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Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок) 5

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LMD 2011.1 Complete Full Source

(Name: ‘LMD BarPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD ChartPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD-Tools’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD DesignPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD DockingPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD ElPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD ElPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD FxPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ”; Version: ‘1.0′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD IDE-Tools’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ”; Version: ‘1.0′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD-Tools’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ”; Version: ‘1.0′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ”; Version: ‘1.0′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD PrintPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD RichPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD-Tools’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD-Tools’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD ScriptPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD SearchPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD ShellPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD StoragePack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD SyntaxEdit’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD SysPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD ThemesPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD-Tools’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD TextPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD WebPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′)
Последнее редактирование модератором:
*** скрытый блок ***
(Name: ‘LMD BarPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD ChartPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD-Tools’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD DesignPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD DockingPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD ElPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD ElPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD FxPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ”; Version: ‘1.0′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD IDE-Tools’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ”; Version: ‘1.0′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD-Tools’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ”; Version: ‘1.0′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ”; Version: ‘1.0′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD PrintPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD RichPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD-Tools’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD-Tools’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD ScriptPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD SearchPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD ShellPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD StoragePack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD SyntaxEdit’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD SysPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD ThemesPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD-Tools’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD TextPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′),
(Name: ‘LMD WebPack’; Version: ‘2011.1′; ReleaseDate: ‘07-01-2011′)

Уже выкладывали LMD 2011.3
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Нашел кому интересно см.далее (много букв) взято с Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Magenta Systems File Transfer Components comprise three Delphi components, TMagFtp, TMagHttp and TMagFileCopy, the first two of which are high level descendants of the ICS TFtpClient and THttpCli components, all allowing transfer of multiple files and subdirectories with a single function call.
(The Magenta Systems File Transfer Components components need François Piette Internet Component Suite (ICS) version 6 or version 7)
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

TMagRas is a set of installable Delphi non-visual components supplied with several demo and example programs and a help file, for accessing Dial Up Networking or Remote Access Services functions. It allows Delphi developers to add full RAS functionality to their applications, including dialling and monitoring multiple connections, creating and editing phonebooks (without using Windows dialogs), and getting performance information for connections. TMagRas supports Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008 and 7, allowing an application to support all the various RAS extensions in NT and later, including sub entries for multi- channel ISDN connections. Performance statistics are returned separately for each connection in NT4 and each channel in W2K. Incoming calls to NT4 RAS Server may be monitored.
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The Magenta Systems Code Signing Trust and Certificate Check component v1.0 functions are designed for Code Signing, aka Microsoft Authenticode.
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

The Check Disk and Format Disk component is a Delphi wrapper around the Windows APIs exported by fmifs.dll, which are used to format fixed or removable disk drives and perform disk checks on Windows NT4 and later. It supports any local disk drive that has been assigned a drive letter by Windows, just like the normal format and check disk tools in Windows.
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Magenta Systems WMI and SMART Component contains WMI, SMART and SCSI PassThrough functions, of particular use for getting hard disk information and configuring network adaptors, but also for many other general uses.
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The Windows XP Embedded Enhanced Write Filter (EWF) is used to protect one or more disk volumes by intercepting write requests to the volume and redirecting it to an overlay volume, either RAM or another disk. Note the EWF header conversion is only useful on Windows XP Embedded with the Enhanced Write Filter DLL installed. It is not available on Windows XP Pro, or other operating systems
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Magenta Systems Internet Protocol Helper Component is a set of functions implementing the the Internet Protocol Helper (IP Helper) APIs. They enable the retrieval and modification of network configuration settings for the local computer. The component loads all functions dynamically so applications will still run on earlier Windows versions that did not support certain IP Helper functions. The component returns the various parameters returned by the APIs as Delphi records, for ease of integration into applications.
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Magenta Systems Internet Packet Monitoring Components are a set of Delphi components designed to capture and monitor internet packets using either raw sockets or the WinPcap device driver. Hardware permitting, ethernet packets may be captured and interpreted, and statistics maintained about the traffic. Uses of packet monitoring include totalling internet traffic by IP address and service, monitoring external or internal IP addresses and services accessed, network diagnostics, and many other applications. The component includes two demonstration applications, one that displays raw packets, the other that totals internet traffic. The components include various filters to reduce the number of packets that need to be processed, by allowing specific IP addresses to be ignored, LAN mask to ignore local traffic, and ignore non-IP traffic such as ARP.
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Delphvar is a Pascal code generator for the Delphi programming language, designed to assist in the saving and restoring of component properties to and from both the registry and INI files.
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

TDESCrypt component for Delphi 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 and XE, created by Herzog Samuel, that encrypts a given input string by using DES. The code has been translated from crypt.c (Unix GNU Library). The component allows user names and passwords to be encoded into a format suitable for use with UNIX systems, in particular for the Apache web server running on UNIX to restrict access to your web site to authorised users. This allows new users to be added to the .htpasswd file locally on the PC, without needing to run a script while online to encode the passwords. Note that TDESCrypt is an ANSI component under Delphi 2009, it does not support Unicode.
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
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