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Bender.E сказал(а):
Ищу книги по турбулентности, турбулентному погранслою и турбулентному атмосферному погранслою. Также по турбулентности стратифицированых сред (температурой, тяжелыми частицами, пузырьками), мультифазных сред и т.п.
Мечтаю :))) о "молодых" книгах.

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Мой списочек книг связанных с гидродинамикой:

Batchelor Introduction to fluid dynamics [CUP, 2000] (djvu, 631 p., 8278 KB, 13.1 KB/p., 400dpi, English, OCR)
Бэтчелор Дж. Введение в динамику жидкости [Мир, 1973] (djvu, 778 p., 9104 KB, 11.7 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Биркгоф Гидродинамика. Метод, факты, подобие [1963] (djvu, 245 p., 4080 KB, 16.7 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Bloomer J.J. Practical fluid mechanics for engineering applications [M.Dekker, 2000] (djvu, 408 p., 5018 KB, 12.3 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)
Борисов А.В., Мамаев И.С., Соколовский М.А. (ред.) Фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы теории вихрей [РХД, 2003] (djvu, 706 p., 5902 KB, 8.4 KB/p., 300dpi, landscape, Russian, OCR)
Chorin A., Marsden J. A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics [Springer, 1993] (djvu, 182 p., 1273 KB, 7.0 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)
Chorin A., Marsden J.E. Mathematical introduction to fluid mechanics [Springer, draft, 2000] (pdf, 181 p., 1383 KB, 7.6 KB/p., English)
Чжен П. (P.Chang) Отрывные течения том 1 [Мир, 1972] (djvu, 300 p., 4348 KB, 14.5 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Чжен П. (P.Chang) Отрывные течения том 2 [Мир, 1972] (djvu, 280 p., 3948 KB, 14.1 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Чжен П. (P.Chang) Отрывные течения том 3 [Мир, 1973] (djvu, 335 p., 5256 KB, 15.7 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Darby R. Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics [M.Dekker, 2001] (pdf, 576 p., 4279 KB, 7.4 KB/p., English)
Drazin P. Introduction to Hydrodynamic Stability [CUP, 2002] (djvu, 276 p., 2635 KB, 9.5 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)
Dubrovin, Novikov Hydrodynamics of soliton lattices [Sov.Sci. review, 1993] (djvu, 139 p., 987 KB, 7.1 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)
Egbers C., Pfister G. (eds.) Physics of rotating fluids [proc. Bremen 1999, Springer LNP549, 2000] (pdf, 445 p., 13156 KB, 29.6 KB/p., English)
Ентов В.М. (ред.) Биогидродинамика плавания и полета [Новое в зар. науке 23, Мир, 1980] (djvu, 176 p., 2661 KB, 15.1 KB/p., 300dpi, landscape, Russian, OCR)
Фон Карман Т. Аэродинамика: избранные темы в их историческом развитии [РХД, 2001] (djvu, 213 p., 2297 KB, 10.8 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Frisch U. Turbulence, the legacy of A.N. Kolmogorov [CUP, 1995] (djvu, 308 p., 3317 KB, 10.8 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)
Gallavotti Foundations of fluid mechanics [2000] (pdf, 502 p., 5387 KB, 10.7 KB/p., English)
Gallavotti Foundations of fluid mechanics [2000] (djvu, 502 p., 3728 KB, 7.4 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)
Гапонов, Маслов Развитие возмущений в сжимаемых потоках [Наука, 1980] (djvu, 149 p., 1694 KB, 11.4 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Гельмгольц Г. Основы вихревой теории (djvu, 82 p., 446 KB, 5.4 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Гиневский, Власов, Каравосов Акустическое управление турбулентными струями [Физматлит, 2001] (djvu, 240 p., 3420 KB, 14.3 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Гледзер Е.Б., Должанский Ф.В., Обухов А.МА. Системы гидродинамического типа и их применение [Наука, 1981] (djvu, 368 p., 4305 KB, 11.7 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Карман Т. Сверхзвуковая аэродинамика [ИЛ, 1948] (djvu, 102 p., 1389 KB, 13.6 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Кочин Н.Е., Кибель И.А., Розе Н.В. Теоретическая гидромеханика, часть 1 [1963] (djvu, 595 p., 4812 KB, 8.1 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Кочин Н.Е., Кибель И.А., Розе Н.В. Теоретическая гидромеханика, часть 2 [1963] (djvu, 735 p., 8158 KB, 11.1 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Козлов Общая теория вихрей [1998] (djvu, 239 p., 1050 KB, 4.4 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Краснов Аэродинамика том 1 [1976] (djvu, 385 p., 4497 KB, 11.7 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Kundu P.K., Cohen I.R. Fluid mechanics [AP, 2002] (djvu, 755 p., 10274 KB, 13.6 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR, color)
Ladyzhenskaya O.A. Mathematical theory of viscous incompressible flow [2ed., 1969] (djvu, 234 p., 2004 KB, 8.6 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)
Ламб Г. Гидродинамика [1947] (djvu, 929 p., 12032 KB, 13.0 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Лавреньтев А.М., Б.В. Шабат. Проблемы гидродинамики и их математические модели (djvu, 415 p., 4751 KB, 11.4 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Лаврентьев М.А., Шабат Б.В. Проблемы гидродинамики и их математические модели [Наука, 1973] (djvu, 417 p., 4849 KB, 11.6 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Линь Ц.-Ц. Теория гидродинамической устойчивости [ИЛ, 1958] (djvu, 194 p., 1821 KB, 9.4 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Липман Г.В., Пакет А.Е. Введение в аэродинамику несжимаемой жидкости [ИЛ, 1949] (djvu, 330 p., 4027 KB, 12.2 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Литтлтон Р.А. Устойчивость вращающихся масс жидкости (djvu, 240 p., 1303 KB, 5.4 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Лойцянский Л.Г. Ламинарный пограничный слой [1962] (djvu, 478 p., 5669 KB, 11.9 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Лойцянский Л.Г. Механика жидкости и газа [1950] (djvu, 678 p., 10041 KB, 14.8 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Лотов К.В. Физика сплошных сред [2002] (djvu, 148 p., 839 KB, 5.7 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Lumley J.L. (ed.) Fluid mechanics and the environment: dynamical approaches [LNP566, Springer, 2001] (djvu, 412 p., 7240 KB, 17.6 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)
Majda A.J., Kramer P.R. Simplified models for turbulent diffusion: theory, numerical modelling, and physical phenomena [PR314, 1999] (pdf, 337 p., 2821 KB, 8.4 KB/p., English)
Majda, Bertozzi Vorticity and incompressible flow [CUP, 2002] (pdf, 558 p., 2755 KB, 4.9 KB/p., English)
Maurel A., Petitjeans P. (eds.) Vortex Structure and Dynamics workshop [Springer LNP555, 2000] (djvu, 330 p., 3296 KB, 10.0 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)
McComb W.D. The physics of fluid turbulence [Oxford, 1991] (djvu, 595 p., 5228 KB, 8.8 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)
Мелешко В.В., Константинов М.Ю. Динамика вихревых структур [Киев, 1993] (djvu, 282 p., 12018 KB, 42.6 KB/p., 600dpi, Russian, OCR)
Mihalas D., Mihalas B.W. Foundations of radiation hydrodynamics [Oxford, 1984] (djvu, 741 p., 7559 KB, 10.2 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)
Милн-Томпсон Л.М. Теоретическая гидродинамика [Мир, 1964] (djvu, 660 p., 9441 KB, 14.3 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Монин А.С. Теоретические основы геофизической гидродинамики [1988] (djvu, 424 p., 5053 KB, 11.9 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Монин А.С., Яглом А.М. Статистическая гидромеханика, том 1: механика турбулентности [Наука, 1965] (djvu, 642 p., 7224 KB, 11.3 KB/p., 300dpi, landscape, Russian, OCR)
Монин А.С., Яглом А.М. Статистическая гидромеханика, том 2: механика турбулентности [Наука, 1967] (djvu, 722 p., 12157 KB, 16.8 KB/p., 300dpi, landscape, Russian, OCR, color)
Можен Ж. Механика электромагнитных сплошных сред [Мир, 1991] (djvu, 560 p., 6249 KB, 11.2 KB/p., 300dpi, landscape, Russian, OCR)
Myshkis A.D., et al. Low-Gravity Fluid Mechanics [Springer, 1987] (djvu, 601 p., 6344 KB, 10.6 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)
Пирумов У.Г. Обратная задача теории сопла [1988] (djvu, 239 p., 2788 KB, 11.7 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Пирумов, Росляков Газовая динамика сопел [Наука, 1990] (djvu, 368 p., 4780 KB, 13.0 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Pozrikidis C. Fluid dynamics: theory, computation and numerical simulation [Kluwer, 2001] (djvu, 557 p., 4114 KB, 7.4 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)
Прандтль Л. Гидроаэромеханика (djvu, 574 p., 4698 KB, 8.2 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Рауз Х. Механика жидкости (djvu, 392 p., 4994 KB, 12.7 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Rohde A. A Computational Study Of Flow Around A Rotating Disc In Flight [phd thesis, Florida, 2000] (djvu, 169 p., 2179 KB, 12.9 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)
Saffman P.G. Vortex dynamics [CUP, 1992] (djvu, 322 p., 2770 KB, 8.6 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)
Саранин Равновесие жидкостей и его устойчивость. Теория и опыты [РХД, 2002] (djvu, 144 p., 863 KB, 6.0 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Schmid P.J., Henningson D.S. Stability and transition in shear flows [Springer, 2001] (djvu, 572 p., 6486 KB, 11.3 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)
Седов Л.И. Методы подобия и размерности в механике [8е изд., Наука, 1977] (djvu, 442 p., 3337 KB, 7.5 KB/p., 300dpi, landscape, Russian)
Серрин Дж. Математические основы механики жидкости [ИЛ, 1963] (djvu, 256 p., 3356 KB, 13.1 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Шифрин Э.Г. Потенциальные и вихревые трансзвуковые течения идеального газа [Физматлит, 2001] (djvu, 320 p., 7835 KB, 24.5 KB/p., 600dpi, Russian, OCR, cleaned)
Шмыглевский Ю.Д. Аналитические исследования динамики газа и жидкости [УРСС, 1999] (djvu, 231 p., 3015 KB, 13.1 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Слезкин Н.А. Динамика вязкой несжимаемой жидкости [1955] (djvu, 521 p., 5834 KB, 11.2 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Соколовский В.В. Статика сыпучей среды [1960] (djvu, 242 p., 2904 KB, 12.0 KB/p., 300dpi, landscape, Russian, OCR)
Валландер С.В. Лекции по гидроаэромеханике [ЛГУ, 1978] (djvu, 296 p., 3180 KB, 10.7 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Ван-Дайк М. Альбомы течений жидкости и газа [Мир, 1986] (djvu, 184 p., 9838 KB, 53.5 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR, color)
Вилля Г. Теория вихрей [1936] (djvu, 266 p., 3408 KB, 12.8 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Ворожцев Е.В., Яненко Н.Н. Методы локализации особенностей в вычислительной газодинамике [Наука, 1985] (djvu, 224 p., 3824 KB, 17.1 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Воскобойников, Преображенский, Седельников Математическая обработка эксперимента в молекулярной газодинамике [Наука, 1984] (djvu, 241 p., 5453 KB, 22.6 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
White F.M. Fluid mechanics [4ed., McGraw-Hill] (pdf, 1023 p., 13798 KB, 13.5 KB/p., En)
Жигулев, Тумин Возникновение турбулентности [Наука, 1987] (djvu, 283 p., 4517 KB, 16.0 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Жук В.И. Волны Толлмина-Шлихтлинга и солитоны [Наука, 2001] (djvu, 168 p., 1830 KB, 10.9 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Жуковский Н.Е. Собр. соч. том 2. Гидродинамика [1949] (djvu, 760 p., 12278 KB, 16.2 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
Zucker R.D., Biblarz O. Fundamentals of gas dynamics(ISBN 0471059676) [2ed., Wiley, 2002] (pdf, 500 p., 4337 KB, 8.7 KB/p., English)

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A Practical Approach to Microarray Data Analysis


Author: Daniel P. Berrar; Werner Dubitzky; Martin Granzow (Eds.)
Publisher: Kluwer
Year: 2003
Pages: 384p
ISBN: 1-4020-7260-0
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 10.3 Mb

Written for: Life scientists, statisticians, computer experts, technology developers, managers.

A Practical Approach to Microarray Data Analysis is for all life scientists, statisticians, computer experts, technology developers, managers, and other professionals tasked with developing, deploying, and using microarray technology including the necessary computational infrastructure and analytical tools. The book addresses the requirement of scientists and researchers to gain a basic understanding of microarray analysis methodologies and tools. It is intended for students, teachers, researchers, and research managers who want to understand the state of the art and of the presented methodologies and the areas in which gaps in our knowledge demand further research and development. The book is designed to be used by the practicing professional tasked with the design and analysis of microarray experiments or as a text for a senior undergraduate- or graduate level course in analytical genetics, biology, bioinformatics, computational biology, statistics and data mining, or applied computer science.
Key topics covered include:

-Format of result from data analysis, analytical modeling/experimentation;
-Validation of analytical results;
-Data analysis/Modeling task;
-Analysis/modeling tools;
-Scientific questions, goals, and tasks;
-Data analysis methods;
-Criteria for assessing analysis methodologies, models, and tools.

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Astroparticle Physics


Author: Claus Grupen
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XIV
Pages: 441p
Illustrations: 181
ISBN: 3-540-25312-2
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 7.63 Mb

Written for: Graduate and undergraduate students.

he book describes the branch of astronomy in which processes in the universe are investigated with experimental methods employed in particle-physics experiments. After a historical introduction the basics of elementary particles, Astroparticle Physics describes their interactions and the relevant detection techniques. The main body of this treatment concerns cosmic rays, while modern aspects of astroparticle physics are described in a chapter on cosmology. The book provides an orientation in the field of astroparticle physics that many beginners might seek and appreciate. The underlying physics fundamentals are presented with little mathematics, and the results are illustrated by many diagrams. The reader has a chance to enter this field of astronomy with a book that closes the gap between expert and popular level.

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S. Pope, Turbulent Flows

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Stephen B. Pope Turbulent Flows

Product Details

* Paperback: 770 pages
* Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1st edition (January 15, 2000)
* Language: English
* ISBN: 0521598869
424 p., 5053 KB, 11.9 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)

Batchelor Introduction to fluid dynamics [CUP, 2000] (djvu, 631 p., 8278 KB, 13.1 KB/p., 400dpi, English, OCR)

Bloomer J.J. Practical fluid mechanics for engineering applications [M.Dekker, 2000] (djvu, 408 p., 5018 KB, 12.3 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)

Chorin A., Marsden J. A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics [Springer, 1993] (djvu, 182 p., 1273 KB, 7.0 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)

Фон Карман Т. Аэродинамика: избранные темы в их историческом развитии [РХД, 2001] (djvu, 213 p., 2297 KB, 10.8 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)

Lumley J.L. (ed.) Fluid mechanics and the environment: dynamical approaches [LNP566, Springer, 2001] (djvu, 412 p., 7240 KB, 17.6 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)

Frisch U. Turbulence, the legacy of A.N. Kolmogorov [CUP, 1995] (djvu, 308 p., 3317 KB, 10.8 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)

Gallavotti Foundations of fluid mechanics [2000] (djvu, 502 p., 3728 KB, 7.4 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)

Kundu P.K., Cohen I.R. Fluid mechanics [AP, 2002] (djvu, 755 p., 10274 KB, 13.6 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR, color)

McComb W.D. The physics of fluid turbulence [Oxford, 1991] (djvu, 595 p., 5228 KB, 8.8 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)

Majda A.J., Kramer P.R. Simplified models for turbulent diffusion: theory, numerical modelling, and physical phenomena [PR314, 1999] (pdf, 337 p., 2821 KB, 8.4 KB/p., English)

Лотов К.В. Физика сплошных сред [2002] (djvu, 148 p., 839 KB, 5.7 KB/p., 300dpi, Russian, OCR)

Majda, Bertozzi Vorticity and incompressible flow [CUP, 2002] (pdf, 558 p., 2755 KB, 4.9 KB/p., English)

Maurel A., Petitjeans P. (eds.) Vortex Structure and Dynamics workshop [Springer LNP555, 2000] (djvu, 330 p., 3296 KB, 10.0 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)

Pozrikidis C. Fluid dynamics: theory, computation and numerical simulation [Kluwer, 2001] (djvu, 557 p., 4114 KB, 7.4 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)

Schmid P.J., Henningson D.S. Stability and transition in shear flows [Springer, 2001] (djvu, 572 p., 6486 KB, 11.3 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)

Седов Л.И. Методы подобия и размерности в механике [8е изд., Наука, 1977] (djvu, 442 p., 3337 KB, 7.5 KB/p., 300dpi, landscape, Russian)

Drazin P. Introduction to Hydrodynamic Stability [CUP, 2002] (djvu, 276 p., 2635 KB, 9.5 KB/p., 300dpi, English, OCR)

Egbers C., Pfister G. (eds.) Physics of rotating fluids [proc. Bremen 1999, Springer LNP549, 2000] (pdf, 445 p., 13156 KB, 29.6 KB/p., English)

Борисов А.В., Мамаев И.С., Соколовский М.А. (ред.) Фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы теории вихрей [РХД, 2003] (djvu, 706 p., 5902 KB, 8.4 KB/p., 300dpi, landscape, Russian, OCR)

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http://rapidshare.de/files/27265585/Fluid_Mechanics_1.rar.html 34.78 MB
http://rapidshare.de/files/27267604/Fluid_Mechanics_2.rar.html 32.02 MB
http://rapidshare.de/files/27271150/Fluid_Mechanics_3.rar.html 26.77 MB
Computational Maps in the Visual Cortex


Author: Risto Miikkulainen, James A. Bednar, Yoonsuck Choe, Joseph Sirosh
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XXXII
Pages: 538p
Illustrations: 224 (47 цветных)
ISBN: 0-387-22024-0
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 15.2 Mb

Written for: Neuroscientists, Neuroscience students.

This book presents a unified computational approach to understanding the structure, development, and function of the visual cortex. It reviews the current theories of the visual cortex and the biological data on which they are based, and presents a detailed analysis of the laterally connected self-organizing map model and results obtained to date. Together with the software package Topographica, it serves as a comprehensive foundation for future research in computational neuroscience of the visual cortex.

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Blind Equalization and System Identification


Author: Chong-Yung Chi, Chih-Chun Feng, Chii-Horng Chen and Ching-Yung Chen
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2006
Volume: XIV
Pages: 469p
Illustrations: 112
ISBN: 1-84628-022-2
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 5.01 Mb

Written for: Graduate students in discrete-time random processes, statistical signal processing and digital signal processing more generally; researchers and practitioners in digital communications, statistical signal processing, source separation, speech processing, image processing, seismic exploration, sonar and radar.

TDiscrete-time signal processing has had a momentous impact on advances in engineering and science over recent decades. The rapid progress of digital and mixed-signal integrated circuits in processing speed, functionality and cost-effectiveness has led to their ubiquitous employment in signal processing and transmission in diverse milieux.

The absence of training or pilot signals from many kinds of transmission – in, for example, speech analysis, seismic exploration and texture image analysis – necessitates the widespread use of blind equalization and system identification. There have been a great many algorithms developed for these purposes, working with one- or two-dimensional (2-d) signals and with single-input single-output (SISO) or multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), real or complex systems. It is now time for a unified treatment of this subject, pointing out the common characteristics and the sometimes close relations of these algorithms as well as learning from their different perspectives. Blind Equalization and System Identification provides such a unified treatment presenting theory, performance analysis, simulation, implementation and applications.

Topics covered include:

• SISO, MIMO and 2-d non-blind equalization (deconvolution) algorithms;

• SISO, MIMO and 2-d blind equalization (deconvolution) algorithms;

• SISO, MIMO and 2-d blind system identification algorithms;

• algorithm analyses and improvements;

• applications of SISO, MIMO and 2-d blind equalization/identification algorithms.

Each chapter is completed by exercises and computer assignments designed to further understanding and to give practical experience with the algorithms discussed.

This is a textbook for graduate-level courses in discrete-time random processes, statistical signal processing, and blind equalization and system identification. It contains material which will also interest researchers and practicing engineers working in digital communications, source separation, speech processing, image processing, seismic exploration, sonar, radar and other, similar applications.

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Bender.E, вот ещё список книг, которые у меня есть в данный момент по теме ''Гидродинамика''.

Alekseenko, Kujbin, Okulov. Vvedenie v teoriju koncentrirovannyh vihrej (Novosibirsk, 2003)(ru)(K)(T)(508s)_PCfm_.djvu
Alekseev B.V., Grushin I.T. Processy perenosa v reagiruyushchix gazax i plazme (E'nergoatomizdat, 1994)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi)(432s)_PCfm_.djvu
Anderson J.D. Hypersonic and high temperature gas dynamics (MGH, 1989)(T)(702s).djvu
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his book fills a critical gap as a textbook and reference book on the comprehensive environmental impacts of industrial organizations. It is intended for both upper-level undergraduate and beginning graduate students in environmental studies or engineering, and, more broadly, for practicing managers and engineers seeking to improve industrial processes. Nineteen chapters, each focusing on an industrial sector, from resource extraction through fabrication and manufacturing to recycling, evaluate the sector’s inherent "potential to pollute" by providing an overview of typical sector operations and their environmental implications. Beyond outlining and providing frameworks for assessing industrial facilities’ contemporary interactions with the environment (energy and water use, material throughput and hazard, and pollution potential), the book provides forward-looking analyses concerning how new technologies and practices can transform environmentally degrading effects of industry. It also addresses how managers can navigate these changes and move their industrial organizations towards environmental sustainability over the long term. The pedagogical approach emphasizes facility visits and subsequent reports that make use of the book’s analytical tools.

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Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 13,1 Mb (CD нет!)

Written for: Students and professional geologists in structural geology, sedimentology, petroleum geology and engineering geology.

A CD-ROM accompanies this handbook of practical techniques for interpreting geological structures at map scale from surface to subsurface maps. The CD-ROM has color graphs and models, and the book includes new material, in particular examples of 3-D models and techniques for using kinematic models to predict fault and ramp-anticline geometry. The book is geared toward the professional user concerned about the accuracy of an interpretation and the speed with which it can be obtained from incomplete data. Numerous analytical solutions are given that can be easily implemented with a pocket calculator or a spreadsheet.

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