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Becky! Internet Mail



Becky! Internet Mail v2.25.01




На мой взгляд лучшая почтовая программа.
Если коротко - это почтовая программа японского производства с адаптацией под российские "дороги" в виде полной поддержки русских кодировок (не считая,естественно, многих других), с умением не только показывать, но и создавать HTML-письма, с возможностью приема почты по POP3 и IMAP4 протоколам, с шаблонами и макросами для автоматизации работы с почтой, с возможностью создания нескольких профилей для одного почтового ящика, со способностью напоминать о событиях и автоматически отправлять в назначенный срок поздравления юбилярам, с поддержкой плагинов и многими другими "вкусностями".
Несколько характеристик:
1.Быстрота и малая ресурсоемкость
2.Интуитивный интерфейс и простота настроек
3.Случайная фраза в подписи
4.Использование фильтров, шаблонов,плагинов
5.Туева Хуча хоткеев на все случаи жизни
6.Работа по протоколу IMAP
7.Прочтение, удаление, писем, не скачивая их на лок. комп
8.И многое другое...


http://www.rimarts.jp/downloads/B2/bk22501.exe 2.2 мб.



Русифкатор для Becky! v2.25.00




referer: Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?


с офф.сайта:

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Последнее редактирование модератором:
не подскажет кто-нибудь - может ли Becky! сам или с помощью плагина автоматически сохранять в указанный каталог на винте прикрепленные к письму файлы?
Becky! Internet Mail 2.29.00
Ver.2.28.01 -> Ver.2.29 (2006/12/06)
- When address list is sorted in the address book, the tool tip will pop
up on disabled Up/Down button, so users will know why they are disabled.
- Becky! now works with ipv6 server. (Haven't tested, but it should)
- The folder option "Move replied messages to this folder instead of Sent
box." will also work with the messages sent by Reminder.
- In LDAP search, LDAP attributes for "Name" and "Mail Address" as well
as "Note" will be configurable in the Address Book property dialog.
- When color labelled message is selected, the background color will be
always used as the text color instead of the default text color.

- BUGFIX: Some regular expressions had wrong match.
e.g. "a.bc" matched "a.bbc" (wrong)
"a[^a]+ef" didn't match "abcedef" (wrong)
- BUGFIX: In Reminder folder, sorting on "Scheduled Date" did not work.
- BUGFIX: On Direct Edit mode, "Save As" command did not save changes.
- BUGFIX: When a folder was dropped on the folder, which has sub folders
and was not expanded since the program was started, the filtering rule
for the dropped folder was not carried to the new location.
- BUGFIX: Small icons for attachment files were not displayed in a proper
small icons, but "shrunken" large icons.
- BUGFIX: An error message box on label editing on the tree view caused
deadlock sometimes. To avoid that, the error message will be displayed
on the status bar instead.
- BUGFIX: A message was not printed properly with "Meiryo" Japanese font
in Windows Vista.
Русификатор для версии 2.29.00:
- без изменений
Becky! Internet Mail 2.30.00
- Fully compatible with Windows Vista.
- Help file is converted to chm format. If you are running Becky! on Windows95 and can not open chm file, simply delete B2.chm from the installed folder. Older hlp file is also included in the Becky!'s installation package for the compatibility, though the hlp file will no more be updated hereafter.
- When "File">"Mailbox">"Reveal Mailbox" is processed on hidden mailboxes, original xxxxxxxx.mb folder name will be preserved.
- Text wrapping will be more precise even if proportional font is used.
- "Go to Download Site" button is added to "About" dialog.
- Font size setting in "Print Setup" dialog will be handled differently from the older version. You may need some adjustment for this setting by looking at the print preview.
- BUGFIX: When you process "Synchronize with portable media", if target folder does not have messages to be taken out, 0 byte file was created on the portable media.
- BUGFIX: When attachment file name has certain length, the file extension part was incorrectly displayed.
- BUGFIX: There were some glitches in "Regular Expression" in Ver.2.29.
- BUGFIX: When filtering on IMAP Inbox is processed, "Mark Read" action was ignored.
- BUGFIX: When IMAP Inbox was sorted by certain criteria (like Subject), "Sort Selected Messages" did not work properly.
- BUGFIX: When a text that includes long lines was printed, duplication of text occurred between pages.
Русификатор для версии 2.30.00:
Becky! Internet Mail 2.30.01

Ver.2.30 -> Ver.2.30.01 (2007/01/16)
- BUGFIX: Becky! freezed sometimes when proportional font is used in the
message view.
- BUGFIX: The message view did not scroll with the scroll wheel with some
newer mouse driver.
- BUGFIX: When computer is restarted right after editing Quick Memo, the
last changes were not saved.

Русификатор для версии 2.30.01:
Becky! Internet Mail 2.30.02
Ver.2.30.01 -> Ver.2.30.02 (2007/01/31)
- BUGFIX: Default font could not be changed in Window Vista.
- BUGFIX: When printing e-mail, blank pages were infinitely printed
- BUGFIX: When typing at the very end of the message in Compose window,
some garbage text appeared at the caret sometimes.
- When an attachment files are included in "multipart/related" content
type, it will be treated as attachment if they have
"Content-Disposition:attachment" header.

Русификатор для версии 2.30.02:
Becky! Internet Mail 2.30.03

Ver.2.30.02 -> Ver.2.30.03 (2007/2/20)
- [Vista] The sorting arrow in the column headers will be displayed in
Vista style.
- [Vista] BUGFIX: Once HTML editer was used, Windows displayed a compatibility
problem dialog when Becky! was exiting although there was no problem.
- [Vista] BUGFIX: When window color is specified other than Windows
default, the tree view was displayed inproperly.
- Quite a bit of typos and glitches were fixed in Help files and dialogs.
(Very thanks to YuriK & Jacques Belin.)
- When index files are updated, the limit of To lines were expanded to
256 bytes from 80 bytes.
- BUGFIX: When ipv6 address was directly specified for a server name,
some information was not stored properly.
- BUGFIX: In some enviroment, CPU usage rose up to 100% for no particular
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Becky! Internet Mail v.2.30.03 ; 2,28MB:
Пароль на архив / Rar password: _http://dumpz.ru ("_" не вводить)
_Alexander_ зачем файлообменник если есть прямые ссылки?
Русик для версии 2.30.03 от Typucm
Русская справка

или мой вариант:
Русификатор для версии 2.30.03:
Becky! Internet Mail v.2.30.04 ; 2,28MB:
Пароль на архив / Rar password: _http://dumpz.ru ("_" не вводить)
Русик для версии 2.30.04 от Typucm

Свежая русская справка:
Русификатор для версии 2.30.04:
Becky! Internet Mail 2.31.00
Ver.2.30.04 -> Ver.2.31.00 (2007/03/27)
- When /F command line option is used to specify a data folder, the temporary
folder will be created in the specified data folder instead of the system
default temporary path.
- OnBeforeFilter callback is replaced with OnBeforeFilter2 that passes
the ID of the mailbox that the message belongs. (OnBeforeFilter still
works but became obsolete.)
- In the Filtering Manager, color RGB(0,0,0) can be selected for the
Color Label action.
- Some logic that might have been a bottle neck when loading a folder index
was changed.

- BUGFIX: Some regular expression did not match.
- BUGFIX: When string was too long in a Query folder, some optional
values were reset.t.

Русификатор для версии 2.31.00: