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Видеокурсы и видеоуроки по Delphi

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Видеокурсы Delphi 7 от издательства Мedia 2000

Видеокурсы Delphi 7 от издательства Мedia 2000


Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
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Обучающие видео-уроки по Delphi (2007)(english)

Обучающие видео-уроки по Delphi (2007)


I've created CodeGearGuru.com as way of giving back to the community some of the knowldge I've gained in working with Borland/CodeGear products. I'm doing this primarily in the form of video because I have found this is one of the best ways of learning to program - short of having your own personal guru.

Автор уроков: Alister Christie
Язык: английский
Сайт: codegearguru.com
- флэш (swf): разное
- flv: 320х240
- размер: 306 мб

Список видео-уроков:
Movie #1 - Icons
In this guide you will learn how to create icons in gimp and put them into your applications.

Movie #2 - Writing Actions
In this training movie you will learn about actions / component writing and interafaces. This movies is about 30 minutes long and aimed towards experienced Delphi developers.

Movie #3 - IDE Tricks
In this movie you will learn some IDE tricks - inparticular using the Clipboard and editing the form source.

Movie #4 - Delayed Form Creation
Hear you will learn a technique for delayed form creation. This can be useful to create your forms on an as need basis rather than when your application starts up, thus decreasing start time.

Movie #5 - My First PHP Application
Just got hold of Delphi For PHP 1.0 and this is my first application written in it.

Movie #6 - Hiding the form Caption
Here we have a look at one technique for hiding the caption for a form. I've fixed the sound quality for this one and have some branding - one day I may even look professional.

Movie #7 - A Data-Aware Application
Here we will write a small "customer tracking" application. This movie is aimed at beginners introducing the TClientDataSet component. It will hopefully be the first in a series.

Movie #8 - Customer 2.0
In this movie we continue with our customer application. Here we actually write some code to add three features:
- Read in a CSV File
- Sorting
- Searching

Movie #9 - Virtualization
Here we use VMWare to install FreeDOS onto a virtual machine and install and run Turbo Pascal 5.5 (for those of us who can remember back that far).

Movie #10 - SQL Part One
In this guide you'll get an introduction to basic SELECT queries.

Movie #11 - SQL Part Two
In this movie we continue to look at features of SQL, in particular numeric functions and the group by clause.

Movie #12 - TListbox
This movie focuses on TListbox but does use TAction and TButton a little. This is mostly an introductory level movie for newbies and runs for about 22 minutes.

Movie #13 - Align and Margins
This movie covers two vcl properites in Delphi: Align and Margins. Using these you can control how your forms behave when resized.

Movie #14 - Anchors and Constraints
This movie is about 8 minutes long and covers the Anchors and Constraints properties of VCL controls in Delphi. These properties are used to control how things behave on your forms when you resize them. This follows nicely on from Alignment and Margins

Movie #15 - OnResize Event
Sometimes the Anchors and Align properties just don't cut the mustard for aranging controls on panels and forms in response to resizing. This is not a problem as there is the OnResize event. You can use this event for many reasons, but in this movie we want to adjust the size of controls.

Movie #16 - Autosize
In this movie you'll see an example of using the Autosize property on a form. We'll use it to automatically adjust the size of a form in response to changes in it's controls.

Movie #17 - Owner vs. Parent
Delphi controls have both an owner and a parent, what's the difference? Find out in Owner vs. Parent.

Movie #18 - Sender, As and Is
In this Delphi training movie we'll be looking at events, in particular what to do with the sender parameter and the basics of using the "as" and "is" operators.

Movie #19 - Hate With a Passion
Love it (there is bound to be someone) or hate it, the with statement is here to stay - and many would prefer it to stay away. I'm somewhat ambivalent and use it if it suits me on the day. In this movie we'll see an example of using the with statement, and an example of somewhat unexpected consequences.

Movie #20 - ScaleBy
In this Delphi programming tutorial we look at using the ScaleBy function to increase and decrease the size of controls and their children. We also examine a method for doing resolution independent forms.

Movie #21 - SQL Part Three: Update and Delete
In this guide on SQL we look at the Update and Delete statements. This movie is just shy of 6 minutes and it will help if you watch the other two movies on SQL first

Movie #22 - SQL Part Four: Insert
This is the fourth part in our series on SQL. In this guide we cover the SQL Insert statement.

Movie #23 - Images on the Clipboard
In this movie we look at pasting images from the clipboard that were generated in Word and The GiMP. We also take our first look at making macros in the Delphi IDE. My voice still hasn't fully recovered from having the flu, but I hope the content of this video makes my voice worth listening to.

Movie #24 - DBGrid OnDrawColumnCell
In this Delphi tutorial we are going to look at how to take advantage of the OnDrawColumnCell event on the TDBGrid component. In particular we are going to examine how to make every second row a different colour (Sky Blue) and how we can change the appearance of the text depending on the data.

Movie #25 - Enter as Tab
I've seen this question numerous times in the Delphi Newsgroups: How to I make the enter key work like the tab key? Well it's actually fairly simple and in this movie I show you three ways of doing it (and there are probably many more).

Movie #26 - Form Creation
In this Delphi training movie we take a look at how to create forms, yes I know Delphi can do this for you automatically - but sometimes you will want to do it for yourself. Creating forms as they are needed can make your application start faster and take up less resources. We look at a number of ways of creating forms.

Movie #27 - DLLs
This Delphi Training Movie looks at DLL programming, at least the basics. In it we write a DLL and then use it. The example is a bit contrived, but should give you a solid starting point.

Movie #28 - Flash within Delphi
In this Delphi programming tutorial we are going to cover how to put Adobe Flash animations into your Delphi applications. We do this by creating a new package and then installing the ShockwaveFlash ActiveX control.

Movie #29 - Class Helpers
In this movie we take a look at what Class Helpers are. There is still a bit of debate as to whether class helpers are good or evil - I think this is because people are using them beyond what they were intended for - which is exactly what we do in this video.

Movie #30 - Exceptions in Constructors and Destructors
In this movie we take a look at what happens when constructors and destructors raise exceptions, in particular how to arrange you try..finally blocks to best effect.

Movie #31 - Making Your Applications Talk
In this video we take a look at the Microsoft Speech API, in particular the text to speech facilities. And we create a small application that can speak some text in a memo control.

Movie #32 - Dockable Forms
This movie provides an introduction to using Dockable Forms with Delphi. It's a short one at only 5 minutes. In it we create some multi-coloured forms and dock them into a TPageControl and a TPanel.

Movie #33 - Dockable Forms 2
In this Delphi training guide we look further into Form Docking. In particular we look at the ManualFloat and ManualDock methods to dock and undock forms in code (rather than Drag & Dock).

Movie #34 - Parameters
Sometimes the easiest of topics make for the hardest of movies. In this movie we take a look at the various ways of passing parameters, I've probably not explained things as clearly as I could but I hope it is informative all the same.

Movie #35 - Bubblesort
This is my first "live action" video. In this short video we take a look at the bubblesort sorting algorithm. It's one of the worst performing sorting algorithms, but it is also the easiest to explain. We also look at bubblesorts cousin shakersort.

Movie #36 - Insertion Sort
This is my second video on sorting algorithms and this time we are going to look at insertion sort. Insertion sort is certainly a step up in performance from bubble sort, but it's still pretty poor. I demonstrate this one using cards again.

Источник: Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
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Скачала! Очень полезная вещь (по крайней мере для меня). Спасибо большое MLT!
Wilson, спасибо! Жалко на английком... оставлю на попозже, сначала русские пересмотрю уроки