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Список того, что в архивах:
Ansorge R. Mathematical Models of Fluid Dynamics (Wiley-VCH,2003)(ISBN 3527403973)(181s)PCfm_.pdf
Aris R. Vectors, tensors, and the basic equations of fluid mechanics (Dover, 1989)(ISBN 0486661105)(300dpi)(K)(T)(314s)_PCfm_.djvu
Barenblatt G.I. Scaling phenomena in fluid mechanics (CUP, 1994)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(53s)_PCfm_.djvu
Bezuglaja E'.YU., Berljand M.E. (red.) Klimaticheskie harakteristiki uslovij rasprostranenija primesej v atmosfere (Gidrometeoizdat, 1983)(ru)(K)(400dpi)(T)(328s)_PGe_.djvu
Borisov A.V., Mamaev I.S. Matematicheskie metody dinamiki vihrevyh struktur (RXD, 2002)(ru)(L)(T)(101s).djvu
Borisov A.V., Mamaev I.S., Sokolovskij M.A. (red.) Fundamental'nye i prikladnye problemy teorii vihrej (RXD, 2003)(ru)(L)(T)(353s).djvu
Brennen C.E. Cavitation and bubble dynamics (Oxford, 1995)(ISBN 0195094093)(294s).pdf
Chorin A.J. Vorticity and turbulence (Springer, 1998)(ISBN 0387941975)(600dpi)(K)(T)(180s)_PCfm_.djvu
Clift R., Grace J.R., Weber M.E. Bubbles, Drops, and Particles (AP, 1978)(ISBN 012176950X)(600dpi)(T)(394s)_PCfm_.djvu
Cushman-Roisin B. Introduction to geophysical fluid dynamics(96dpi)(T)(332s)_PCfm_.djvu
Faber T.E. Fluid dynamics for physicists (Cambridge, 2001)(ISBN 0521429692)(K)(T)(459s)_PCfm_.djvu
Gallavotti. Foundations of fluid mechanics (2000)(T)(502s).djvu
Holmes, Lumley, et al. Low-dimensional models of coherent structures in turbulence (Phys.Rep.287, 1997)(T)(48s).djvu
Holmes, Lumley, et al. Low-dimensional models of coherent structures in turbulence (Phys.Rep.287, 1997)(T)(48s).djvu
Johns L.E., Narayanan R. Interfacial instability (Springer, 2002)(ISBN 0387954805)(K)(T)(359s)_PCfm_.djvu
Kolesnichenko A.V., Marov M.Ja. Turbulentnost' mnogokomponentnyh sred (1998)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(337s)_PCfm_.djvu
Kornilov V.I. Prostranstvennye pristennye turbulentnye techeniya (ru)(T)(Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2000)(402s)_PCfm_.djvu
Larson R.G. The structure and rheology of complex fluids (Oxford 1999)(ISBN 019512197X)(K)(T)(682s)_PCfm_.djvu
Leighton T.G. The Acoustic Bubble (T)(633s)_PCfm_.djvu
Leslie D.C. Developments in the theory of turbulence (Oxford, 1973)(L)(T)(C)(191s)_PCfm_.djvu
Lipanov A.M., Kisarov Yu.F., Klyuchnikov I.G. Chislennyj e'ksperiment v klassicheskoj gidromexanike turbulentnyx potokov (UrO RAN, 2001)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi)(163s)_PCfm_.djvu
Migdal A.A. Turbulence as statistics of vortex cells (T)(28s)_PCfm_.djvu
Monin A.S., Yaglom A.M. Statisticheskaya gidromexanika. Teoriya turbulentnosti. Tom 1 (Gidrometeoizdat, 1992)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(696s)_PCfm_.djvu
Nigmatulin R.I. Dinamika mnogofaznyh sred. Chast' 1 (Nauka, 1987)(ru)(K)(T)(464s)_PCfm_.djvu
Nigmatulin R.I. Dinamika mnogofaznyh sred. Chast' 2 (Nauka, 1987)(ru)(K)(T)(359s)_PCfm_.djvu
Orszag S.A. Lectures on the Statistical Theory of Turbulence (K)(p.235-347 only)(T)(136s)_PCfm_.djvu
Prandtl' L. Gidroae'romehanika (ru)(T)(574s).djvu
Prieve D.C. Course in fluid mechanics with vector field theory (web draft, 2000)(198s).pdf
Salvi R. The Navier-Stokes Equations.. Theory and Numerical Methods (Dekker, 2002)(400dpi)(T)(308s)_PCfm_.djvu
Sedov L. Similarity and dimensional methods in mechanics (10th ed., CRC, 1993)(600dpi)(T)(493s)_PCfm_.djvu
Shlihting G. (_H. Schlichting_) Teoriya pogranichnogo sloya (FML, 1974)(ru)(K)(T)(600dpi)(712s).djvu
Su. Intermediate fluid mechanics (lecture notes, web draft, Wisconsin, 2002)(221s)_PCfm_.pdf
Taberling P., Cardoso O. Turbulence.. a tentative dictionary (Plenum, 1994)(ISBN 0306449986)(T)(159s).djvu
White F.M. Fluid mechanics (pdfs).zip
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