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Книги Osprey (военная тематика). Часть 2

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По списку по 18 веку.

tarlith сказал(а):
Отсутствующий 18 век.
Cam034 Poltava 1709
Cam035 Plassey 1757
Cam037 Boston 1775
Cam047 Yorktown 1781
Cam067 Saratoga 1777
Cam076 Ticonderoga 1758
Cam079 Louisbourg 1758
Cam091 Kolin 1757
Cam106 Culloden Moor 1746
Cam109 Guilford Courthouse 1781
Cam113 Rossbach and Leuthen 1757
Cam121 Quebec 1759
Cam125 Zorndorf 1758
Cam128 Quebec 1775
Cam135 Monmouth Courthouse 1778
Cam140 Monongahela 1754–55
EH044 The French-Indian War 1754–1760
EH045 The American Revolution 1774–1783
Eli074 Privateers & Pirates 1730–1830
Eli077 British Colours & Standards 1747–1881 (1)
Eli081 British Colours & Standards 1747–1881 (2)
Eli093 American War of Independence Commanders
Fort027 French Fortresses in North America 1535–1763
NV079 American Heavy Frigates 1794–1826
War042 Redcoat Officer
War068 Continental Infantryman of the American Revolution
War085 American Colonial Ranger
War088 British Light Infantryman of the Seven Years' War
MAA006 British Light Infantryman of the Seven Years' War
MAA010 The Buffs
MAA016 Frederick the Great’s Army
MAA018 George Washington’s Army
MAA025 The Royal Artillery
MAA026 Royal Scots Greys
MAA033 The US Cavalry
MAA047 The South Wales Borderers
MAA052 The Royal Green Jackets
MAA065 The Royal Navy 1790–1970
MAA073 The Grenadier Guards
MAA097 Marlborough's Army 1702–11
MAA118 The Jacobite Rebellions 1689–1745
MAA214 US Infantry Equipments 1775–1910
MAA244 The French Army in the American War of Independence
MAA260 Peter the Great's Army (1)
MAA264 Peter the Great's Army (2)
MAA292 King George's Army 1740–93 (3)
MAA296 Louis XV's Army (1)
MAA302 Louis XV's Army (2)
MAA304 Louis XV's Army (3)
MAA308 Louis XV's Army (4)
MAA313 Louis XV's Army (5)
MAA328 Émigré and Foreign Troops in British Service (1)
MAA352 The United States Army 1783–1811
MAA395 Tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy
MAA403 French Revolutionary Infantry 1789–1802

NV079 American Heavy Frigates 1794–1826
War088 British Light Infantryman of the Seven Years' War

Сейчас выложу:
Cam106 Culloden Moor 1746
Frodo Torbins, надо корректировать список в шапке первой темы - там их не было :(
Frodo Torbins сказал(а):
Пост № 1.

Все таки америкосов я выкладывал.

Campaign 103

Hampton Roads 1862
Clash of the Ironclads

Frodo, да за ради Бога... Мне же меньше трафика и у компа сидеть, пока это барахло закачается

Но аглицкие пушки я все-таки закину, они уже наполовину там
Campaign 106

Пост № 6.

Culloden снова, Компания 2.

Campaign 106

Culloden Moor 1746
The death of the Jacobite cause


Author: Stuart Reid
Illustrator: Gerry Embleton

Paperback; August 19 2002; 96 pages; ISBN: 1841764124


The final demise of Jacobitism amid the slaughter of the Highland clans on a cold and damp Culloden Moor in April 1746 is undoubtedly one of the most famous battles in British military history. It has also been, until recently, one of the least understood from both a military and political perspective. In this modern and highly detailed account, this book combines a thorough understanding of 18th century tactics, an intimate knowledge of the battlefield itself and a scandalously underused archive of contemporary material from both sides to provide a detailed, accurate and dramatic account of this controversial battle.

Размер: 36,3 Mb

Ссылка: http://rapidshare.de/files/3371217/Osprey_-_Campaign_106_-_Culloden_Moor_1746.pdf.html
English Civil War Artillery 1642–51
(New Vanguard 108)

Author: Chris Henry


About this book
At the beginning of the English Civil War it was clear that artillery was to play a significant part in the conflict, as so many battles were fought by siege. Both Royalists and Parliamentarians raced to capture ordnance stores in urban areas such as London and Hull, realising that they would prove strategically decisive in the siege warfare that later developed. Illustrated with superb colour plates by Brian Delf, this book gives the reader an overview of the types of weapon used in this conflict and, more generally, how artillery was actually used in the seventeenth century.

Osprey - New Vanguard 108 - 2005 - English Civil War Artillery 1642-51 - by Chris Henry.pdf 26.7 MB

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Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Ребята, у меня осталось:

Osprey - New Vanguard 065 - British Napoleonic Artillery 1793 - 1815 2. Siege & Coastal Artillery

Не знаю, выкладывали или нет? Если нет, то upload делать?

Кстати не поделитесь информацией: какой хороший поисковик по ed2k кто знает, кроме разумеется www.filedonkey.com.
1) pariman, здесь дай ссылку н6а старую тему.
2) Man-at-Arms 21 - файл был удалён, у кого есть, перезалейте пожалуйста!
tarlith, все откорректирую.
Msha, дам, дам.
Фродо, выложи пож-та

Osprey - New Vanguard 065 - British Napoleonic Artillery 1793 - 1815

С уважением,
Frodo Torbins, выкладывали или нет - посмотри список в старой теме.

нет, NV 065 не выкладвалось.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Последняя пока у меня книга (не по 20-21 векам).

New Vanguard 065

British Napoleonic Artillery 1793–1815 (2)
Siege and Coastal Artillery


Author: Chris Henry
Illustrator: Brian Delf

Paperback; February 19 2003; 48 pages; ISBN: 1841764779


Following on from the first volume covering British Napoleonic Artillery, this volume concentrates on the heavy weapons of siege and coastal defences. This book covers the main equipments used; the 24 pounder siege gun and a variety of mortars. Mortars varied from 4- or 5-inch versions up to a13 inch calibre and were considered to be extremely effective because they used an exploding shell to destroy fortifications or personnel. Also covered in detail is the specialist bomb vessel, which was used to attack fortifications in a similar fashion; siege techniques; and the tactical use of siege and coastal artillery.

Размер: 11,2 Mb

Ссылка: http://www.qfile.de/dl/117003/Osprey_-_New_Vanguard_065_-_British_Napoleonic_Artillery_1793_-_1815_2.pdf.html
Всем доброе время суток и огромное спасибо за классные материалы. Болею наполеоникой с детства и давно хотел все эти серии в электронном виде, а тут нашел такую ветку...!!!!! :)

У меня есть много переводных материалов по наполеонике, в свое время, когда была еще всего одна организация ВИК, эти материалы распространялись в среде фанатов этого дела. Если кому-то нужны эти материалы то пишите, я составлю список и начну выкладывать.
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