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Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок) 5

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Free Cindy components V4.0 for all delphi versions for windows applications.

Each component demo (code sources and executables) avaible here:
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Cindy Pack Components list:
- TcyBevel: multi colored bevels.
- TcyPanel: runtime resize feature, multi colored bevels, gradient and shadow feature.
- TcyAdvPanel: like TcyPanel plus wallpaper feature.
- TcyPaintbox: multi colored bevels, gradient.
- TcyAdvPaintBox: like TcyPaintBox plus wallpaper feature.
- TcyLabel: caption orientation, gradient, shadow and indent caption.
- TcyHotLabel: like TcyLabel with different views for each component state (like mouse hover).
- TcySpeedButton: colored speedButton with lot of features like jpeg/png glyph, imagelist option.
- TcyAdvSpeedButton: Like TcySpeedButton with different views for each component state (like mouse hover).
- TcyBitBtn: colored BitBtn with lot of features like jpeg/png glyph, imagelist option.
- TcyAdvButton: Like tcyBitBtn with different views for each component state (like mouse hover).
- TcySkinButton: non rectangular button with an image for each state.
- TcySkinArea: create multiple non rectangular buttons in a single component with different states for exemple a virtual keyboard.
- TcyLed: simple led with multi-colored feature and shape.
- TcyAdvLed: a Led with a picture for each state.
- TcySimpleGauge: a gauge with (float precision) orientation feature, transparency and personalizable view.
- TcySplitter: advanced splitter gradient background, grip and wallpaper features. Can move/resize its parent control.
- TcyColorMatrix: 2 dimensions colors grid representation, very fast.
- TcyColorGrid: pick a color from the list. Totally personalizable.

- TcyIniForm: save your users size and position form without code in file or registry, allows custom load/save information.
- TcySearchFiles: retrieve files from directory with a lot of options like file mask/file exclude mask etc ... you can also pause/resume or abort, has a lot of events to personalize.
- TcyCopyFiles: herited from TcySearchFile, use it to copy files.
- TcyFlyingContainer: show any control in front of others (in a floating form) and hide it when it lose focus.
- TcyModalContainer: show any control in a Modal form.
- TcyResizer: move and resize components at run-time like delphi 2009 does, very easy to use.
- TcyVirtualGrid: create a virtual grid, see demo program.
- TcyProgressionPanel: show a animated panel information on blocking long process with determined several steps. Cancel button feature.
- TcyAdvProgressionPanel: show a threaded animated panel information on undetermined time blocking single process.
- TcyCommRoomConnector: create/connect to an in memory virtual room for TcyBaseComm base components (like TcyCommunicate) to be seen and communicate each other. with each other.
- TcyCommunicate: allows communication between applications running in same computer session.
- TcyAppInstances: avoid application (or a group of application) multiple instances. You can also catch passed parameters.
- TcyRunTimeResize: move and resize a single component at run-time.
- TcyClipboard: handle clipboard formats.
- TcyDDECmd: open/register an extension for your application.
- TcyMathParser: parse matematical expressions.

- TcyDBLabel: DB Control herited from TcyLabel.
- TcyDBHotLabel: DB Control herited from TcyHotLabel.
- TcyDBLed: DB control herited from TcyLed.
- TcyDBAdvLed: DB control herited from TcyAdvLed.
- TcyDBSimpleGauge: DB control herited from TcySimpleGauge.
- TcyDBGrid: advanced DBGrid with lot of features (checkboxes for each record, auto client column, multi-record selection made easy etc ...)
- TcyAdvDBGrid: based on TcyDBGrid, added gradient, embedded graphic/memo fields rendering etc ...

- TcyBookmarks: bookmark records with this independant bookmark list.
- TcyFieldLink: connect a non DB Control (for exemple a TDateTimePicker) to a field.

Cindy Internet Explorer component list:
- TcyWebBrowser: Herited from TWebBrowser, allows easy load/save/edit html documents.
Кого-нибудь есть компонент для работы с базами данных Pervasive (btrive) D7
Идешь на страничку Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
и скачиваешь внизу PDAC 10.3 (Халява)

Pervasive Direct Access Components (PDAC) are a set of Visual Component Library (VCL) components that allow direct access to Pervasive Database Engines from within the Borland Delphi and C++ Builder Environments. These components provide a replacement for the functionality of the Borland Database Engine (BDE). PDAC dramatically extends the database development options available to Delphi and C++ Builder developers.

The Pervasive Direct Access Components are provided in versions fully integrated with the following development environments:

* Delphi 2007
* Delphi 2006
* Delphi 2005
* Delphi 7
* Delphi 6
* C++ Builder 6

System Requirements

Existing install of Pervasive PSQL v10 or Pervasive PSQL v10.30 database engine.
Absolute Database v6.05

Может кто-нибудь поделится компонентами AbsoluteDB для Delphi2010 ?
Ну, с исходниками нету. А полная версия 6.05 без мерзкого наг-скрина пожалуйста.
1. Инсталируем компонент обычным способом.
2. В архиве лежат два патча.
Первый копируем в папку
c:\Program Files\ComponentAce\AbsoluteDatabase\Lib\Delphi 2010 and C++ Builder 2010\
Запускаем и патчим.
Второй копируем в папку
Запускаем и патчим.
Все. Наг-скрина не будет.
Народ говорит, что эти патчи подходят также к версиям 6.06 и 6.07. Не знаю. Не проверял.
Эта версия у меня работает стабильно и вполне устраивает. MultiUser в этой СУБД никогда не использовал, поэтому о его качестве ничего сказать не могу.
Внимание!!! Некоторые антивирусы могут ругнуться на какой-нибудь их патчей. Вирусов там нет. Использовать или нет - решать вам.

То же самое для Delphi 7.
Установка аналогичная.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Последнее редактирование модератором:
ZipForge Component v5.03 for D7-2010

ZipForge Component v5.03 for D7-2010 без исходников.
1. Инсталируем.
2. Из папки crack/ваша_версия_delphi\ копируем файлы

VclZipForgedXXX.bpl и ZipForge.dcu в папку
c:\Program Files\ComponentAce\ZipForge\Lib\ваша_версия_delphi\

VclZipForgedXXX.bpl в папку

Последнее редактирование модератором:
VCLSkin v5.60 FS

Ну, и еще немного...
VclSkin v5.40 for D7-D2010 FullSource от наших братьев-китайцев.
Скины в комплекте.

*** скрытый блок ***

Есть свежее

Скины на офф. сайте
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Последнее редактирование модератором:
AbsoluteDatabase.v6.07 Delphi 4-XE & C
Absolute Database - Мощная система построения баз данных для Delphi. Альтернатива BDE.
Основные возможности:
- поддержка SQL 92 (DDL и DML)
- нет DLL (engine базы данных компилируется непосредственно в exe-файл)
- база данных состоит из одного файла
- 100% совместимость со стандартными DB-aware элементами управления
- криптостойкое шифрование
- BLOB сжатие
- режимы Single-user и mutli-user (file-server)

pass: 12345
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