[-] In S/MIME internal implementation, in the certificates list, the button to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) was active even if a certificate didn't contain a private key.
[-] 0006804: Text corruption switching from Windows text composer to HTML editor
[+] User dictionaries supported in CSAPI
[-] When a splash screen was on, and The Bat! prompted for a file association or other question to the user, that window was below the splash screen and was invisible. The Bat! could not start as a result of that.
[-] Default Viewer profile could be overwritted with a deleted VP data
[*] "Mark all messages as read" command is now enabled with more sensitivity (should be checked)
[+] Automatic opening message attachments sent by Some (inadequate) email clients without any signs like content-type: message/rfc822 or file name extensions (.EML or .MSG)
[-] Administrator accounts were shown when logging in with a group name
[-] Addresses with names in quotation marks were added incorrectly to the Address History
[-] (#0006537) "Message|Save as" was not working for messages .EML/.MSG/Mail Dispatcher files
[*] (#0006742) Automatic spell checker is working smoother
[-] In S/MIME internal implementation, generated self-signed certificates and PKCS#10 requests didn't fully comply to RFC 3280