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biology and bioinformatics books and resources

new daily updated resource for e-books and structured information for biology and bioinformatics

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Here you will find:

* The last news in all fields of the biological and medical sciences
* Enlarging list of publicly available biological databases and resources for genomes, genes, proteins and all other related information
* The latest published e-books in all biologically related categories

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the latest biological and medical ebooks

to download the latest biology and medical books visit Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

every day a bunch of new links to biology and medical books is added

see the current content (07.11.2007):

A Guide to Analysis of DNA Microarray Data (2004)
Adenoviral Vectors for Gene Therapy (2002)
Advanced Endourology - The Complete Clinical Guide (2006)
Aging of the Genome: The Dual Role of DNA in Life and Death (2007)
Alkaliphiles: Genetic Properties and Applications of Enzymes (2006)
Analyzing Microarray Gene Expression Data (2004)
Analyzing T Cell Responses (2005)
Apoptosis and Autoimmunity (2003)
Apoptosis Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology: Approaches to Measurement and Quantification(2007)
Apoptosis, Cell Signaling, and Human Diseases - Molecular Mechanisms vol.1 (2007)
Apoptosis, Cell Signaling, and Human Diseases - Molecular Mechanisms vol.2 (2007)
Artificial Cells (2007)
Artificial cells, cell engineering and therapy (2007)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: From Genes to Patients (2005)
Calcium : A Matter of Life or Death (2003)
Calcium Signalling and Disease: Molcular Pathology of Calcium (2007)
Cell Biology - A Laboratory Handbook Vol 1-4 (2006)
Cells and Robots - Modeling and Control of Large-Size Agent Populations (2007)
Cheese problems solved (2007)
Creatine and Creatine Kinase in Health and Disease (2007)
Cytokines and Autoimmune Diseases (2002)
Downstream Processing of Proteins: Methods and Protocols (2000)
Drug Metabolism: Chemical and Enzymatic Aspects (2007)
Endothelial Biomedicine (2007)
Environmental Biotechnology - Concepts and Applications (2005)
Environmental Biotechnology - Theory and Application (2003)
Essential Microbiology (2005)
Farnesyltransferase Inhibitors in Cancer Therapy (2000)
Flow Cytometry for Biotechnology (2005)
Food Microbiology Protocols (2000)
Free-Radical-Induced DNA Damage and Its Repair - A Chemical Perspective (2006)
Frontiers in Research of the Renin-Angiotensin System on Human Disease (2007)
Functional Informatics in Drug Discovery (2007)
Functional Protein Microarrays in Drug Discovery (2007)
Fundamentals of Protein Structure and Function (2007)
Gene Expression Systems: Using Nature for the Art of Expression (1999)
General Principles of Tumor Immunotherapy (2007)
Genes and DNA: A Beginners Guide to Genetics and Its Applications (2004)
Genomic Regulatory Systems: Development and Evolution (2001)
Genomics and Evolution of Microbial Eukaryotes (2006)
GIS for Health and the Environment (2007)
Halophilic Microorganisms and Their Environments (2002)
Handbook of Cancer Survivorship (2007)
Handbook of Cell Signaling, Three-Volume Set (2003)
Hormones, Genes, and Cancer (2001)
Human Herpesviruses: Biology, Therapy, and Immunoprophylaxis (2007)
Immune-Mediated Diseases - From Theory to Therapy (2007)
Inborn Errors of Development: The Molecular Basis of Clinical Disorders of Morphogenesis (2004)
Infectious Causes of Cancer: Targets for Intervention (2000)
Information Technology Solutions for Healthcare (2006)
Insect Pheromone Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2003)
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry (2004)
Maths from Scratch for Biologists (2003)
Mechanisms of Lymphocyte Activation and Immune Regulation X: Innate Immunity (2007)
Mechanisms of Lymphocyte Activation and Immune Regulation XI: B Cell Biology (2007)
Medicinal Plants of the World, Volume 3 (2005)
Methods in Cell Biology vol.83 - Cell Mechanics (2007)
Molecular Biology and Genomics (The Experimenter Series) (2006)
Molecular Cell Biology (2003)
Molecular Targeting and Signal Transduction (2004)
Nanotechnology For Dummies (2005)
Peptide Nucleic Acids, Morpholinos and Related Antisense Biomolecules (2006)
Peroxiredoxin Systems: Structures and Functions (2007)
Physiology (2006)
Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture: Volume 1. The Background (2007)
Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Volume 75 (2003)
Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Volume 76 (2003)
Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Volume 77 (2003)
Rand & Dale's Pharmacology (2007)
Sequence Data Mining (2007)
Somatostatin Analogs in Diagnostics and Therapy (2007)
Sports Endocrinology (2000)
Springer Handbook of Enzymes, vol.36 - Class 2 Transferases IX: EC - (2007)
Springer Handbook of Enzymes, vol.38 - Class 2 Transferases XI: EC 2.7.6 - 2.7.7 (2007)
Subcellular Proteomics: From Cell Deconstruction to System Reconstruction (2007)
The Biology of Schwann Cells: Development, Differentiation and Immunomodulation (2007)
The Microbial Models of Molecular Biology: From Genes to Genomes (2003)
The Papillomaviruses (2007)
The Zebrafish Genetics, Genomics and Informatics (2004)
TNF Superfamily (2007)
Topics in Current Genetics vol.11 - Microbial Protein Toxins (2005)
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology VIII (2007)
Translational Control of Gene Expression (2000)
Virology: Principles and Applications (2007)
Water and the Cell (2006)
Web Mobile-Based Applications for Healthcare Management (2007)
Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function (2005)
Помогите найти книги. Данилин А., Слюсаренко А. Архитектура и стратегия. «Инь» и «Янь

Помогите найти книги.

1. Броадбент М., Китцис Э. CIO — новый лидер. Постановка задач и достижение целей. — М.: Компания «АйТи»; «ДМК-Пресс», 2006. — 288 с.
2. Марка Д., МакГоуэн К. Методология структурного анализа и проектирования. — М.: «МетаТехнология», 1993. — 240 с.
3. Данилин А., Слюсаренко А. Архитектура и стратегия. «Инь» и «Янь» информационных технологий предприятия. — М.: Интернет-Университет информационных технологий, 2005. — 504 с.
Ищу книги по имитационному моделированию

Ищу книги по имитационному моделированию

Ребята, помогите, пожалуйста, найти какие-либо книги по данной тематике?
Бусленко Н.П. Моделирование сложных систем
Ермаков С.М. Статическое моделирование
Карпов Ю.Г. Имитационное моделирование систем
Советов Б.Я. Моделирование систем
Шеннон Р. Имитационное моделирование систем -- искусство и наука
Шрайбер Т.Дж. Моделирование на GPSS
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Огромное вам спасибо!!!
Что-то я забыл про ихтик совсем, а вот за Боева и Бусленко отдельное спасибочки!!!
100 лет назад писал курсовик по GPSS.

Единственной книгой в то время был Шрайбер и тот в читальном зале :)
Да-с, с Боевым уже можно что-то придумать, сдал курсач вчера -- УРА!
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Введение в геоинформационное картирование
Дмитриев А.Н., д.г.-м.н., профессор;
Шитов А.В., к.г.-м.н., доцент ГАГУ.
Попов С.А., председатель Горно-Алтайского территоритального фонда геологической информации;
Осокин А.Е., к.ф.-м.н., доцент, директор ЦНИТ ГАГУ.

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Книга по нанотехнологии

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2008г. - 368с. - 210х265мм. - тв.обл. - ч/б и цв.илл.
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