pictures
06.Visi D'Arte
09.Take Me
10.The Simple Lack of Her
11.Of Life and Love

53:39 | 122Mb
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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Kevin Kendle - Spring

mp3 | 256 kbps | 114 mb | 60 min

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Spring is a celebration of new life and new growth, capturing the sense of excitement and anticipation as Winter loosens its grip on the landscape, warmed by gentle sunlight.

From the wonder and mystery of "Ancient Hedgerows," through the soft, pastoral ambience of "Scented Air" to the joyous counterpoint of "The Approach of Summer", this album will uplift the spirit and energise the soul.

Perfect music for visualisation, or for simply letting the mind drift... ~kevinkendle.com


01. Melting Snow
02. Warming Sun
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05. Ancient Hedgerows
06. Scented Air
07. Bluebell Wood
08. Soft Rain
09. The Approach of Summer

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pass: kiwi

-= neo and soul =-
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