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Osprey Military Books. Part 8

Fortress 081 and 084


Fortress 081 – Maori Fortifications


Fortress 084 – Chinese Walled Cities 221 BC– AD 1644

Credits to magnoliadeluxe
I notice that on Modelling 20 Fw190 is missing pages 44,59 to 61, on Modelling Manual 17

Me Bf109 is missing pages 50 and 51 and on Modelling Manual 16 T34/85 is missing pages

33,45,50 and 52, someone have the complete books or the missing pages?, Thanks a lot
From another source

MAA456 - Mounted Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

MAA457 - Imperial Armies of the Thirty Years War (1)

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

MAA 454 - The Seminole wars

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

MAA455 - US Armed Forces in China 1856-1941

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

ELI171 - American Civil War Railroad Tactics.pdf

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Still I had not verify the files

Thanks to Mineman,Enjoy
Thanks Ujambor, but with a advise, We will find a htm file after download so ...

open the rar, inside the box rar rename the file htm to djvu and press enter, now you

have a .djvu file, Thanks and Enjoy