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Релиз RAD Studio XE2

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
I have uploaded a new build of the JCL and JVCL Binary Installers for XE2. The installers are based on JCL svn revision 3634 and JVCL svn revision 13184. They are binary installers which means that they do not need the dcc32.exe/dcc64.exe to install like the source code installers that are usually used for the JCL and JVCL. The binary installers can be used to install the JCL and JVCL if you have the RAD Studio XE2 Starter Edition or you want to evaluate XE2 with the Evaluation version.

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links? (requires JCL Binary Installer)

То ли у меня какие-то косяки, не пойму. После установки Update3 перестали компилиться проекты с включенным EurekaLog (6.1.03 Enterprise). Никто больше не сталкивался с такой проблемой?
Is possible compile dor .NET and C++ with this last version?
Does C++ can build also 64 bit?
Last: some add packages can be very helpful. Not only the partner disk. Some add-on isn't downlodable from the website, and other are too difficult to found.