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Electrochemistry and Corrosion Science


Name: Electrochemistry and Corrosion Science
Author: Nestor Perez
Publisher: Kluwer
Year: 2004
Pages: 376
ISBN: 1-4020-7744-0
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 15.5 Mb

Written for: Graduate students, researchers and professionals.

Electrochemistry and Corrosion Science is a graduate level text/professional reference that describes the types of corrosion on metallic materials. The focus will be on modeling and engineering approximation schemes that describe the thermodynamics and kinetics of electrochemical systems. The principles of corrosion behavior and metal recovery are succinctly described with the aid of pictures, figures, graphs and schematic models, followed by derivation of equations to quantify relevant parameters. Example problems are included to illustrate the application of electrochemical concepts and mathematics for solving complex corrosion problems.
This book differs from others in that the subject matter is organized around the modeling and predicating approaches that are used to determine detrimental and beneficial electrochemical events. Thus, this book will take a more practical approach and make it especially useful as a basic text and reference for professional engineers.

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Fracture Mechanics


Name: Fracture Mechanics
Author: Nestor Perez
Publisher: Kluwer
Year: 2004
Pages: 299
ISBN: 1-4020-7745-9
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 10.6 Mb

Written for: Graduate students, researchers and professionals.

Fracture Mechanics is a graduate level text/professional reference that describes the analytical methods used to derive stress and strain functions related to fracture mechanics. The focus of the book will be on modeling and problem solving as tools to be used in interpreting the meaning of a mathematical solution for a particular engineering problem or situation. Once this is accomplished, the reader should be able to think mathematically, foresee metallurgically the significance of microstructural parameters on properties, analyze the mechanical behavior of materials, and recognize realistically how dangerous a crack is in a stressed structure, which may fail catastrophically.
This book differs from others in that the subject matter is organized around the modeling and predicating approaches that are used to explain the detrimental effects of crack growth events. Thus, this book will take a more practical approach and make it especially useful as a basic reference for professional engineers.

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ActivEpi Companion Textbook


Name: ActivEpi Companion Textbook
Author: David G. Kleinbaum, Kevin M. Sullivan, Nancy D. Barker
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2003. (Corr. 3rd printing 2005)
Volume: IX
Pages: 518
ISBN: 0-387-95574-7
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 4.41 Mb (CD нет, можно посетить сайт Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?)

Written for: Grad students, Practitioners.

The ActivEpi Companion Textbook supplements the ActivEpi CD-ROM. Because individuals differ in their learning skills, the ActivEpi CD-ROM and ActivEpi Companion Textbook offer readers different but related options on learning epidemiology. The Companion Textbook can be used as a hardcopy reference of the materials contained on the CD-ROM, as a resource for the practice exercises, as a general references, or even a self-contained textbook.

The ActivEpi Companion Textbook is 518-pages and the most current edition, which we recommend, is the corrected third printing (2005). All of the textual material on the CD-ROM and a large number of screen captures are included in the ActivEpi Companion Textbook. Some of the narrations on the CD-ROM were altered slightly in the Companion Textbook to accommodate references to computer animations. Another difference between the CD-ROM and the Companion Textbook is that the Study Questions and Quizzes in the Companion Textbook are sequentially numbered throughout each Lesson, with the answers provided at the end of the lesson; on the CD-ROM, the answers are provided interactively. There are interactive activities on the CD-ROM that cannot be directly duplicated in the Companion Textbook, particularly the exercises using the Data Desk software program. One advantage of the Companion Textbook is that at the end of each Lesson are a reference section and a summary of the nomenclature and formulae.

We believe that the combination of both the ActivEpi CD-ROM and Companion Textbook provide the optimal learning experience, whether they are used for a traditional classroom-based course, in a distance learning course, or for independent study. We recommend using the CD-ROM for initially reviewing the material and using the Companion Textbook to highlight areas of interest, and then use the Companion Textbook for preparing for exams or as an epidemiologic resource.

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Interior Point Methods for Linear Optimization


Name: Interior Point Methods for Linear Optimization, Second Edition
Author: C. Roos, T. Terlaky, J.-Ph. Vial
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2006
Volume: XXIV
Pages: 497
ISBN: 0-387-26378-0
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 36 Mb

Written for: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students who are interested to learn the fundamentals and major variants of Interior Point Methods for linear optimization; optimization researchers.

Interior Point Methods for Linear Optimization is a comprehensive, thorough textbook on interior point methods (IPMs). The era of IPMs was initiated by N. Karmarkar’s 1984 paper, which triggered turbulent research and reshaped almost all areas of optimization theory and computational practice. This book gives a comprehensive review of the main results of more than a decade of IPM research. Numerous exercises are provided to aid in understanding the material.

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Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers


Name: Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers
Author: Vadapalli Chandrasekhar
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XII
Pages: 388
Illustrations: 273
ISBN: 3-540-22574-9
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 13.8 Mb

Written for: Senior undergraduates and graduate students.

This textbook is intended to give an understanding of the basic principles that constitute the field of non-conventional polymers containing inorganic and organometalic units as the repeating units. Each chapter will be self-explanatory with a good background so that it can be easily understood at the senior undergraduate level. The principles involved in the preparation of these polymers, their characterisation and their applications will be discussed. Basic inorganic chemistry required for the understanding of each topic is presented so that the content of the chapter is readily understood. All the major inorganic and organometallic polymers such as polyphosphazenes, polysilanes, polysiloxanes, poly-thiazyl, poly-ferrocenes and other polymers containing main group elements will be dealt with.

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Human Body Dynamics


Name: Human Body Dynamics: Classical Mechanics and Human Movement
Author: Aydın Tözeren
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2000
Volume: XVIII
Pages: 315
Illustrations: 177
ISBN: 0-387-98801-7
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 4.32 Mb

Written for: Biomechanics students, Mechanical Engineering students.

The mechanical features of human movement are of great interest in a range of endeavors, from engineers designing car seats or keyboards to physicians treating sports injuries. Human movement obeys basic laws that govern static and dynamic bodies, and this textbook takes a quantitative approach to studying human biomechanics. The book features numerous homework problems and worked examples, both of which are vital for classroom use. The book will be welcomed by teachers of engineering mechanics, statics and dynamics, and biomechanics courses that assume familiarity with calculus and vectors.

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Finite Element Methods


Name: Finite Element Methods: Parallel-Sparse Statics and Eigen-Solutions
Author: Duc Thai Nguyen
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2006
Volume: XVIII
Pages: 533
ISBN: 0-387-29330-2
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 17.4 Mb

Written for: Graduate students, practicing engineers and researchers in engineering, computer science, and mathematics.

This textbook should be useful for graduate students, practicing engineers, and researchers who wish to thoroughly understand the detailed step-by-step algorithms, used during the finite element (truly sparse) assembly, the "direct" and "iterative" sparse equation * eigen-solvers and incorporating the DD formulation for efficient parallel computation.

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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Low-Temperature Physics


Name: Low-Temperature Physics
Author: Christian Enss, Siegfried Hunklinger
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XIV
Pages: 574
Illustrations: 421
ISBN: 3-540-23164-1
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 6.13 Mb

Written for: Advanced students.

This book provides a concise but thorough introduction to important phenomena of low-temperature physics. It is ideally suited as a textbook for advanced undergraduates but will also be valuable to graduate students, scientists and engineers working in this field. Clear explanations of both theoretical and experimental approaches coupled with carefully selected problems will enable students to gain a firm understanding of even the most recent research developments.

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Lagrangian Probability Distributions


Name: Lagrangian Probability Distributions
Author: Prem C. Consul, Felix Famoye
Publisher: Birkhauser
Year: 2006
Volume: XX
Pages: 352
ISBN: 0-8176-4365-6
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 2.84 Mb

Written for: Graduate students and researchers interest in discrete probability distributions; applied scientists and researchers in environmental statistics, reliability, sales management, epidemiology, operations research, optimization in manufacturing and marketing, and infectious disease control.

Lagrangian expansions can be used to obtain numerous useful probability models, which have been applied to real life situations including, but not limited to: branching processes, queuing processes, stochastic processes, environmental toxicology, diffusion of information, ecology, strikes in industries, sales of new products, and production targets for optimum profits. This book presents a comprehensive, systematic treatment of the class of Lagrangian probability distributions, along with some of its families, their properties, and important applications.

Key features:

* Fills a gap in book literature

* Examines many new Lagrangian probability distributions, their numerous families, general and specific properties, and applications to a variety of different fields

* Presents background mathematical and statistical formulas for easy reference

* Detailed bibliography and index

* Exercises in many chapters

Graduate students and researchers with a good knowledge of standard statistical techniques and an interest in Lagrangian probability distributions will find this work valuable. It may be used as a reference text or in courses and seminars on Distribution Theory and Lagrangian Distributions. Applied scientists and researchers in environmental statistics, reliability, sales management, epidemiology, operations research, optimization in manufacturing and marketing, and infectious disease control will benefit immensely from the various applications in the book.

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Physical Geodesy


Name: Physical Geodesy
Author: Bernhard Hofmann-Wellenhof, Helmut Moritz
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XVII
Pages: 403
Illustrations: 111
ISBN: 3-211-23584-1
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 21.4 Mb

Written for: Geodesists, geophycisists, satellite navigation community, civil engineers, geographers.

"Physical Geodesy" by Heiskanen and Moritz, published in 1967, has for a long time been considered as the standard introduction to its field. The enormous progress since then, however, required a complete reworking. While basic material could be retained other parts required a complete update. This concerns, above all, the adaptation to the fact that the geometry can now be precisely determined by methods such as GPS, and that new satellite methods, combined with terrestrial methods, also make a detailed determination of the earth's gravitational field a possibility and a necessity. Highlights include: emphasis on global integration of geometry and gravity, a simplified approach to Molodensky's theory without integral equations, and a general combination of all geodetic data by least-squares collocation.

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Nanotribology and Nanomechanics


Name: Nanotribology and Nanomechanics: An Introduction
Author: Bharat Bhushan (Ed.)
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XXVIII
Pages: 1148
Illustrations: 624
ISBN: 3-540-24267-8
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 47.3 Mb

Written for: Graduate students, researchers and engineers.

The recent emergence and proliferation of proximal probes, e.g. SPM and AFM, and computational techniques for simulating tip-surface interactions has enabled the systematic investigation of interfacial problems on ever smaller scales, as well as created means for modifying and manipulating nanostructures. In short, they have led to the appearance of the new, interdisciplinary fields of micro/nanotribology and micro/nanomechanics.

This volume serves as a timely, practical introduction to the principles of nanotribology and nanomechanics and applications to magnetic storage systems and MEMS/NEMS. Assuming some familiarity with macrotribilogy/mechanics, the book comprises chapters by internationally recognized experts, who integrate knowledge of the field from the mechanics and materials-science perspectives. They cover key measurement techniques, their applications, and theoretical modelling of interfaces, each beginning their contributions with macro- and progressing to microconcepts. After reviewing the fundamental experimental and theoretical aspects in the first part, Nanotribology and Nanomechanics then treats applications.

Three groups of readers are likely to find this text valuable: graduate students, research workers, and practicing engineers. It can serve as he basis for a comprehensive, one- or two-semester course in scanning probe microscopy; applied scanning probe techniques; or nanotribology/nanomechanics/nanotechnology, in departments such as mechanical engineering, materials science, and applied physics.

With a Foreword by Physics Nobel Laureate Gerd Binnig

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Using SPSS for Windows


Name: Using SPSS for Windows: Data Analysis and Graphics, 2nd ed.
Author: Susan B. Gerber, Kristin Voelkl
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XII
Pages: 228
Illustrations: 95
ISBN: 0-387-40083-4
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 2.26 Mb

Written for: Undergraduates, practitioners.

The second edition of this popular guide demonstrates the process of entering and analyzing data using the latest version of SPSS (12.0), and is also appropriate for those using earlier versions of SPSS. The book is easy to follow because all procedures are outlined in a step-by-step format designed for the novice user. Students are introduced to the rationale of statistical tests and detailed explanations of results are given through clearly annotated examples of SPSS output. Topics covered range from descriptive statistics through multiple regression analysis. In addition, this guide includes topics not typically covered in other books such as probability theory, interaction effects in analysis of variance, factor analysis, and scale reliability. This book can be used in two ways: as a stand-alone manual for students wishing to learn data analysis techniques using SPSS for Windows, or in research and statistics courses to be used with a basic statistics text. The book provides hands-on experience with actual data sets, helps students choose appropriate statistical tests, illustrates the meaning of results, and provides exercises to be completed for further practice or as homework assignments.

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Mechanics of Composite Materials with MATLAB


Name: Mechanics of Composite Materials with MATLAB
Author: George Z. Voyiadjis, Peter I. Kattan
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XI
Pages: 336
Illustrations: 86
ISBN: 3-540-24353-4
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 1.61 Mb

Written for: Students in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Materials Science, and Aerospace Engineering using MATLAB.

This textbook makes use of the popular computer program MATLAB as the major computer tool to study mechanics of composite materials. It is written specifically for students in engineering and materials science, examining step-by-step solutions of composite material mechanics problems using MATLAB. Each of the 12 chapters is well structured and includes a summary of the basic equations, MATLAB functions used in the chapter, solved examples and problems for students to solve. The main emphasis of Mechanics of Composite Materials with MATLAB is on learning the composite material mechanics computations and on understanding the underlying concepts. The solutions to most of the given problems appear in an appendix at the end of the book. The accompanying CD-ROM includes a set of MATLAB functions that are written by the authors specifically to be used with the book and a detailed solutions manual.

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Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik mit MATLAB


Name: Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik mit MATLAB
Author: Ottmar Beucher
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XII
Pages: 509
Illustrations: 111
ISBN: 3-540-23416-0
Language: German
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 7.86 Mb

Written for: Studierende und Ingenieure aller ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Fachrichtungen.

Einführung in die grundlegenden Begriffe und Werkzeuge der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung. Beschrieben werden zentrale Begriffe und Methoden der angewandten mathematischen Statistik sowie weitergehende statistische Verfahren wie die Varianz- und Regressionsanalyse oder nichtparametrische Verfahren diskutiert, dabei moderne Techniken wie die Monte-Carlo-Methode und wichtige Anwendungsgebiete aus dem ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Bereich vorgestellt.

Die verwendeten MATLAB-Programme werden ausführlich kommentiert und dem Leser als Begleitsoftware auf der Homepage des Autors zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Buch enthält über 100 Übungsaufgaben mit vollständigen Lösungen.

Geeignet für Studierende aller ingenieur- und naturwissenschaftlichen Fachrichtungen an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen.

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Реакции: Msha


Name: MATLAB 7: Eine Einführung
Author: Christoph Uberhuber, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Dirk Praetorius
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: IX
Pages: 309
Illustrations: 57
ISBN: 3-211-21137-3
Language: German
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 24.5 Mb

Written for: Studenten der Technik und der Naturwissenschaften, Praktiker, Dozenten.

MATLAB ist ein auf mathematisch/numerischen Methoden beruhendes Problemlösungswerkzeug, das sowohl bequeme Benutzeroberflächen bietet, als auch die individuelle Programmierung gestattet. MATLAB hat sich durch seine Erweiterungsmöglichkeit in Form von „Toolboxen" zu einem universell einsetzbaren Werkzeug auf den verschiedensten Gebieten (Signalverarbeitung, Regelungstechnik, Fuzzy Logic etc.) entwickelt. Das Buch ist auf die neueste MATLAB-Version 7 abgestimmt und behandelt unter anderem detailliert die Lösung numerischer Problemstellungen mit Hilfe von MATLAB.

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