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Компоненты для Delphi/C++Builder ~ Components for Delphi/C++Builder 6

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IP*Works V8 Delphi Edition 8.1.4791 - Up to Delphi XE3 (Win32/64 VCL)

Below is a short list of some of the new and exciting individual component updates available in the IP*Works! V8.

NEW: JSON - Easily integrate with web services that produce JSON output.
NEW: CalDAV - Access calendar/scheduling information on remote servers.
ATOM - A new ATOM client component with support for publishing (APP).
REST - New component implements a standard REST client, facilitating access to REST style Web Services such as those from Amazon and eBay.
DNS - Support for new query types, reverse DNS lookups, etc.
FTP/TFTP - Upload/Download Files to/from memory without writing to disk.
HTTP/WebUpload - Upload/Download Files to/from memory without writing to disk.
IPPort/IPDaemon - Facilitated file and data transfer through easy to use methods like "SendFile", etc.
LDAP - Support for search result references. Easily move and copy DNs.
MIME - Parse mime headers without decoding entire MIME entities
Ping - Send custom ping packets and change datagram sizes.
RSS - RSS 2.0 extensions and OPML support, and other improvements.
SMPP - SMPP receive capabilities enable the component to poll SMPP servers for messages.
XMPP - Support for Jabber extensions, additional contact parameters, and SASL authentication.
XMLp - Expanded XPath navigation and support for easy retrieval of XML subtrees.
...and much more!

ApeSuite - Components for the Delphi XE2 Firemonkey Platform

Apesuite - Components for the Delphi XE2 Firemonkey Platform

The Apesuite components for Firemonkey add crossplatform weapons to your Delphi arsenal.

A component that renders SVG graphics for your Firemonkey forms. Elements in the SVG file are accessible via code and can be easily manipulated as with any other Firemonkey object.

An extremely flexible spreadsheet-like grid component that supports copy/paste, excel-like cell formatting, 130 built-in excel-comparable functions, inline editing, find/replace, extensible function framework and so much more.

An image component that loads images from URLs and includes a progress indicator and built-in transition animations.

This cross-platform ribbon-like paged toolbar control allows you to cram the most out of your user interface.

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Lazy Delphi Builder released

Lazy Delphi Builder build tool/component installer) was released yesterday.

What's new:
  • Delphi XE4 (and just in case - XE5) support .
  • Presets for output directories, build options, environment variables, e.t.c.
  • LazyDBP and ini files format was changed. From now, lists will be saved as plain lists, without numbers as id. And, btw, all the settings from now are stored in the Data subdirectory. New profile format (v2) is not backward compatible with previous (v1), but you can still save file in previous format using Save as dialog.
  • Multiple expressions support in tree’s filter (via semicolon “;”)
  • Call any custom bat or exe file instead of dcc32.exe. To do so, open LazyDBP file in notepad and add new key CustomCompiler=FullPathToMyCustomCompilerExeOrBatchFile to the section [[Build Settings]]
  • Added Delphi version autodetection algorithm from the filename (see. Check Wizard)
  • New editor for compiler defines.
  • Many improvements and fixes (see changelog).

Свежая версия Lazy Delphi Builderавтоматизация билдов и установки компонентов).

Что нового (вкратце):
  • Поддержка Delphi XE4. И Xe5 на всякий случай.
  • Пресеты. Теперь можно создавать пресеты для выходных папок, настроек билда, переменных окружения и т.д.
  • Изменен формат хранения списков в файлах LazyDBP и ini. Теперь без цифр. И кстати, теперь все настройки будут сохраняться в подкаталоге Data. Новый формат профилей не имеет обратной совместимости со старым. Но возможность сохранить в старом формате осталась в Save As диалоге.
  • Поддержка нескольких выражений в фильтре дерева (через точку с запятой “;”)
  • Появилась возможность вместо dcc32.exe подставлять свой файл. Это может быть .bat-ник, может быть .exe. А может быть и dcc64.exe. Пока только с помощью редактирования LazyDBP файла: В секцию [[Build Settings]] надо добавить ключ: CustomCompiler=Полный путь к компилятору.
  • Добавлено автоопределение версии Delphi по названию файла пакета (см. Check Wizard)
  • Появился редактор для compiler defines в виде CheckListBox-а
  • Много мелких улучшений и исправлений (подробный список изменений в архиве с программой).

Скачивать тут: Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links? или Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

p.s. Please do NOT repack and do NOT reupload.
п.с. Пожалуйста НЕ перевыкладывайте.

all thanks Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Последнее редактирование модератором:
TMS Component Pack v6.8.2.0 / v6.8.0.1

TMS Component Pack v6.8.2.0 for Delphi & C++Builder 5-XE3 Full Sources
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TMS Component Pack v6.8.0.1 for Delphi & C++Builder 5-XE3 Full Source with Install
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Добавлено через 11 минут
RAD Studio XE4 Architect
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Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Последнее редактирование модератором:
AlmDev Smart Effects v2.70 & Smart Flash v3.40 Full Source

Added XE4 support.

SmartFlash is a VCL with additional features in Macromedia Flash ActiveX.
SmartFlash support real trasparency of the flash and antialiasing effect in the flash frame.
Also you can load flash from stream and grab frame to the bitmap with alpha-channel.
With SmartFlash you can create flash interface in your applications (flash forms, menus, controls and more).

SmartFlash is intended for use with:

Delphi 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4
C++Builder 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4
Delphi 2007
Delphi 2006
C++Builder 2007
C++Builder 2006
Turbo Delphi
Turbo C++
Delphi 2005
Delphi 5,6,7
C++ Builder 5,6

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
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