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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Biomimicry for Optimization, Control, and Automation


Author: Richard H. Groshong, Jr.
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XXXI
Pages: 926p
Illustrations: 365
ISBN: 1-85233-804-0
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 18.7 Mb

Written for: Graduate students, upper level undergraduate students, professors, researchers (computer science (?)).

There are many highly effective optimization, feedback control, and automation systems embedded in living organisms and nature. Evolution persistently seeks optimal robust designs for biological feedback control systems and decision making processes. From this comprehensive text you will gain knowledge of how mimicry of such biological processes can be used to solve optimization, control, and automation problems encountered in the construction of high technology systems. Mathematical stability analysis is treated for a number of cases, from attentional systems to social foraging swarm cohesion properties. Bio-inspired optimization and control methods are compared to conventional techniques with an objective to provide a balanced viewpoint.

- A companion web site, continually updated by the author, will provide you with further examples and design problems, solution hints, lecture slides, a running lab and ongoing self-study problems and resources.

- Matlab code is provided to solve a number of key problems.

- Focus lies on verifying correct operation of technologies via a process of mathematical modelling and analysis complimented by computer simulations.

- Written from an engineering perspective, methods are applied to extensive real-world applications, from ship steering to cooperative control of a group of autonomous robots.

Aimed primarily at graduate courses and research, much of the material has been successfully used for undergraduate courses. This dynamic textbook sends an injection of new ideas into engineering technology and the academic community.

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Categories for Software Engineering


Author: Jose Luiz Fiadeiro
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XIV
Pages: 250p
Illustrations: -
ISBN: 3-540-20909-3
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 12.4 Mb

Written for: Advanced students, professionals, lecturers.

This book provides a gentle, software engineering oriented introduction to category theory. Assuming only a minimum of mathematical preparation, this book explores the use of categorical constructions from the point of view of the methods and techniques that have been proposed for the engineering of complex software systems: object-oriented development, software architectures, logical and algebraic specification techniques, models of concurrency, inter alia. After two parts in which basic and more advanced categorical concepts and techniques are introduced, the book illustrates their application to the semantics of CommUnity – a language for the architectural design of interactive systems.

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Author: Alain Meunier
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XIII
Pages: 472p
Illustrations: 262
ISBN: 3-540-21667-7
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 8.41 Mb

Written for: Geologists, geographers, engineers, environmental and soil scientists.

This monograph presents the fundamentals of the mineralogy and geology of clays. The chemical or isotopic composition and the crystalline structure of clays is based on some relatively simple laws. Abundant illustrations help to understand the subject and can be used in courses. The organization of the book follows a logical structure. From the representation of the structure of minerals, the determination of their crystalline state by using X-ray diffractometer measurements (and other techniques) the thermodynamic and kinematic conditions of their formation is reconstructed. Then the genesis and alteration of the clays at their natural occurrences is discussed. In the last chapter it is stressed that clay minerals can form in variety of different environments: meteorites, lavas, subduction zones for example.

The book is aimed for graduate students and scientists (geologists, geographers, engineers, environmental and soil scientists) who want to get a comprehensive introduction in the topic.

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Groundwater Geochemistry


Author: Broder J. Merkel, Britta Planer-Friedrich
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XII
Pages: 200p
Illustrations: 76
ISBN: 3-540-24195-7
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 3.53 Mb

Written for: Practitioners and professionals in the fields of Hydrogeology, Analytical Chemistry and Waste Water Technology.

Groundwater Chemistry - A practical guide to modeling of natural and contaminated aquatic systems was translated and updated from the German version published in 2002. This volume fills a gap in the field of modern text books by focusing on the solution of practical hydrogeochemical questions with the help of PhreeqC. The first chapter concentrates on the minimum theoretical knowledge needed for beginners, especially non-chemists, to start with the ambitious task of hydrogeochemical modeling. The second chapter gives an overview of hydrogeochemical modeling and its general application. The main emphasis is on practical exercises and their solution (chapters 3 and 4). Terms and level of the book are chosen in such a way that academics with some basic hydrogeological or chemical understanding, as well as graduate students in geosciences, environmental sciences, or related studies can work independently on the exercises. Detailed descriptions of the solutions as well as the PhreeqC input files on the enclosed CD help readers to understand and remodel all tasks. The public domain code PhreeqC including a windows user interface is also enclosed on the CD.

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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Thermodynamics in Mineral Sciences


Author: L. Cemic
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XVI
Pages: 386p
Illustrations: 82
ISBN: 3-540-24364-X
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 2.12 Mb

Written for: Graduates, lecturers, scientists, professionals.

The subject of this book are natural systems where thermodynamic processes take place as a result of changes in temperature, pressure and composition. The basic concepts are discussed on low level trying to preserve the mathematical rigor. Calculated examples using data from the mineralogical literature are given to elucidate the difficult and very abstract matter of thermodynamics. The book is aimed for students of geology, mineralogy, material science and all other interested readers who deal with solid matter.

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Rock Mechanics or underground mining


Author: B. H. G. Brady, E. T. Brown
Publisher: KLUWER
Year: 2004
Volume: XVIII
Pages: 626p
Illustrations: -
ISBN: 1-4020-2064-3
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 25.9 Mb

Written for: Professional practitioners, mining and geological engineers, geotechnical engineers, civil engineers, structural and mining geologists and geophysicists. Advanced undergraduate and graduate students of civil and geotechnical engineering and geology.

Although Rock Mechanics addresses many of the rock mechanics issues which arise in underground mining engineering, it is not a text exclusively for mining applications. It consists of five categories of topics on the science and practice of rock engineering: basic engineering principles relevant to rock mechanics; mechanical properties of rock and rock masses; design of underground excavations in various rock mass conditions; mining methods and their implementation; and guidelines on rock mechanics practice. Throughout the text, and particularly in those sections concerned with excavation design and design of mining layouts, reference is made to computational methods of analysis of stress and displacement in a rock mass. The principles of various computational schemes, such as boundary element, finite element and distinct element methods, are considered. This new edition has been completely revised to reflect the notable innovations in mining engineering and the remarkable developments in the science of rock mechanics and the practice of rock engineering that have taken place over the last two decades.

Based on extensive professional, research and teaching experience, this book will provide an authoritative and comprehensive text for final year undergraduates and commencing postgraduate students. For professional practitioners, not only will it be of interest to mining and geological engineers but also to civil engineers, structural and mining geologists and geophysicists as a standard work for professional reference purposes.

B.H.G. Brady is Emeritus Professor and former Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics at The University of Western Australia, and a consulting rock mechanics engineer.

E.T. Brown is Senior Consultant, Golder Associates Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia and formerly Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor of The University of Queensland, Australia.

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The Ecozones of the World


Author: J¨urgen Schultz
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XII
Pages: 252p
Illustrations: 144
ISBN: 3-540-20014-2
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 11.9 Mb

Written for: Researchers and students (especially postgraduates).

Recent studies have greatly contributed to a better understanding of the earth's ecosystem. This abundantly illustrated book provides a fundamental introduction to the ecological zones of the geosphere. Nine terrestrial ecozones have been distinguished and described in individual chapters with respect to: distribution, climate, relief/hydrology, soil vegetation/animal lifeand land use. The first chapter provides the reader with a general introduction to each subject area.

The second edition is a competely revised and updated version. A large number of new Anglo-American ecological studies are included. The book also includes more than 70 new figures and tables and detailed maps on global agricultural regions and soil classification. Another new feature is the discussion of the correlation between northern ecosystems and the carbon dioxide balance in the global atmosphere.

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Bender.E, вот запрошенные книги:

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Список того, что в архивах:
Ansorge R. Mathematical Models of Fluid Dynamics (Wiley-VCH,2003)(ISBN 3527403973)(181s)PCfm_.pdf
Aris R. Vectors, tensors, and the basic equations of fluid mechanics (Dover, 1989)(ISBN 0486661105)(300dpi)(K)(T)(314s)_PCfm_.djvu
Barenblatt G.I. Scaling phenomena in fluid mechanics (CUP, 1994)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(53s)_PCfm_.djvu
Bezuglaja E'.YU., Berljand M.E. (red.) Klimaticheskie harakteristiki uslovij rasprostranenija primesej v atmosfere (Gidrometeoizdat, 1983)(ru)(K)(400dpi)(T)(328s)_PGe_.djvu
Borisov A.V., Mamaev I.S. Matematicheskie metody dinamiki vihrevyh struktur (RXD, 2002)(ru)(L)(T)(101s).djvu
Borisov A.V., Mamaev I.S., Sokolovskij M.A. (red.) Fundamental'nye i prikladnye problemy teorii vihrej (RXD, 2003)(ru)(L)(T)(353s).djvu
Brennen C.E. Cavitation and bubble dynamics (Oxford, 1995)(ISBN 0195094093)(294s).pdf
Chorin A.J. Vorticity and turbulence (Springer, 1998)(ISBN 0387941975)(600dpi)(K)(T)(180s)_PCfm_.djvu
Clift R., Grace J.R., Weber M.E. Bubbles, Drops, and Particles (AP, 1978)(ISBN 012176950X)(600dpi)(T)(394s)_PCfm_.djvu
Cushman-Roisin B. Introduction to geophysical fluid dynamics(96dpi)(T)(332s)_PCfm_.djvu
Faber T.E. Fluid dynamics for physicists (Cambridge, 2001)(ISBN 0521429692)(K)(T)(459s)_PCfm_.djvu
Gallavotti. Foundations of fluid mechanics (2000)(T)(502s).djvu
Holmes, Lumley, et al. Low-dimensional models of coherent structures in turbulence (Phys.Rep.287, 1997)(T)(48s).djvu
Holmes, Lumley, et al. Low-dimensional models of coherent structures in turbulence (Phys.Rep.287, 1997)(T)(48s).djvu
Johns L.E., Narayanan R. Interfacial instability (Springer, 2002)(ISBN 0387954805)(K)(T)(359s)_PCfm_.djvu
Kolesnichenko A.V., Marov M.Ja. Turbulentnost' mnogokomponentnyh sred (1998)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(337s)_PCfm_.djvu
Kornilov V.I. Prostranstvennye pristennye turbulentnye techeniya (ru)(T)(Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2000)(402s)_PCfm_.djvu
Larson R.G. The structure and rheology of complex fluids (Oxford 1999)(ISBN 019512197X)(K)(T)(682s)_PCfm_.djvu
Leighton T.G. The Acoustic Bubble (T)(633s)_PCfm_.djvu
Leslie D.C. Developments in the theory of turbulence (Oxford, 1973)(L)(T)(C)(191s)_PCfm_.djvu
Lipanov A.M., Kisarov Yu.F., Klyuchnikov I.G. Chislennyj e'ksperiment v klassicheskoj gidromexanike turbulentnyx potokov (UrO RAN, 2001)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi)(163s)_PCfm_.djvu
Migdal A.A. Turbulence as statistics of vortex cells (T)(28s)_PCfm_.djvu
Monin A.S., Yaglom A.M. Statisticheskaya gidromexanika. Teoriya turbulentnosti. Tom 1 (Gidrometeoizdat, 1992)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(696s)_PCfm_.djvu
Nigmatulin R.I. Dinamika mnogofaznyh sred. Chast' 1 (Nauka, 1987)(ru)(K)(T)(464s)_PCfm_.djvu
Nigmatulin R.I. Dinamika mnogofaznyh sred. Chast' 2 (Nauka, 1987)(ru)(K)(T)(359s)_PCfm_.djvu
Orszag S.A. Lectures on the Statistical Theory of Turbulence (K)(p.235-347 only)(T)(136s)_PCfm_.djvu
Prandtl' L. Gidroae'romehanika (ru)(T)(574s).djvu
Prieve D.C. Course in fluid mechanics with vector field theory (web draft, 2000)(198s).pdf
Salvi R. The Navier-Stokes Equations.. Theory and Numerical Methods (Dekker, 2002)(400dpi)(T)(308s)_PCfm_.djvu
Sedov L. Similarity and dimensional methods in mechanics (10th ed., CRC, 1993)(600dpi)(T)(493s)_PCfm_.djvu
Shlihting G. (_H. Schlichting_) Teoriya pogranichnogo sloya (FML, 1974)(ru)(K)(T)(600dpi)(712s).djvu
Su. Intermediate fluid mechanics (lecture notes, web draft, Wisconsin, 2002)(221s)_PCfm_.pdf
Taberling P., Cardoso O. Turbulence.. a tentative dictionary (Plenum, 1994)(ISBN 0306449986)(T)(159s).djvu
White F.M. Fluid mechanics (pdfs).zip

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Marine Geochemistry


Author: Horst D. Schulz, Matthias Zabel
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2006
Volume: XX
Pages: 574
Illustrations: 303 (49 in color)
ISBN: 3-540-32143-8
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 20.1 Mb

Written for: Students and scientists at universities and marine research institutes.

Since 1980 a considerable amount of scientific research dealing with geochemical processes in marine sediments has been carried out. This textbook summarizes the state-of-the-art in this field of research providing a complete representation of the subject and including the most recent findings. The topics covered include the examination of sedimentological and physical properties of the sedimentary solid phase. A new chapter describes properties, occurrence and formation of gas hydrates in marine sediments. The textbook ends with a chapter on model conceptions and computer models to quantify processes of early diagenesis.

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Plant Ecology


Author: Ernst-Detlef Schulze, Erwin Beck, Klaus Müller-Hohenstein
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: IX
Pages: 702
Illustrations: 506 (450 in color)
ISBN: 3-540-20833-X
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 30.6 Mb

Written for: Advanced students, researchers, university teachers, and practitioners.

his textbook covers Plant Ecology from the molecular to the global level. It covers the following areas in unprecedented breadth and depth:

- Molecular ecophysiology (stress physiology: light, temperature, oxygen deficiency, drought, salt, heavy metals, xenobiotica and biotic stress factors)
- Autecology (whole plant ecology: thermal balance, water, nutrient, carbon relations)
- Ecosystem ecology (plants as part of ecosystems, element cycles, biodiversity)
- Synecology (development of vegetation in time and space, interactions between vegetation and the abiotic and biotic environment)
- Global aspects of plant ecology (global change, global biogeochemical cycles, land use, international conventions, socio-economic interactions)

The book is carefully structured and well written: complex issues are elegantly presented and easily understandable. It contains more than 500 photographs and drawings, mostly in colour, illustrating the fascinating subject.
The book is primarily aimed at graduate students of biology but will also be of interest to post-graduate students and researchers in botany, geosciences and landscape ecology. Further, it provides a sound basis for those dealing with agriculture, forestry, land use, and landscape management.

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Author: Cedric Gillott
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XVII
Pages: 831
ISBN: 1-4020-3184-X
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 37.4 Mb

Written for: Senior undergraduates, graduate students and professionals seeking an introduction to specific entomological topics.

Gillott’s thorough yet clear writing style continues to keep Entomology near the top of the class as a text for senior undergraduates, and for graduate students and professionals seeking an introduction to specific entomological topics. The author’s long-held belief that an introductory entomology course should present a balanced treatment of the subject is reflected in the continued arrangement of the book in four sections: Evolution and Diversity, Anatomy and Physiology, Reproduction and Development, and Ecology. For the third edition, all chapters have been updated. This includes not only the addition of new information and concepts but also the reduction or exclusion of material no longer considered ‘mainstream’, so as to keep the book at a reasonable size.

Based on exciting discoveries made during the previous decade, the topics of insect evolutionary relationships, semiochemicals, gas exchange, immune responses (including those of parasites and parasitoids), flight, and the management of pests have received particular attention in the preparation of the third edition. Overall, more than 30 new or significantly revised figures have been incorporated.

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Forest Restoration in Landscapes


Author: Stephanie Mansourian, Daniel Vallauri, Nigel Dudley
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: XXVIII
Pages: 437
Illustrations: 28
ISBN: 0-387-25525-7
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 5.10 Mb

Written for: Professional ecologists, conservationists, researchers, foresters and students.

The importance of restoration continues to grow, and this book integrates the restoration of forest functions into landscape conservation plans. The global conservation organization WWF has made forest landscape restoration a key topic and priority for its environmental work. Due to the WWF’s extensive global reach, and together with its many partners and counterparts, it has acquired a significant level of experience on the topic of forest restoration at large scales. This book represents the collective body of knowledge and experience of WWF and its many partners--which is collected here for the first time and which will be invaluable to all of those working in the field. This guide will serve as a first stop for practitioners and researchers in any organization or region and as a key reference on the subject. Along with concise, practical information for a variety of specific systems and issues, it gives many suggestions for further research.

From the Foreword by Chief Anyaoku, President, WWF International:

"Is it a sign of the times that the Nobel committee chose to award the Nobel Peace prize to Wangari Maathai for having planted 30 million trees? We believe so. . . .The 21st Century will be a time of forest restoration."

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MATLAB® Recipes for Earth Sciences


Author: Martin H. Trauth
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2006
Volume: XII
Pages: 238
Illustrations: 77 (13 in color)
ISBN: 3-540-27983-0
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 4.37 Mb (CD нет!)

Written for: Graduates, undergraduates, scientists, researchers, professionals.

MATLAB® is used in a wide range of applications in geosciences, such as image processing in remote sensing, generation and processing of digital elevation models and the analysis of time series. This book introduces basic methods of data analysis in geosciences using MATLAB. The text includes a brief description of each method and numerous examples demonstrating how MATLAB can be used on data sets from earth sciences. All MATLAB recipes can be easily modified in order to analyse the reader's own data sets. The book comes with a CD containing exemplary data sets and a digital version of the MATLAB recipes.

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The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases


Author: B.M. Cooke, D. Gareth Jones, B. Kaye
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2006
Volume: XVII
Pages: 576
ISBN: 1-4020-4579-4
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 6.74 Mb

Written for: Final year university undergraduates, post-graduate university researchers, lecturers in universities and colleges, workers in research institutes.

Plant disease epidemiology is a dynamic science that forms an essential part of the study of plant pathology. This book brings together a team of 35 international experts. Each chapter deals with an essential component of the subject and allows the reader to fully understand how each exerts its influence on the progress of pathogen populations in plant populations over a defined time scale. Since the first edition of the text was published in 1998, many new developments have occurred in the subjects covered, particularly molecular diagnostics, modelling, fungicide resistance and information technology. The second edition of the book is a comprehensive text on all aspects of plant disease epidemiology that should serve as an invaluable reference work for those involved in this fascinating science of crop plants.

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