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Продукты компании PTC (Pro/ENGINEER, WildFire, WinChill, IntraLINK)


Продукты компании PTC (Pro/Engineer, Wildfire, Windchill, IntraLINK)
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Попробовал обновить версию Pro/E с М030 до М070. Конфигуратор пишет, что все в порядке, однако в свойствах программы осталась М030. Сталкивался кто-нибудь с таким?
необходимо удалить старую версию и ставить новую.
с новым годом!
Добрый день всем! Может быть у кого нибудь имееться "Руководство пользователя Windchill PDMLink" или "ProjectLink" на русском языке??? или вообще какая нибудь инфа по Винчилу на руском??? заранее благодарю!

Мне бы тоже они пригодилсь :)

Добрый день! Есть ли у кого то ProductView, IsoDraw? ....очень нужно.....болшое спасибо!
У кого есть Pro/STDS 12.1 for Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0
Пакет настроек для Pro/ENGINEER (расширенная поддержка ЕСКД/ГОСТ в чертежной подсистеме, библиотеки ГОСТ, методические материалы)???
В процессе установки Windchill 10 вылетает сообщение что произошла ошибка. Но ServerManager, MethodServer запускаются и я могу войти на сервер. Все вроде бы работает, но я не могу создать пользователя (на этапе создания поля имени, пароля не появляются), также не создается организация в момент установки.

************ Starting to log at Wed Apr 06 19:29:55 EEST 2011************
Locale argument is not there in supported Locale set. Using English locale.

Welcome to Database Setup Utility for Windchill and Windchill Solutions.

You will be presented with a series of prompts.
If you have already installed a base data set as part of a previous
loading sequence you do not need to load it again.
Stop the ServerManager.
NOTE: If the SM is hung on the MethodServer, this may wait for 60 sec.
NOTE: If the SM is not running, you'll get a traceback ending in
java.net.ConnectionException: Connection refused
This can be ignored.
Begin stop sequence...
wt.util.WTRemoteException: Unable to stop server manager; nested exception is:
wt.util.WTRemoteException: Unable to ping server manager; nested exception is:
wt.util.WTRemoteException: Unable to locate server manager; nested exception is:
java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: windchill.tmt; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
== Assuming server stopped and continuing ==
Start the server manager ....
2011-04-06 19:30:04,546 INFO [main] wt.manager.ServerLauncher - Starting ServerManager
Make sure it's running ...
ServerManager is alive!!
Windchill service (MethodServer) starting (1) instance(s)

You must login as a user from the Administrator group.

ERROR: You must login as a user from the Administrator group.
If this is the initial login to the load program, indicate that you
want to execute wt.admin.Install at the next prompt. This will set
the administrator to the user you logged in as.

Create your Administrator user using your web server id.

Default group and administrator:
Administrators' group created: 'Administrators'
Default administrator created: 'Administrator'

Access policy created:
+ Administrators ALL

Updating wt.properties to allow access to the
System Configurator for the user 'wcadmin'

Updated wt.properties to allow access to the
System Configurator for the user 'wcadmin'

Stop the server manager/method server ...
Stop the ServerManager.
NOTE: If the SM is hung on the MethodServer, this may wait for 60 sec.
NOTE: If the SM is not running, you'll get a traceback ending in
java.net.ConnectionException: Connection refused
This can be ignored.
Begin stop sequence...
Start the server manager ....
2011-04-06 19:36:47,234 INFO [main] wt.manager.ServerLauncher - Starting ServerManager
Make sure it's running ...
ServerManager is alive!!
Windchill service (MethodServer) starting (1) instance(s)
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Containers with container.xml
Created container: Site
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Preferences with preference.foundation.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Part Management and Reference Designator Preference with preference.partManagement.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Attachment Preferences with preference.attachments.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Document Preferences with preference.documents.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Miscellaneous Admin Data and Access Rules with admin.xml
Create group <Attribute Administrators>
Done creating group <Attribute Administrators>

Create group <Type Administrators>
Done creating group <Type Administrators>

Create group <Replication Managers>
Done creating group <Replication Managers>

Create group <Business Report Author>
Done creating group <Business Report Author>

Create group <Business Report Monitor>
Done creating group <Business Report Monitor>

All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Data Formats with dataformats.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Office 2007 Data Formats with officexmlformats.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Initialization Rules with FoundationInitRules.xml
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Workflow Base Data with workflow.xml
Create group <WorkflowAdministrators>
Done creating group <WorkflowAdministrators>

All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for WorkflowAuthor group with workflowauthors.xml
Create group <WorkflowAuthors>
Done creating group <WorkflowAuthors>

All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Lifecycle Base Data with lifecycle_base_data.xml
Create group <LifeCycleAdministrators>
Done creating group <LifeCycleAdministrators>

All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Measurement System Definitions with MeasurementSystem.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Quantity of Measure Definitions with QuantityOfMeasure.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for LWC Base Definitions with type/core/BaseDefinitionLoader.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Workflow Report Templates with WorkflowReportTemplates.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Base Criterion Definitions with BaseCriterionDefs.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for CAD Authoring Application Versions with epmAuthoringAppVersion.xml
Creating Authoring App Version [PROE 25 J-03]
Creating Authoring App Version [PROE 26 J-03]
Creating Authoring App Version [PROE 27 J-03]
Creating Authoring App Version [PROE 28 J-03]
Creating Authoring App Version [PROE 29 J-03]
Creating Authoring App Version [PROE 28 L-01]
Authoring App Version [MSTATION 8 J-01]
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Windchill Workgroup Manager Preferences with uwgmcommon/preference.uwgm.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Windchill Workgroup Manager Client Preferences with uwgmcommon/preference.uwgm.client.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Arbortext Preferences with preference.arbortext.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for taskFormTemplate.xml with taskFormTemplate.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Workflow related preferences with preferences.workflow.work.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Shared Team Template with SharedTeamTemplate.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for wcEnterprise Preferences with preference.wcEnterprise.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for BOM Report Preferences with preference.reports.bom.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Assignments table related preferences with preferences.assignments.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Common Component Preferences with preference.CommonComponents.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Data Utilities Preferences with preference.datautilities.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Search Preferences with preference.Search.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Structure Component Preferences with preference.StructureComponent.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Part Structure Views with PartStructureViews.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for BOM Reports with reports/WBRBOMLoad.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Role Access Profiles with roleAccessProfiles.xml
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Collector Preferences with preference.collector.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Package Content Routing Workflow with WorkPackageAddContentProcess.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Package Approval Workflow with WorkPackageApprovalProcess.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Package Delivery Workflow with WorkPackageDeliveryProcess.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Package Content Routing LifeCycle with WorkPackageAddContent.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Package Approval LifeCycle with WorkPackageApproval.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Package Delivery LifeCycle with WorkPackageDelivery.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Package Initialization Rules with WorkPackageInitRules.xml
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Technical Data Package Content Routing LifeCycle with TechnicalDataPackageAddContent.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Technical Data Package Approval LifeCycle with TechnicalDataPackageApproval.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Technical Data Package Delivery LifeCycle with TechnicalDataPackageDelivery.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Delivery type layout information with type/DeliveryRecord.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Work Package type layout information with type/WorkPackage.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Technical Data Package type layout information with type/TechnicalDataPackage.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Work Package Master type layout information with type/WorkPackageMaster.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Technical Data Package Master type layout information with type/TechnicalDataPackageMaster.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Persisted Collection Tombstone type layout information with type/PersistedCollectionTombStone.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Managed Collection type layout information with type/ManagedCollection.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Managed Collection Init Rules with ManagedCollectionInitRules.xml
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Managed Collection Preferences with preference.ManagedCollection.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Package Preferences with preference.WorkPackage.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for WPSync Preferences with preference.WPSync.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Default Relationship Constraint with DefaultAssociationConstraint.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Client Customization with preference.customization.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Agreement Life Cycle with Agreement.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Agreement Initialization Rules with AgreementInitRules.xml
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Default Home Page tables with defaulthomepage.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Gateway Administrator object Access control with DPGroups.xml
Create group <Gateway Administrator>
Done creating group <Gateway Administrator>

Create group <Gateway Publisher>
Done creating group <Gateway Publisher>

Create group <Gateway Default Application>
Done creating group <Gateway Default Application>

All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Distributed Process Default Schedule Softtype Loader. with type/DefaultDPScheduleSoftType.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Distributed Process Default Process Attribute Layout. with type/DefaultProcessAttributesLayout.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check method server output for successful completion of all loads.
Execute wt.load.LoadFromFile for Distributed Process Default Job Attribute Layout. with type/DefaultJobAttributesLayout.xml
All objects were imported successfully.
Check me
Вопрос обладателям версии Creo 1.0 B000 (WF6 Beta) насчет поддержки ЕСКД в чертежной подсистеме. Есть ли существенные изменения?
WF6.0 Первые ориентиры сроков выхода:
Code Freeze 1: 1/5/2010
Code Freeze 2: 3/2/2010
Code Freeze 3: 4/27/2010
Code Freeze 4: 6/8/2010
Preproduction Release: 4/6/2011
Production Release: 9/27/2011

Основные новинки:
Flexible Modeling, Conceptual Engineering и Ribbon UI
Лучше написали бы какие новшества в них появятся

Добавлено через 1 минуту
Вопрос обладателям версии Creo 1.0 B000 (WF6 Beta) насчет поддержки ЕСКД в чертежной подсистеме. Есть ли существенные изменения?
Также напишите пожалуйста какие изменения появились в механической обработке

Добавлено через 4 минуты
Кто знает как добавить в Проенжинер vericut 7, желательно с подробным описанием. Спасибо.

Добавлено через 13 минут
а есть ли у кого нибудь подробная справка на русском по GPOST,
или хоть на английском.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Не нужен инет он работает в браузере инет там ни к чему эт просто оформление такое будет и все а полностью осваиваться будешь в браузере мож дашь к инету не подключаться!
Доброго времени суток очень давно ищю программу PTC ProductPoint если кто слышал где её можно достать или у кого есть выложте плиз
Скажите где найти инструкцию по Виндчилу? Конкретную как что с чего начинать?Нада я знаю сначала создать пользователя а потом организацию и как это сделать? И да мне оч нужен модуль архивации Виндчил я знаю что он в нём зарыт но именно где не знаю кто может подскажите заранее спасибо.
Вот и свершилось!
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Добавлено через 10 минут
Что то не нашел я какое место занимает в новом CREO ProTOOLMAKER. Его вообще нет? PTC решила поставить крест на этом направлении? Кто нибудь в курсе?
Последнее редактирование модератором: