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VCL Component Delphi компоненты / Delphi components # 9

UniDAC Professional Edition v8.1.3 Delphi 10.3.3 Rio
8.1.3 10-Mar-20
* Bug with installing different editions of two or more DAC's in a single system is fixed
* Bug with SQL statements that contain fields with the same name from different tables is fixed
* Bug with executing SQL statements that contain comments using the Script component is fixed
* Bug with resetting the value of the parameter after adding a new TDACondition is fixed
* Bug with reading a field value using the AsBytes method in Lazarus is fixed
* Bug with using constraints after calling the Refresh method is fixed
Oracle data provider
* Bug with fetching data in the NonBlocking mode is fixed
SQLServer data provider
* The UuidWithBraces specific option is added
* Performance of loading data with TUniLoader in Direct mode is improved
* Bug with reconnecting to the server is fixed
* Bug with connecting after a server connection failure is fixed
* Bug with performing a TLS 1.2 handshake during connection attempt to the server is fixed
* Bug with getting the value of the RETURN_VALUE parameter from SP is fixed
* Bug with the "Function is not linked" error when connecting to the server on iOS is fixed
MySQL data provider
* Bug with TMyDump when the TMyDump.Options.FieldsAsString = True is fixed
* Bug with an empty error message when invoking the TMyQuery.Prepare method is fixed
* Bug with handling comments in a SQL statement is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
* Bug with an incorrect value of the RowsAffected property when executing an INSERT ... RETURNING statement is fixed
* Bug with AV on closing an application that uses the Alerter component is fixed
* Bug with executing a query which has a param of type date is fixed
InterBase data provider
* Bug with the incorrect default value of the TField.Required property for columns of type DOUBLE PRECISION is fixed
* Bug with assertion failure when changing BLOB fields with the CacheBlobs property set to False is fixed
* Bug with using ftFMTBCD datatype params in batch operations is fixed
* Bug with loading Memo fields in TUniLoader is fixed
SQLite data provider
* Bug with opening a query containing aggregate fields with the SmartFetch property set to True is fixed
DBF data provider
* Bug with using the CHRTRAN and DELETED functions in index expressions is fixed
* Bug with executing an ALTER TABLE statement is fixed
* Bug with executing an UPDATE statement is fixed
* Bug with deleting a record is fixed
ASE data provider
* Performance of loading data with TUniLoader in Direct mode is improved
Redshift data provider
* Bug with reading a newly inserted record within the explicitly started transaction is fixed
Последнее редактирование модератором:
nSoftware Universal Keygen v1.6 (Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?)
[+] Added support for /n Software products of python platform.
[+] Added support for /n Software 2020 products line.
[+] Adjusted the inner structure to match the /n Software new 2020 product line layout.
[+] Added Callback Technologies as new vendor, targeting CBFS serial products.
[+] Added placeholders for new /n Software beta products, such as SecureBlackbox 2020 etc.
[*] Refined the integrated downloader, better file naming, better handle file time stamp.
[*] Fixed a bug for serial/key produce, now keygen can properly handles non-standard computer name.
[*] Fixed wrong product SKU reported by user, thanks to @HP Owner
[*] Removed product version check of Smart Mode, now it will try it best to produce a working license.

Последнее редактирование модератором:
BDE Sources with RAD 10.4 Sydney DPK for mannual installation

FlyTreeViewPro Suite by IMCA SYSTEMS (old component)
with DPK for D10.4 Sydney
/ Copyright (c) 1998 IMCA SYSTEMS /
/ All Rights Reserved.
/ Creation Date: 06.08.98 /
/ Version 1.25b
/ MODULE: Multicolumnar TreeView virtual/Semivirtual control with Edited data cell with Inplace Edits and StateButtons (Outlined Grid) /
/ Some code derived from Borland (Inprise)
/ NOTES: /

see hystory.txt
Последнее редактирование:
FMXUI v2020.05.28.001 by YangYxd
## Features
- **Compatible** Base on FireMonkey framework, you can build for all platform
- **Friendly** Introduce some Java-Style usage
- **Powerful** Supports various common usage
- **Easy** Extremely easy to learn and use, friendly construction
- **Free** Under MIT license, you can use it anywhere whatever you want

## Requirement
Delphi 10 +

## FMXUI Classes

`TView` basic view
`TViewGroup` view group
`TLinearLayout` linear layout
`TRelativeLayout` relative layout
`TGridsLayout` grid layout

`TTextView` text view
`TButtonView` button view
`TEditView` edit box view
`TImageView` image view
`TProgressView` progress bar view
`TFrameView` Frame view extension class
`TListViewEx` list box view
`TBadgeView` unread message prompt little red dot

`TCalendarView` calender view, support Lunar Calendar

`TGridView` trellis view, through the data adapter to achieve a variety of functions
`TStringGridView` Strings grid view
`TDBGridView` data set grid view

`TRingView` hollow graphics view
`TMultiPathView` multi-path visual component

`TAsync` asynchronous task processing class
`TToastManager` Toast Manager

`TDialogStyleManager` dialog style manager
`TDialogBuilder` common dialog box construction category
`TDialog` dialog base class
`TAlertDialog` common dialog entity class
`TProgressDialog` Waits for the dialog entity class

[Current Version]

[Update History]
- -----------------------------------
- 2020.05.28
* [Added] Shadow of TDialogView
* [Changed] TFrameView.Hint support custom TToastManager, and now can be used in thread
* [Changed] TButtonView accept vkReturn and vkSpace
* [Changed] TDialogView create button when it's used. Changed AfterDialogKey of TDialogView
* [Changed] TToastManager allow multiple instances.
* [Tweaked] Add more properties and Assign for TDialogStyleManager
* [Tweaked] Add text mode for SVG editor (Thanks for report: keven)
* [Tweaked] TCalendarView.OnOwnerLunarData initialize param (Thanks for report: keven)
* [Tweaked] Add Lines to TViewBorderStyle (Thanks for report: 凌风)
* [Fixed] Caret of TEditView not move in some cases (Thanks for report: 欢乐飞刀)
* [Fixed] MaxWidth of TDialogStyleManager didn't work
* [Fixed] Children of TRelativeLayout and TLinearLayout position error (Thanks for report: 恢弘和凌风)
* [Fixed] Wrong mouse event of TListViewEx (Thanks for report: keven)
* [Fixed] Draw checked state error (Thanks for report: 凌风)
Delphi zLib v1.2.7 (2012.05.23)
the units included in this archive should work with delphi 5 through delphi xe2 for win32.

the units included in this archive with the exception of zlibexgz should work with delphi xe2 for win64.

please contact me if you find any errors, make any changes, add new functionality, or have any general suggestions so that i may incorporate
them into my version. i can be reached via my website at Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

brent sherwood
Последнее редактирование модератором: