Для программ ,использующих SWISS EPHEMERIS ,обновилась библиотека swedll32.dll
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Changes from version 2.05 to 2.05.01
Bug in new function swe_orbit_max_min_true_distance() has been fixed.
Changes from version 2.04 to 2.05
Starting with release 2.05, the special unit test system setest designed and developed by Rüdiger Plantiko is used by the developers. This improves the reliability of the code considerably and has led to the discovery of multiple bugs and inconsistencies.
Note: setest is not to be confused with swetest, the test command-line utility program.
Bug fixes and new features:
1) The Fixed stars file sefstars.txt was updated with new data from the Simbad Database. Some errors in the file were fixed.
2) Topocentric positons of planets: The value of speed was not very good. This problem was found by Igor "TomCat" Germanenko in March 2015. A more accurate calculation of speed from three positions has now been implemented.
In addition, topocentric positions had an error < 1 arcsec if the function swe_calc() was called without SEFLG_SPEED. This problem was found by Bernd Müller and has now been fixed.
3) Initial calls of the Swiss Ephemeris: Some problems were fixed which appeared when users did calculations without opening the Swiss, i.e. without calling the function swe_set_ephe_path().
Note: It is still strongly recommended to call this function in the beginning of an application in order to make sure that the results are always consistent.
4) New function swe_get_orbital_elements() calculates osculating Kepler elements and some other data for planets, Earth-Moon barycentre, Moon, and asteroids. The program swetest has a new option -orbel that displays these data.
New function swe_orbit_max_min_true_distance() provides maximum, minimum, and true distance of a planet, on the basis of its osculating ellipse.The program swetest, when called with the option -fq, displays a relative distance of a planet (0 is maximum distance, 1000 is minimum distance).
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