What's new Version 3.60 beta 1
1. Multithreaded version of RAR compression algorithm improves the compression speed on computers with several CPU, dual core CPU and processors with hyperthreading technology.
2. WinRAR can display the folder tree panel allowing to navigate in disk and archive folders.
3. Now WinRAR "Rename" command also works with ZIP archives.
4. Added decompression of LZH archives created with "-lh7-" algorithm.
5. New "Remove duplicate folders from extraction path" option in "Settings/Compression" dialog. WinRAR will exclude one 'somename' from resulting 'somename/somename' path.
6. New "Define volume sizes..." button in "Settings/Compression". Here you can customize the list of predefined volume sizes
7. Speed of RAR general compression increased for some data types. Depending on data type and size the gain may achieve 5 - 15%.
8. New "Rename automatically" option in the extraction dialog and command line -or switch to rename extracted files automatically if file with the same name already exists. Renamed files will get names like 'filename(N).txt'
9. "Set modification time" option in "Advanced" part of extraction dialog is accessible also for ZIP archives.
10. "Multithreading" option added to "Benchmark and hardware test" command, so you can compare performance of usual and multithreaded versions of RAR compression algorithm.
11. New 'ch' (change archive parameters) command line mode command.
12. New 'cv' command line mode command. It provides the command line interface to WinRAR "Convert archives" command.
13. New command line -sl<size> and -sm<size> switches to set size limits of processing files.
14. New command line -fcu[file] switch allows to read archive comments from Unicode files.
15. 7Z added to list of formats stored without compression when using -ms switch without a parameter.
16. Switch -e[+]<attr> is now supported by most of command line operations including extracting and deleting files.
17. It is allowed to use environment variables in archive name in archiving dialog, in destination path in extraction dialog,in folder names on "Compression" and "Paths" pages in WinRAR settings. For example, you can enter '%temp%' in "Folder for temporary files" field.