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VCL Component Delphi компоненты / Delphi components # 9

ComPort Library (maintained by Lars Dybdahl and Paul Doland)
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FastMM is a fast replacement memory manager for Embarcadero Delphi applications that scales well across multiple threads and CPU cores, is not prone to memory fragmentation, and supports shared memory without the use of external .DLL files.

Version 5 is a complete rewrite of FastMM. It is designed from the ground up to simultaneously keep the strengths and address the shortcomings of version 4.992:
  • Multithreaded scaling across multiple CPU cores is massively improved, without memory usage blowout. It can be configured to scale close to linearly for any number of CPU cores.
  • In the Fastcode memory manager benchmark tool FastMM 5 scores 15% higher than FastMM 4.992 on the single threaded benchmarks, and 30% higher on the multithreaded benchmarks. (I7-8700K CPU, EnableMMX and AssumeMultithreaded options enabled.)
  • It is fully configurable runtime. There is no need to change conditional defines and recompile to change options. (It is however backward compatible with many of the version 4 conditional defines.)
  • Debug mode uses the same debug support library as version 4 (FastMM_FullDebugMode.dll) by default, but custom stack trace routines are also supported. Call FastMM_EnterDebugMode to switch to debug mode ("FullDebugMode") and call FastMM_ExitDebugMode to return to performance mode. Calls may be nested, in which case debug mode will be exited after the last FastMM_ExitDebugMode call.
  • Supports 8, 16, 32 or 64 byte alignment of all blocks. Call FastMM_EnterMinimumAddressAlignment to request a minimum block alignment, and FastMM_ExitMinimumAddressAlignment to rescind a prior request. Calls may be nested, in which case the coarsest alignment request will be in effect.
  • All event notifications (errors, memory leak messages, etc.) may be routed to the debugger (via OutputDebugString), a log file, the screen or any combination of the three. Messages are built using templates containing mail-merge tokens. Templates may be changed runtime to facilitate different layouts and/or translation into any language. Templates fully support Unicode, and the log file may be configured to be written in UTF-8 or UTF-16 format, with or without a BOM.
  • It may be configured runtime to favour speed, memory usage efficiency or a blend of the two via the FastMM_SetOptimizationStrategy call.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Delphi non-visual component to handle small dynamic table stored as plain text
Component Description
When you are working on your software project, you always need to store some data into a INI file or some text file, as a configuration file or other information.

So, the options you have is INI file, or plain text. And almost always you need a table with some fields.

In a plain text, you can use one record per line, and separate fields using tab character, or pipe character, or another one. But you have some problems with this method: you need to take care about the separator char, not using it at fields value; and you have a biggest problem: in a future version, if you need to add a column, you lose the compatibility at this file when there are already data stored.

If you are working with INI file, you can specify the field names, but even that, you have problems to store one record per section, and is difficult to reorder records, delete records and name the record.

But don't worry, here is the solution.

The MiniTable is a non-visual component where you can store records with fields and values, and you can name the field, so you don't need to worry at future versions. You can add new fields at any time, just reading and writing them.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Delphi non-visual component to search files in directories

When using Delphi and working with files and directories, eventually you need to search and get a list of files in a directory, or even search files in sub-directories.

This could be a little difficult using old FindFirst and FindNext functions. Now we have new methods overloads TDirectory.GetFiles, available at System.IOUtils unit.

But, even using GetFiles methods, if you need some advanced parameters like include sub-directories, you will need to iterate all directories. Also if you want to specify mask that include some part of path string, you will need to work with strings in your code every time you need this resource.

So, I decided to build this component to become an easy way to search files.
