somebody knows the 7zip password for delphi win32 and bcb zip files?
the password for the 7zip file for the build are:
programfiles uaCZiesuloa
vclwin32runtimes L!ckfiae54
vcldotnetruntimes OExejoqAje
delphiwin32 7AON!saoqv
delphiwin32x ousaeoych4
core u5igfolwOck
corex onIgaim3Fl
corey xiosidO8ey
transmogrifierc k7en4giocs
transmogrifierd csuPq!5ou5
transmogrifierdx 2AherajaiP
transmogrifiern IAgoytia!l
coredelphi Xaiwoyk3ao
corewin32 3faIxAhait
corewin32xyz uwai9vuach
coredelphibcb w3teck!chey
dbgonet ouBeiabet!
sourcefileswin32 9io2i5se6U
helpcommon uMe9Ahieq1
helpwin32 AE7aoxCobi
csharp dacUAj!jAO
samplescsharp I9eczIApAE
helpcsharp owecsadaiA
codevisualization_csharpx ig15Imqemi
sourcefilescsharp OEjAOkudoy
internetctrlsdotnet IEZaolUAck
sourcefiles EIchuiRulA
sourcefilesdelphinet ea8ioCKivia
helpcorenet kia8ay8OER
helpdelphinet io6uagIEoe
samplesdelphinet negUAnoube
aspnetsupportcs aiareCSoe6
aspnetsupportdelphinet ckoytuN3du
bdecomponentsnet Ox1gevevoy
corenet Udie6Ukahoe
delphinet 2aveyb26e2
corecx au2apayxoe
corecy 7oeQAE2e4t
coredx eiJebuCH3b
coredy sAItUAcsOY
bcbwin32 english 9E7uafiomp
bcbwin32 9E7uafiomp
codeguard echoa5ezia
codevisualization_bcbw32 cseMA5zOP4
helpwin32 AE7aoxCobi
ibxbcbwin32 G3nzie7eih
ibxbcbwin32 english G3nzie7eih
iwbcbwin32 ofoepoechu
msofficebcbwin32 g4jiewey9U
samplesbcbwin32 2qe2oe5r!AU
sourcefilesbcbwin32 i9echay46u
sqlbuilder ioe76i7Mou
rave reports installer пароль не требуется
unittesting_bcb raoxai8Avua