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Mathematical Modelling


Name: Mathematical Modelling: Case Studies and Projects
Author: Jim Caldwell, Douglas K.S. Ng
Publisher: Kluwer
Series: Texts in the Mathematical Sciences
Year: 2004
Volume: XI
Pages: 252
ISBN: 1-4020-1991-2
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 2 Mb

Written for: Senior undergraduates/postgraduates in mathematics, engineering, science and management science; research students; industrialists with modelling interests; lecturers/teachers of mathematical modelling.

Unlike a traditional textbook, this book deals completely with Case Studies and Projects. The Case Studies and Projects involve Mathematical and Computational Methods from the three key areas of ODEs, PDEs and Optimization. The leading author, Dr Caldwell, has had extensive experience of Mathematical Modelling throughout his career in both university teaching and industry and was instructor for a team of three Hong Kong mathematics undergraduate students, one of which was Mr Ng, the second author, who won the first place award, Meritorious, in the 2000 Netease Cup China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modelling (CUMCM). Mathematical Modelling is most effectively taught using a Case Study approach. An important aspect of the book is the use of scientific computer software packages such as MAPLE for symbolic algebraic manipulations, MATLAB for numerical simulation and LINDO for linear programming.

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Rapid Control Prototyping


Name: Rapid Control Prototyping: Methoden und Anwendungen
Author: Dirk Abel, Alexander Bollig
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2006
Volume: X
Pages: 400
Illustrations: 230
ISBN: 3-540-29524-0
Language: German
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 4.68 Mb

Written for: Wissenschaftler, Industrieingenieure in diesen Gebieten Studierende Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik (7. Sem.), CES (4. Sem.), Informatik,

Beim Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) werden Entwurf und Realisierung von Automatisierungslösungen zusammengeführt, um unter Einsatz leistungsfähiger und in der Bedienung anspruchsvoller Hardware-/Software-Umgebungen einen durchgängigen Entwicklungsprozess zu generieren. Das Buch zeigt auf, welche neuen Methodiken, Anforderungen und Möglichkeiten sich aufgrund rechnergestützter Entwurfsprozesse für die Regelungs-, Steuerungs- und Automatisierungstechnik ergeben.

Wie auch bei konventionellen Vorgehensweisen setzt beim RCP der Entwurf auf der Analyse und mathematischen Beschreibung der zu regelnden, zu steuernden oder zu automatisierenden Systeme auf; deshalb betrachten die Autoren kontinuierliche und ereignisdiskrete Modellierungsansätze sowie Verfahren zur experimentellen Identifikation dynamischer Systeme. Sie behandeln die Theorie zum Regelungs- und Steuerungsentwurf in Grundzügen und beleuchten die Simulation dynamischer Systeme.

Außerdem stellen sie Software-Werkzeuge vor, die neben einer automatischen Programmcode-Generierung für Steuergeräte aus der Entwicklungsumgebung heraus die Einbindung realer Prozess- oder Steuerungskomponenten durch Hardware-in-the-Loop- bzw. Software-in-the-Loop-Simulationen zulassen.

Das Buch enthält zahlreiche durchgerechnete Beispiele mit Lösungen und eignet sich für Studierende der Regelungs-, Steuerungs- und Automatisierungstechnik sowie für Ingenieure in der Praxis.

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Differentialgleichungen mit MATHCAD und MATLAB


Name: Differentialgleichungen mit MATHCAD und MATLAB
Author: Hans Benker
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: X
Pages: 297
Illustrations: 33
ISBN: 3-540-23440-3
Language: German
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 1.93 Mb

Written for: Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften ab 3./4. Semester, Naturwissenschaftler, Praktiker.

Dieses Lehrbuch gibt eine Einführung in das Lösen von Differentialgleichungen (Dgl). Behandelt werden sowohl gewöhnliche als auch partielle Dgl. Die mathematische Theorie wird für exakte und numerische Lösungsmethoden soweit dargestellt, wie es für Anwender erforderlich ist. Auf Beweise wird verzichtet, dafür werden notwendige Formeln, Sätze und Methoden anhand von Beispielen erläutert. Außerdem wird die Problematik von Differenzengleichungen und Integralgleichungen skizziert.

Ein zweiter Schwerpunkt des Buches liegt auf der Anwendung der Computeralgebra- und Mathematiksysteme MATHCAD und MATLAB zur Lösung von Dgl.

Darüber hinaus eignet sich das Buch als Nachschlagewerk: Der Leser kann für praktisch auftretende Dgl Eigenschaften und Lösungsmethoden finden und diese für die Lösung mittels MATHCAD und MATLAB heranziehen. Das Buch ist geschrieben für Ingenieure, Natur- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler.

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Automatic Autocorrelation and Spectral Analysis


Name: Automatic Autocorrelation and Spectral Analysis
Author: Piet M.T. Broersen
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2006
Volume: XII
Pages: 298
Illustrations: 104
ISBN: 1-84628-328-0
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 2.74 Mb

Written for: Graduate students in various areas of signal processing; researchers studying the application of time series analysis for random signals; engineers working with random data in practice.

Automatic Autocorrelation and Spectral Analysis gives random data a language to communicate the information they contain objectively.

In the current practice of spectral analysis, subjective decisions have to be made all of which influence the final spectral estimate and mean that different analysts obtain different results from the same stationary stochastic observations. Statistical signal processing can overcome this difficulty, producing a unique solution for any set of observations but that solution is only acceptable if it is close to the best attainable accuracy for most types of stationary data.

Automatic Autocorrelation and Spectral Analysis describes a method which fulfils the near-optimal-solution criterion. It takes advantage of greater computing power and robust algorithms to produce enough models to be sure of providing a suitable candidate for given data. Improved order selection quality guarantees that one of the best (and often the best) will be selected automatically. The data themselves suggest their best representation but should the analyst wish to intervene, alternatives can be provided. Written for graduate signal processing students and for researchers and engineers using time series analysis for practical applications ranging from breakdown prevention in heavy machinery to measuring lung noise for medical diagnosis, this text offers:

* tuition in how power spectral density and the autocorrelation function of stochastic data can be estimated and interpreted in time series models;
* extensive support for the MATLAB® ARMAsel toolbox;
* applications showing the methods in action;
* appropriate mathematics for students to apply the methods with references for those who wish to develop them further.

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Computer Algebra Recipes for Mathematical Physics


Name: Computer Algebra Recipes for Mathematical Physics
Author: Richard H. Enns
Publisher: Birkhauser
Year: 2005
Volume: XIV
Pages: 390
Illustrations: 106
ISBN: 0-8176-3223-9
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 4.57 Mb

Written for: Advanced undergraduates, graduate students, mathematical physicists, engineers.

Over two hundred novel and innovative computer algebra worksheets or "recipes" will enable readers in engineering, physics, and mathematics to easily and rapidly solve and explore most problems they encounter in their mathematical physics studies. While the aim of this text is to illustrate applications, a brief synopsis of the fundamentals for each topic is presented, the topics being organized to correlate with those found in traditional mathematical physics texts. The recipes are presented in the form of stories and anecdotes, a pedagogical approach that makes a mathematically challenging subject easier and more fun to learn.

Key features:

* Uses the MAPLE computer algebra system to allow the reader to easily and quickly change the mathematical models and the parameters and then generate new answers

* No prior knowledge of MAPLE is assumed; the relevant MAPLE commands are introduced on a need-to-know basis

* All recipes are contained on a CD-ROM provided with the text

* All MAPLE commands are indexed for easy reference

* A classroom-tested story/anecdote format is used, accompanied with amusing or thought-provoking quotations

* Study problems, which are presented as Supplementary Recipes, are fully solved and annotated and also provided on the CD-ROM

This is a self-contained and standalone text, similar in style and format to Computer Algebra Recipes: A Gourmet's Guide to Mathematical Models of Science (ISBN 0-387-95148-2), Springer New York 2001 and Computer Algebra Recipes for Classical Mechanics (ISBN 0-8176-4291-9), Birkhäuser 2003. Computer Algebra Recipes for Mathematical Physics may be used in the classroom, for self-study, as a reference, or as a text for an online course.

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Environmental Chemistry: Asian Lessons


Name: Environmental Chemistry: Asian Lessons
Author: Vladimir N. Bashkin (Moscow State University)
Publisher: Kluwer
Year: 2003
Pages: 480
ISBN: 1-4020-1003-6
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 21.1 Mb

Written for: Students in ecology, chemistry, environmental science, public health, geography, biology, and environmental engineering.

At present environmental chemistry is becoming an increasingly popular subject in both under graduate and graduated education in the whole World and especially in all Asian countries. Different courses in ecology, chemistry, environmental science, public health, geography, biology, and environmental engineering all include this subject in their curriculum.

Many textbooks have appeared in recent years aiming to fulfill these requirements; however, most of these books operate mainly with examples from developed countries of Europe, USA and Canada. Taking into account the geographic boundaries of environmental pollution that is especially pronounced in Asia and the specific peculiarities of pollution in developing countries, this textbook is supposed to close the gap by providing regionally oriented knowledge in basic and applied environmental chemistry.

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Multibody Mechanics and Visualization


Name: Multibody Mechanics and Visualization
Author: Harry Dankowicz
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XVIII
Pages: 510
Illustrations: 159
ISBN: 1-85233-799-0
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 15.8 Mb

Written for: Undergraduate students in mechanical engineering and computing; academics working in dynamics, 3-d visualization, mechanical engineering and multibody mechanics; libraries; graduate students.

Multibody Mechanics and Visualization is designed to appeal to computer-savvy students who will acquire significant skills in mathematical and physical modelling of mechanical systems in the process of producing attractive computer simulations and animations. The emphasis here is on general skills with all-round applicability rather than the ability to solve “cooked-up” problems. The approachable style and clear presentation of this text will help you grasp the essentials of: modeling the kinematics and dynamics of arbitrary multibody mechanisms; formulating a mathematical description of general motions of such mechanisms; implementing the description in a computer-graphics application for the animation/visualization of the movement. Multibody Mechanics and Visualization plays down the prediction of dynamics by formal analysis of differential equations while preparing its students to perform such analyses with greater understanding later. The text relies on the following principles for effective tuition: an inductive approach to learning - discerning general patterns from particular observations; repetition and review of important principles to reinforce your learning through numerous examples; obvious visual guidance that shows you at a glance which information you need for different levels of understanding; computer tools, visual representations and elements of active learning integrated into the text to suit the way you want to learn. Supported in the text in parallel with the theoretical presentation is the simulation and animation application Mambo. In contrast with existing commercially available educational software tools, Mambo requires detailed input from you in order to define the specific geometry of a mechanism as well as the differential equations governing its behavior while allowing you to visualize the results of your efforts. The Mambo toolbox enables you to provide these specifications for mechanisms that would pose insurmountable algebraic challenges to manual calculation. With these tools, you will be able to see the implications of decisions made throughout the modeling process, to check your mathematical analyses, and to enjoy the fruit of your labor! Mambo can be freely downloaded from the author's website and runs under any version of MS Windows®. The toolbox is compatible with the Maple™ software environment and the Matlab® extended symbolic toolbox.

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Mechanics of Microelectromechanical Systems


Name: Mechanics of Microelectromechanical Systems
Author: Nicolae Lobontiu, Ephrahim Garcia
Publisher: Kluwer
Year: 2004
Volume: XII
Pages: 405
Illustrations: 295
ISBN: 1-4020-8013-1
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 11.9 Mb

Written for: Undergraduate students in electrical engineering, undergraduate students in mechanical engineering.

This book offers a comprehensive coverage to the mechanics of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), which are analyzed from a mechanical engineer's viewpoint as devices that transform an input form of energy into output mechanical motion (in the case of actuation) or that can operate with the reversed functionality (as in sensors) and convert an external stimulus, such as mechanical motion, into (generally) electric energy. The impetus of this proposal stems from the perception that such an approach might contribute to a more solid understanding of the principles governing the mechanics of MEMS, and would hopefully enhance the efficiency of modeling and designing reliable and desirably-optimized microsystems. The work represents an attempt at both extending and deepening the mechanical-based approach to MEMS in the static domain by providing simple, yet reliable tools that are applicable to micromechanism design through current fabrication technologies.

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Mechanics and Strength of Materials


Name: Mechanics and Strength of Materials
Author: Vitor Dias da Silva
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2006
Volume: XVI
Pages: 529
Illustrations: 402
ISBN: 3-540-25131-6
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 26.4 Mb

Written for: Students in the fields of Civil, Mechanical, Aeronautical Engineering.

This textbook gives a clear and thorough presentation of the fundamental principles of mechanics and strength of materials. It provides both the theory and applications of mechanics of materials on an intermediate theoretical level, ranging from the mechanical properties of materials through the effects of axial load, torsion, bending, and transverse shear to stresses and strains in bars and continuum mechanics. The book is aimed at graduate and advanced undergraduate students in materials science courses in Mechanical, Civil, and Aerospace Engineering departments. Due to its solid theoretical presentation of basic concepts, the book can also be used as a reference tool by postgraduates and researchers in the fields of solid mechanics as well as practicing engineers.

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Nuclear Fission and Cluster Radioactivity


Name: Nuclear Fission and Cluster Radioactivity: An Energy-Density Functional Approach
Author: M. A. Hooshyar · I. Reichstein · F. B. Malik
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XI
Pages: 200
Illustrations: 82
ISBN: 3-540-23302-4
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 2.78 Mb

Written for: Scientists, graduate students. nuclear physicists, chemists, and engineers.

It is the first application to nuclear physics from energy-density functional method, for which Professor Walter Kohn received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The book presents a comprehensive extension of the Bohr-Wheeler theory with the present knowledge of nuclear density distribution function.

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Multivariable Control Systems


Name: Multivariable Control Systems: An Engineering Approach
Author: P. Albertos and A. Sala
Publisher: Springer
Series: Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing
Year: 2004
Volume: XVIII
Pages: 340
Illustrations: 67
ISBN: 1-85233-738-9
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 2.34 Mb

Written for: M.Sc. and early Ph.D. students in control engineering; final-year undergraduate students in control engineering; academics teaching courses in control; libraries.

Multivariable control techniques solve issues of complex specification and modelling errors elegantly but the complexity of the underlying mathematics is much higher than presented in traditional single-input, single-output control courses.

Multivariable Control Systems focuses on control design with continual references to the practical aspects of implementation. While the concepts of multivariable control are justified, the book emphasises the need to maintain student interest and motivation over exhaustively rigorous mathematical proof. Tools of analysis and representation are always developed as methods for achieving a final control system design and evaluation.


• design implementation clearly laid out using extensive reference to MATLAB®;

• combined consideration of systems (plant) and signals (mainly disturbances) in a fluent but simple presentation;

• step-by-step approach from the objectives of multivariable control to the solution of complete design problems.

Multivariable Control Systems is an ideal text for masters students, students beginning their Ph.D. or for final-year undergraduates looking for more depth than provided by introductory textbooks. It will also interest the control engineer practising in industry and seeking to implement robust or multivariable control solutions to plant problems in as straightforward a manner as possible.

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Multicriteria Optimization


Name: Multicriteria Optimization, 2nd ed.
Author: Matthias Ehrgott
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XIII
Pages: 323
Illustrations: 88
ISBN: 3-540-21398-8
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 3.77 Mb

Written for: Graduate students, researchers.

Decision makers in many areas, from industry to engineering and the social sector, face an increasing need to consider multiple, conflicting objectives in their decision processes. In many cases these real world decision problems can be formulated as multicriteria mathematical optimization models. The solution of such models requires appropriate techniques to compute so called efficient, or Pareto optimal, or compromise solutions that - unlike traditional mathematical programming methods - take the contradictory nature of the criteria into account. This book provides the necessary mathematical foundation of multicriteria optimization to solve nonlinear, linear and combinatorial problems with multiple criteria. Motivational examples illustrate the use of multicriteria optimization in practice. Numerous illustrations and exercises as well as an extensive bibliography are provided.

In the new edition a chapter on optimality conditions has been added. The linear programming part has been extended and includes new developments. Moreover, motivational examples are now introducing the majority of chapters.

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Soil Formation


Name: Soil Formation, 2nd ed.
Author: Nico van Breemen, Peter Buurman
Publisher: Kluwer
Year: 2002
Pages: 416
ISBN: 1-4020-0718-3
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 24.7 Mb

Written for: Pedology graduate student, many pedology professors as well.

Soil Formation deals with qualitative and quantitative aspects of soil formation (or pedogenesis) and the underlying chemical, biological, and physical processes. The starting point of the text is the process - and not soil classification. Effects of weathering and new formation of minerals, mobilisation, transport, and breakdown or immobilisation of dissolved and suspended compounds are discussed. Soil processes and profiles are discussed in relation to the landscape, the geosphere, and the biosphere. Emphasis lies on the universality of soil-forming processes in past and present, and on the soil as a dynamic entity that forms part of the total environment.

Complexity of genetic processes in time and space is given much attention. The text gives many examples from literature and places some in a new light. The reader is guided through the subject matter by a large number of questions and problems to help understand and synthesis the material. Answers to all questions are included. This second edition has been updated to reflect recent discoveries. Printing errors have been corrected, and new photographs support the text.

"Working through the questions and problems in this book would provide a rigorous training for any advanced pedology graduate student (and for many pedology professors as well)."
(David J. Brown, Montana State University, Soil Science Vol. 169 No. 4)

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The Science and Applications of Acoustics


Name: The Science and Applications of Acoustics, SECOND EDITION
Author: Daniel R. Raichel
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2006
Volume: XIV
Pages: 660
Illustrations: 253
ISBN: 0-387-26062-5
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 5.82 Mb

Written for: Advanced udergraduate and graduate students in Acoustics, Engineering, Architecture, Audiology, Medical Research, and Music.

This textbook treats the broad range of modern acoustics from the basics of wave propagation in solids and fluids to applications such as noise control and cancellation, underwater acoustics, music and music synthesis, sonoluminescence, and medical diagnostics with ultrasound.

The discussion begins with a historical overview. It then turns to a derivation of the wave equation from the fundamental equations of motion for fluids and for solids, with solutions of the equation in open air and in bounded media such as strings, bars, membranes, and pipes. Sound filters and electric analogs for sound propagation are also treated. A chapter on measurement techniques provides a comprehensive survey of the means of evaluating sound levels and frequency content of signals. A section of the physiology of hearing and psychoacoustics includes recent findings on how the human ear functions. The remainder of the book deals with a wide variety of applications including architectural acoustics; enclosures and barriers; noise codes and regulations;, and methods of noise control; underwater acoustics; ultrasound; vibration control; and music, musical instruments, and reproduction of music.

The new edition is up-to-date and forward-looking in approach. Chapter 2 now covers fluid-fluid interface effects, with additional information on newest measurement techniques. Updates are provided on the use of ultrasound in industry, and deeper coverage is provided on medical uses of ultrasound. The chapter on music and musical instruments has been broken up into two chapters, one chapter covering music and musical instruments and the other covering sound reproduction and including the latest devices such MP3®; iPod®; 5.1-, 6.1-, and 7.1-channel systems; and THX® and Iosono® theater systems. Additional coverage of the opto-acoustics and sonoluminescence phenomena is included. New problems have been added throughout.

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Advanced Structural Dynamics and Active Control of Structures


Name: Advanced Structural Dynamics and Active Control of Structures
Author: Wodek K. Gawronski
Publisher: Springer
Series: Mechanical Engineering Series
Year: 2004
Volume: XXII
Pages: 396
Illustrations: 157
ISBN: 0-387-40649-2
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 5.40 Mb

Written for: Control engineers, structural engineers, students.

The book presents and integrates the methods of structural dynamics, identification and control into a common framework. It aims to create a common language between structural and control system engineers.

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