by Calvin Tang Email: Anonymous
RAD Studio 10.3.0 C++ Toolchain Hotfix
This patch addresses a number of issues in the C++ toolchain in C++Builder 10.3, including compiler issues and RTL/STL issues.
This hotfixes addresses a number of issues, including:
- Compiler version numbers and version macros were incorrect
- Batch compilation is now fully functional
- A number of issues with chrono::steady_clock
- An issue with ANSI-encoded files that contained characters with a byte value > 127
- Some RTL issues, including _seek (affecting zlib) and operator new() and delete() using std::align_val_t
- An issue between the memory size reserved for long double variables, which also affected debugger evaluation
- __declspec(dllimport) variables are allowed as a constant initializer
- An ICE error with some specific code patterns
- FireMonkey apps targeting Android used the wrong version of linkdfm*.dll
- Some compilation speed improvements for specific code patterns
- This does not include localized versions of the compiler. After you apply this hotfix, all compiler warning and error messages will be in English. Do not change the RAD Studio langage after applying this hotfix. If you do, please re-apply the hotfix.
- Available only to registered users of Delphi, C++Builder, RAD Studio 10.3, and Embarcadero All-Access XE
- English, French, German and Japanese
- MD5: ED466D75CE1D486E17EB76A8B398C5D3
- Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
NOTE: read the READ-ME.txt before install it!
here is direct link to it
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?