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Becky! Internet Mail



Becky! Internet Mail v2.25.01




На мой взгляд лучшая почтовая программа.
Если коротко - это почтовая программа японского производства с адаптацией под российские "дороги" в виде полной поддержки русских кодировок (не считая,естественно, многих других), с умением не только показывать, но и создавать HTML-письма, с возможностью приема почты по POP3 и IMAP4 протоколам, с шаблонами и макросами для автоматизации работы с почтой, с возможностью создания нескольких профилей для одного почтового ящика, со способностью напоминать о событиях и автоматически отправлять в назначенный срок поздравления юбилярам, с поддержкой плагинов и многими другими "вкусностями".
Несколько характеристик:
1.Быстрота и малая ресурсоемкость
2.Интуитивный интерфейс и простота настроек
3.Случайная фраза в подписи
4.Использование фильтров, шаблонов,плагинов
5.Туева Хуча хоткеев на все случаи жизни
6.Работа по протоколу IMAP
7.Прочтение, удаление, писем, не скачивая их на лок. комп
8.И многое другое...


http://www.rimarts.jp/downloads/B2/bk22501.exe 2.2 мб.



Русифкатор для Becky! v2.25.00




referer: Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?


с офф.сайта:

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Последнее редактирование модератором:
А это, собственно говоря, сама версия 2.42.00 :)))

Becky! Internet Mail 2.42.00


- Hitting Ctrl+Break can abort the connection without showing a dialog
- File dialogs such as "Save As" are resizable now.

- BUGFIX: Some complicated regular expressions did not match.
- BUGFIX: When creating a new address group within the "Add to Address
Book" dialog, a folder whose name contains illegal characters was able
to be created but did not work.
- BUGFIX: Some MIME encoding like ISO-8859-1 was not correctly done in
some environment.
Русификатор для версии 2.42.00 от Typucm
Русская справка (03.09.07)
Русификатор от Uoker для версии 2.43.00:

Русик от Typucm для версии 2.43.00
Русская справка (03.09.07).
Becky! Internet Mail 2.43.00


- BUGFIX: When a new folder is created under Sent folder, it
automatically becomes for "Sent" items, but this information was not
- BUGFIX: When Windows time zone was changed while Becky! is running, the
date of the composing mail became incorrect until Becky! was restarted.
- BUGFIX: Abnormally terminated instead of showing an error message, when
huge attachment file, like several hundred MB, was opened.
- BUGFIX: When a message with only HTML part is forwarded with an additinal
text comment, this text part did not show up in recipients' Outlook
mail client.

- New Plug-in API GetSize() was added.
- The way of generating Message-Id was slightly changed. Now it doesn't
include the whole From address.
- The color of the unread count in the tree view is configurable in
"General Setup" > "Message View".
Русификатор для версии 2.44.00:
В очередной раз, сама версия 2.44.00 :)

Becky! Internet Mail 2.44.00


- BUGFIX: The program freezed sometimes during the Search command in the
Filtering Manager.
- BUGFIX: When a HTML message with "multipart/related" type was forwarded
with additional text comment, some e-mail client like Outlook did not
display the text part.
- BUGFIX: A Word that contains European characters was not selected
correctly by double clicking in UTF-8 message.

- The way of generating Message-Id was revised to contain a fixed string
generated by a e-mail address instead of random string for each
- When opening an attachment file that has a long file name more than 128
bytes, it will be truncated at 128 bytes but a file extension will be
added so that the file association will not be broken.
Becky! Internet Mail 2.45.00

- Double clicking (text/html) attachment icon will display a HTML message in IE component temporarily instead of opening a separate Web browser.
- Syntax check for replying address will be added.
- A specific client certificate can be selected in "Mailbox Setup" > "Misc." > button right next to "User Client Certificate"
- "Importance:" header will be treated as a mail priority header as well as other priority headers.
- BUGFIX: Dragging empty area of the list view did not allow a user to highlight multiple messages in Vista.
- BUGFIX: Protocol Logs occasionally caused abnormal program termination.
- BUGFIX: A return code is inserted at an European character while writing an UTF-8 message.
- BUGFIX: A message with an attachment file that has a long file name containing 8bit characters was not properly signed with S/MIME plug-in.

На руборде русик на 2.45 лежит, если кто сильно ищет...
Русификатор для версии 2.45.00:
Русификатор для версии 2.45.01:
Becky! Internet Mail 2.45.01

- BUGFIX: When Windows XP's magnifier is running, Becky! did not
terminate properly.
- BUGFIX: Becky! sometimes freezed when Protocol Log is active.
- If you don't like the new feature in Ver.2.45, which opens html mail in
the IE component instead of Web Browser, Do the followings.
1) Open Notepad and paste the following text that begins with
"Windows Registry Editor..."
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

2) Save this file as "filename.reg" and double click it.
Now Becky! will act like Ver.2.44 or older on double clicking
(text/html). This change will be permanent and will persist until you
uninstall Becky!.


Русик для версии 2.45.01 от Typucm
Русская справка (08.01.2008) от Typucm
Becky! Internet Mail 2.45.02

- "Send Now" is now processed on the same queue as the regular "Send and
Receive". That made possible to choose "Send Now" command while
"Collection and Delivery" session is in process.
- "General Setup" > "Message View" > "(text/html) as attachment" option,
which disables the feature that double clicking "(text/html)" opens IE
component, is added

- BUGFIX: When replying a HTML message that has a backgound image, the
background image could not replaced in HTML editor of Becky!.
- BUGFIX: "UNICODE" font option for "Default" charset was not saved in
"General Setup" > "Languages".
- BUGFIX: When "General Setup" > "General" > "Startup Password" was
checked and did not specify a password, "Startup Password" checkbox
remained checked.
- BUGFIX: When long line was pasted in the Compose window, the text
scrolled off the top of the view while scroll bar is not shown.


Русик для версии 2.45.02 от Typucm
Русская справка (04.03.08) от Typucm
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Русификатор для версии 2.46.00: