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FYI, the info in the keygen says:
Works only with BDS.EXE version 16.0.4504.48759 (Update 4 Hotfix 1)

You will need to use one of the dozens of keygens available to generate a serial and *.slip license file. Use this patcher to make RAD Studio XE2 (Update 4 Hotfix 1) accept them.
Anyone tested it?
tankyou show!!!!!!

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AndreasV , tankyou show!!!!!!!!
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Mida Conversion from VCL to Firemonkey Delphi XE2 Edition.

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Mida Basic Embarcadero XE2 Edition
This is a basic version of the converter, available in conjunction with licensed Embarcadero XE2 IDE.

You can upgrade to Mida PRO activating these features :

- Support of Hundreds of components of Third Party ( TMS,JVCL,DevExp... )
for example convert TMS TAdvPanel in FireMonkey TPanel

- Custom conversion for your Components
for example convert your class TMyBitBtn in FireMonkey TButton

- StyleBook
Great ! Realistic font style, font color, background color

- Advanced LiveBindings
Visual components connects to DataSource
In Mida Pro are supported more complex components as TDbLookUpComboBox

- Pascal Source Code
Upgrade your code for FireMonkey (where possible)

- Image Converter
The FireMonkey Image format is different from Vcl, Mida converts your TImage png, jpg... to FireMonkey format

- Online Tables of conversion
Always updated with new components every day

- Mida Application without XE2 IDE
Mida XE2 Basic is only a IDE PlugIn, Mida Pro is an Application

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Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Последнее редактирование модератором:
VCL To FMX Convertor - A Utility to Assist in taking VCL Form Code into Firemonkey

Delphi XE2 introduces Firemonkey - a cross platform framework for visual controls. Unlike the VCL, FireMonkey is independent of the windows messaging system and APIs and is designed to enable Delphi applications to be compiled to run natively on many platforms. As a new visual framework built from scratch FireMonkey has opened up new possibilities not the least of which is 3 D presentation. I am interested in exploring the possibilities but I also want to maintain as much of the IP that I have built up in Delphi applications to date.

Converting most library functions to co-exist with FireMonkey was relatively straight forward but when it came to Innova Solutions 's standard dialogs the job was potentially very tedious and fraught with danger. There are already plans in the community to semi automate this process but the richness of the VCL will means that it is a lot of work. The approach taken here is to have a customisable tool that does the form conversion so that the manual editing can be minimised and the information acquired as each component class is studied and ported can be fed back into the tool for future form. For programmers who tend to limit themselves to a preferred set of components the information learned on one conversion makes future form conversions less hassle.

FMX files are the Fire Monkey Equivalent of Delphi's VCL DFM form files in that they determine the layout and properties of the objects added to the form at design time. If you are starting a Fire Monkey Form from scratch you will probably never be interested in the contents of the FMX file but if you have a VCL form code which you wish to port to a Fire Monkey application it is nice to take as much of the code as possible across and ideally this includes the form layout. Because Fire Monkey visual objects and their properties are very similar in name to the equivalent VCL components a lot can be automatically ported.

This application attempts to take a VCL dfm and pas file and capture as much as possible to carry forward to Fire Monkey Pascal and FMX files. The application uses an ini file to map the translations and relies on Delphi itself throwing away properties that do not correctly translate. The application does no more than a search and replace when generating an FMX file from a text based DFM File and making changes to the Pascal files' uses clause to pick up the Fire Monkey components.

If you are interested in looking at this tool, using it or even extending it then the executable, source code and help file can be downloaded as a zip file below.

Also included for interest is the BPL and some early source code of two components that I am attempting to use to replace VCL components which do not yet appear in the FireMonkey suite. These are a TIsBitButton and a TISAdvStringGrid. At the moment I am stuck on how to port the Bitmap to the TIsBitButton. The TISAdvStringGrid enables the VCL dialogs that rely on the TMS Advanced string grid ported to FMX dialogs to compile and function in a limited way. Innova Solutions is hopeful that TMS will soon be releasing FireMonkey grid components but the exercise has been very useful in gaining and insight into FireMonkey components

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MonkeyGroomer is a simple application that aims to help convert your Delphi projects to FireMonkey projects. Currently only VGScene is supported. It also supports VGScene style files.

MonkeyGroomer supports over 100 VGScene classes and components
In this release, components not supported in the selected project will halt the conversion. (with a helpful message)
In the final release, you will have the option of removing unsupported components.
Currently the VCL conversion converts specific properties for any component. In a future release the engine will be more discriminatory.
Most VGScene components have been tested.

A wizard is planned, to make the conversion process simple and painless!
Most of the work was done on the form parser and conversion engine. Once support for VCL is complete this engine will be adapted to support other delphi platforms and components in the future, using Lua4Delphi!

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DDevExtensions 2.6 released


Version 2.6 (2012-07-28)
Added: Kill all Dexplore.exe when closing the IDE (default: active)
Added: Ctrl+F1 asks before invoking the context help if the debugger is active (default: active)
Added: UnitSelector/FileSelector saves the last used directory filter
Fixed: Replace “Open File At Cursor” opened the correct file but with a relative path that doesn’t match the current path
Fixed: UnitSelector/FileSelector didn’t load the column widths correctly
Fixed: UnitSelector/FileSelector prefered source files from reversed search path
Fixed: Option “Allow single line indention” was ignored
Improved: FileSelector performance
Removed: “Last compile time” version info (XE2). It doesn’t work anymore starting with XE2

After a year of no release of DDevExtensions, I finally found the time to fix some bugs and prepare a new release.

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Есть у кого ссылочка на портебельную версию XE2? Чтобы сохраняла все свои настройки после закрытия...
IDE Fix Pack 5.0 – released


Fixed: RC files couldn’t be opened by double clicking in the ProjectManager
Fixed: Random order of BuildConfiguration tags in the dproj file
Added: Much improved linker performance if generics are used
Added: Parser for Find Unit (for Symbol) can be canceled by pressing ESC
Added: Refactor actions are only available after the parser has finished
Added: Refactor actions don’t start the parser if the user pressed an unrelated shortcut
Added: ObjectTextToBinary performance optimization for Linker and the FormDesigner
Added: Compile Dialog accepts the cancel button when only up-to-date DCU files are loaded but no actual unit compilation is done
Added: Protect the editor from CnWizard’s access from Application.OnIdle (random AVs when closing tabs)
Added: comp32x.dll keeps file handles open that shouldn’t belong to the debugger instance (debugging the IDE that debugs a program => program’s EXE is locked when compiling it the second time) (XE2)
Added: Fix for compiler bug where a memory allocator returned an invalid address due to an overflow
Added: Enabled “Ignore errors when kibitzing” patch for XE+, 2009/2010 already had it enabled (XE/XE2)
Added: Fix for QC#82199: Saving from the DFM as text editor truncates the PAS file by the number of Unicode chars (2009/2010)
Added: Fix for IDE removing form-unit from project when switching from DFM Text editor to FormDesigner with errors in the DFM
Removed: DisablePackageCache patch (too many component vendors now depend on not loading all packages)

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