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The Bat! (все версии)

у меня вопрос: а релиз вообще работал? или это - кунтскамера багов?
Они бы уже засели на недельку и сварганили одну бету без ошибок.
А то от ежедневных баглистов уже в глазах рябит.
само собой не качал и не буду качать это безобразие, пока не заявят,
что с багами управились
OnThink, обсуждения программы у нас идут в соответствующем разделе....
Так что пока предупреждаю потом удаляю посты...
The Bat! Pranayama
[-] The Junk mail icon looks very importunate;
[-] Selecting "Thin view" in "Options | Preferences | Messages | Mail Ticker" not working;
[-] Clipboard saving encoding problem;
[-] Saving account info even if its creation has been cancelled;
[-] Click on MailTicket on the left of total messages counter has no any effect;
[-] Huge memory/virtual memory usage;
[-] Incompatibilities with HTML mail produced by MS Outlook;
[-] Invalid charset conversion when new mail created and focus moved to message edit filed;
[-] Sometimes "find text" doesn´t highlight the correct word;
[-] Some functions are disabled in HTML/Windows editor;
[-] Неправильно рендерится HTML (blockquote, CSS);
[-] Problem with highlighting link in round brackets;
[-] Unexpected word-selection mode instead of single-character selection in RTV;
[-] Fatal error viewing an empty HTML message;
[-] Block and Formatting Commands don´t work in Windows and HTML Editor;
[-] Garbage in the account tree columns when changing the interface language;
[-] Antispam support: spam score;
[-] $JUNK$ folder-specific setting for the deletion;
[-] HTML editor: menu items "Auto-Format", "Auto-wrap" and "Justify on wrap" not disabled in context menu;
[-] In AB, the column name of address list does not change while switching language;
[-] Extra line breaks in reply to HTML;
[-] HTML editor: options and icons "Cut", "Copy", "Delete" and "Copy to..." are permanently disabled;
[-] HTML: Wrong displaying of KOI8-R non-breaking space;
[-] Reversed logic in parameter checking;
[-] Tag "ul" not correctly rendered;
[-] Memory leak in HTML rendering;
[-] Nested "blockquote" tag in HTML is not interpretted;
[-] Wrong redraw;
[-] After upgrading to V3 from V2, the user might not get the full 30-day evaluational period;
[+] Changed HTML memory use;
[-] NFS: some regexp fixes for selective downloading;
[-] NFS: watching folder and auto-creation;
[+] NFS: last selected filter remembered;
[-] IMAP: improvements with VFs;
[-] IMAP: memory leaks;
[*] IMAP: alternative automatic filtration.
• Скачать - _http://www.ritlabs.com/download/the_bat/beta/tbb30017.rar

Старый патч+кейген работает.
Отличия версий 3.0 Home и Professional - _https://www.ritlabs.com/ru/products/thebat/diff.php
Version 0.6.9 (not for "clean" installation - just .tbp to replace one from the previous (0.6.5, for example))
- some internal multithread collisions fixed;
- minor bug caused creation of transdata.dat in the root of system disk.
Возможность подключить в TheBat! версий 2.x/3.x проверку на вирусы как с установленными KAV версий 4 или 5:
1) Со страницы _http://www.thebatworld.de/modules/download/index.php?op=viewlinkdetails&lid=44&ttitle=Kaspersky_Pro_AV_Plugin_4.0.1.19_%28KAV_4.x%2F5.x%29_%5BTheBat%21_2.x%5D скачиваем файл kav40119.zip
2) Копируем содержимое архива kav40119.zip в папку с установленным Kaspersky Anti-Virus;
3) Запускаем файл register.bat;
4) Идём в папку Mail и ищем файл AVConfig.INI;
5) В файле AVConfig.INI находим раздел [Checkers], в который вписываем данные:
Checker #1=TAVP_Checker.

6) Запускаем TheBat! и видим в настройках, что плагин подключён и имеет версию
7) Настраиваем и пользуемся.

© NoBat.ru

При этом плагин BAV оказывается абсолютно не нужным!
The Bat!



лекарство подходит старое.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
•DimiON• сказал(а):
Возможность подключить в TheBat! версий 2.x/3.x проверку на вирусы как с установленными KAV версий 4 или 5:

При этом плагин BAV оказывается абсолютно не нужным!

а оффициальный дает ошибку...
The Bat! v3.0.1 RC1 Pranayama
[-] MailTicker updating problems during session;
[-] Some Macros can´t be insert from context menu in filter-template;
[-] It is not possible to select Contacts with Ctrl and then with Shift;
[-] Maintenance Centre: $KNOWN$, $JUNK$ and other folders´ name incorrectly displayed;
[-] Systray icon is not updated, when is IMAP account with unread messages deleted;
[-] Message with empty To field can´t be printed;
[-] Cosmetics bug in Maintenenance Centre;
[-] There aren´t edit mode indicators in smartbat;
[-] HTML special character & isn´t converted to & in plain text view;
[-] Msg Finder <--> VF not in harmony, possibility to create invalid VF filter..;
[-] Message Finder does not search in Virtual Folders;
[-] Could not search in VF;
[-] NFS filter performance is very slow;
[-] quoted printable header/8bit body doesn´t work for new accounts;
[-] Find text in RTV broken;
[-] Message in UTF8 is not correctly displayed;
[-] Parent folders are not highlighted when in a child VF there are unread messages;
[-] Use F4 to reply with quoting select text lead to partial text quoted;
[-] Selected background color for header pane not present;
[-] Cosmetic bug on the delete message button of the Toolbar;
[-] Dialog "Search string ... not found" is not used in HTML editor;
[-] HTML message is shown as blank;
[-] Screen shortcuts not working;
[+] Search in found messages is now possible (not on IMAP yet);
[-] S/MIME message description was displayed using incorrect character set if The Bat! interface language was different from the Windows locale settings;
[-] NFS : IMAP optimizations;
[-] IMAP: minor fixes;
[+] UI: log panel change.
• Скачать - _http://www.ritlabs.com/download/the_bat/beta/tbb301rc1.rar

Старое лекарство работает!

BayesIt 0.7.0 RC1
[*] more correctly handling of versioninfo to show filter's current version.
[-] when receiving/marking as of some letters, only one of them was actually added to database, which causes unexpected disbalance of the base and wrong grades given to letters.
[-] the identifier of the last letter in the base was duplicated on evey background recalculation.
NOTE: since the bug fixed, it is recommended to re-mark as junk/not junk all letters received last 2-3 weeks.
• Скачать - _http://www.ritlabs.com/download/bayesit/bayesit070rc1.rar
Токмо ни икса не прикручивается новый Баейр... :(
dandy2000 сказал(а):
Токмо ни икса не прикручивается новый Баейр... :(
Токмо что поставил нового БАТа и вполне успешно прикрутил нового Баейра. :frendz:
bas1962 сказал(а):
Токмо что поставил нового БАТа и вполне успешно прикрутил нового Баейра. :frendz:

Так и надо указывать

Байер ставить заново (старые базы не пляшут :(
The Bat! v3.0.1 RC2 Pranayama
[-] Toolbar buttons "Copy" and "Copy to..." are allways disabled in Viewer window;
[-] No History for "Find text" dialog in Windows and HTML editor;
[-] Menu problem in editor window;
[-] The chosen VF does not show new messages in the list after receive of mail;
[-] Message list pane is empty for VF on The Bat! start;
[-] Message produces "Invalid HTML error" No.2;
[-] Counter in VF increases when deleting attachments;
[-] Message in UTF8 is not correctly displayed;
[-] The Log panel cannot be toggled on and off;
[-] Shouldn´t be possible to import message to a VF;
[-] HTML message is shown as blank;
[-] IMAP: minor fixes;
[-] NFS: minor fixes;
[-] Fixed the "view incomplete chain" bug. When a user encrypts a message using S/MIME internal implementation, the list of recipient certificates is displayed. When the user clicks to view own certificate and the issuer´s certificate resides in the user´s account, not in the address book, the incomplete chain is shown w-hen the user clicks "View" button;
*] Reworked internal S/MIME module;
*] New Splash;
*] New About;
[+] Wizards.
• Скачать - _http://www.ritlabs.com/download/the_bat/beta/tbb301rc2.rar

Старое лекарство работает!

Народ, если кто бережет трафик, то можете не качать, т.к. скоро будет 3.0.1 RC3 или 3.0.1 Final;)
Последнее редактирование модератором:
The Bat! v3.0.1 RC3 Pranayama
[-] RC2: Show stopper AVs, at least for me;
[-] Outbox icon in accounts tree is too much overloaded;
[-] IMAP message priority not showing for IMAP mail;
[-] Filtering with IMAP works bad;
[-] Quoted printable header/8bit body doesn´t work for new accounts;
[-] Finder: when is "Anywhere" scope selected, other options in Scope section are not disabled;
[-] Annoying language selection;
*] Behaviour of the Anywhere check box in the Message Finder is more "natural" now;
*] When 8bit characters in body are used without change, Quoted-Printable encoding is used by default in the message header.
• Скачать - _http://www.ritlabs.com/download/the_bat/beta/tbb301rc3.rar

Старое лекарство работает!

BayesIt v0.7.0 RC2 (full instalable)
[-] due to a bug in btree* realization the message index (.idx) sometimes (1 message from 15000) may be stripped and the message base (.lst) may be corrupted.
[-] hungs on unsuccessfull attempt of delete of temporary files.
NOTE: due to fix possibly errors caused by the first bug in the list, this distribution also includes repairing utility "lstrepair". Just exit The Bat!, place the utility into bayesit\base folder and run it!
• Скачать - _http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/bayesit/bayesit070rc2.rar
Последнее редактирование модератором:
The Bat! Professional v3.0.1 RC3 FULL

• Скачать - _http://down.crsky.com/crsky/TheBat!-v3.01.rar

Thanx Rollers from xxxx.ws
Последнее редактирование модератором: