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Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок) 2

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businessskinform from almdev

Version 7.07 released (6 November, 2008)

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TurboDB 5.15 Pro for Delphi 6-2009 & C++Builder 2006-2007 Cracked
Thank DarkRapt0r
TurboDB Win32 for VCL is the perfect replacement for Paradox or dBase in your Delphi and C++ Builder programs. Our database supports not only all features of those out-dated products but offers a range of additional possibilities as well and makes the migration pain free through compatible interfaces.
Other than with the Borland BDE, there are no components installed in the operating system nor necessary configuration settings. You control the complete database access directly from the application.
По многочисленным просьбам TMS Plugin Framework 6 for Delphi 2007 (My addaptive, work for me 100%, for you testing)

1) Copy files: upf6070.bpl, upfCore7.bpl, uPluginFramework7.bpl in you defaut folder BPL (BDSCOMMONDIR\BPL)
2) Copy all files (pas, dcu, res) in folder BDS\LIB (but not replase files tmsdefs.inc)
3) Select menu Component -> Instal Packages -> Click button "add' select files uPluginFramework7.bpl
4) Enjoy

PWD for download: Asm64D
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PLZ Testing, PLZ if posting this files on others forums, then posting ONLY MY LINK
PaxCompiler v2.05 datecode 29-oct-08
Thank FLLS

paxCompiler is an embeddable compiler of the Object Pascal programming language. The key features of the paxCompiler are:
  • The compiler generates machine code for Intel compatible processors (IA-32 architecture).
  • It is possible to use the compiler as a scripting engine. You can embed the compiler into host application, register host-defined types, routines, variables and constants for the engine, read/write script-defined variables, call script-defined functions etc. You can save/load compiled scripts to/from a stream.
  • The compiler was initially written in Borland Delphi as a set of Delphi components. TPaxCompiler, TPaxProgram and TPaxPascalLanguage are Delphi components that allows you to embed the paxCompiler into Delphi, Kylix or Borland C++ Builder application so you can customize and extend the application without having to recompile it.
  • Source code of paxCompiler is compatible with Free Pascal 2.0.
  • paxCompiler, implemented as paxcompilerlib.dll, can be used for scripting Microsoft Visual C++ applications.
  • The compiler supports Object Pascal language based on the Delphi 7 standard.
  • Script-defined functions support register (Borland fastcall), cdecl, stdcall, safecall, pascal and msfastcall (Microsoft fastcall) calling conventions. The default calling convention is stdcall. (You can change it by means of TPaxPascalLanguage.SetCallConv method).
  • COM support.
  • TPaxCompilerDebugger and TPaxCompilerExplorer components implement debugger (breakpoints, call stack, watches, step over, trace into, run to cursor, pause) and code explorer capabilities.
  • You can import host-defined types with paxCompiler importer.
  • You can create stand alone executable files.
  • paxCompiler engine is thread safe.
  • The roadmap of the compiler includes: JavaScript compiler, Basic compiler and C compiler, cross-language programming, built-in assembler.
  • Like
Реакции: zNk
businessskinform from almdev

Version 7.07 released (6 November, 2008)

share please ? . !

Добавлено через 3 минуты
businessskinform from almdev

Version 7.07 released (6 November, 2008)

share please ? . !
Последнее редактирование модератором:
нашёл у себя патч ещё для 2-й версии, немного подправил батник,
скачал последнюю версию 4.00.10a, "пропилюлил" и теперь всё гуд.
Вот, может кому надо (сам патч и готовое файлО для D7) -
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

PS. для другой версии дельфей подправьте бат-файл соответственно...
Стабильность работы не проверялась...
PPS. 10a оказалась глючной, остановился на 8-й. Полёт нормальный...
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