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Encyclopedia of the Mexican-American War
by Mark Crawford, David S. Heidler, Jeanne T. Heidler, David Stephen Heidler


Library Binding: 350 pages
Publisher: ABC-Clio Inc (September 1, 1999)
ISBN: 157607059X

An encyclopedia of the Mexican-American War, including excerpts from eyewitness accounts that highlight the day-to-day reality of marching and fighting.

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Encyclopedia of the Persian Gulf War
by Mark Grossman


Hardcover: 522 pages
Publisher: ABC-Clio Inc (December 1, 1995)
ISBN: 0874366844

Grossman, the author of ABC-Clio companions to the civil rights and environmental movements, has compiled a useful encyclopedia, replete with biographies of major figures, a good selection of statistics, relevant documents, military slang, and a glossary of Arabic words. Weapons and weapon systems receive careful attention, accounting for a major share of the alphabetical entries. The biographies of Middle East leaders and background on their political parties and nations are helpful. Maps and hundreds of black-and-white photographs add value to the text. Most entries include a brief bibliography; these are gathered together in a major bibliography with a separate section for official U.S. publications. An appendix includes reprints of statements issued by the U.N., speeches by President Bush and Saddam Hussein, as well as interviews, testimony, and letters. These documents could serve as teaching aids in the use of primary-source materials.
Users will be disappointed not to find an extended essay-length discussion of the air, sea, and land war or of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Grossman's attitude toward the war is presented in an introductory statement: "the United States went to war to smash the death machine that this country and its Western allies had helped Saddam assemble in the first place." Again, various points of view could be handled better in essay-length discussions contained in the body of the work. Persian Gulf War Almanac [RBB My 1 95] does have lengthy topical essays, but it lacks the more than 100 pages of documents found in this new encyclopedia.

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Интересные книги, только вместо каждой иллюстрации надпись "This image not available for this eBook", что очень-очень неприятно :(
Encyclopedia of Buddhism

Encyclopedia of Buddhism (zalito dlya vseh uchastnikov netz.ru)

Edited by: Robert E. Buswell, Jr.

Published by Macmillan Reference USA

"The Encyclopedia of Buddhism is a welcome addition to the reference literature for the tradition itself and, more broadly, Buddhist and Asian studies. Public and academic libraries serving readers with interest in these areas would do well to acquire it."
Booklist (March 2004)

Providing a comprehensive overview of one of Asia's most important religious and social forces, the Encyclopedia of Buddhism describes the Buddhist world view, basic teachings and practices of Buddhism, as well as its different schools and sects. In addition to containing entries on Buddhist scriptures, art, architecture, saints, demons, monastic orders, festivals, rites and ceremonies, this 2-vol. set explores the history of Buddhism, the different forms it has taken in different parts of the world, and how Buddhism has blended with other religions like Shinto, Confucianism, Daoism and Christianity.

Published/Released: October 2003

ISBN: 0-02-865718-7

Page count: About 1,000 pp in 2 vols.
Number of vols. in set: 2

Shipping Weight: 3.63 kgs

Price: US $280.00

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Modern Plastics Handbook - Harper - Ebook

Справочник по пластикам и полимерам. Посмотреть можно здесь: Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

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Распаковываю, открываю и то же самое. Например, если открыть в разделе на букву А первую словарную статью "A-4 Skyhawk", почти в самом низу страницы должна быть картинка (там подпись "A-6E/TRAM Intruder"). Я вместо этой картинки вижу картинку на которой написано "This iamge not available for this eBook".

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ursus, У меня та же история: "This iamge not available for this eBook", xpsp2
Еще энциклопедии...

Handbook Of Information Systems Research


Hardcover: 350 pages
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing (September 1, 2003)
ISBN: 1591401445

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Handbook of Science Communication


Paperback: 159 pages
Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing (October 1, 1998)
ISBN: 0750305185

Written as a guide for students from undergraduate level upwards and as a reference for all scientists who need to communicate their work effectively to each other, and to the wider public. It can also be used as a source book for teachers of science communication in further and higher education.

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A00001, ты что-то не то куда-то не туда вставлял. У немцев все работает.
ursus сказал(а):

Даже не знаю, что сказать. Для чтения .chm файлов я под Linux использую программу HelpExplorer. Увидел твое сообщение, думаю ну надо же, глючная программа оказалась. Перегрузился в Win2k, загрузил файл по указанной ссылке:

Распаковываю, открываю и то же самое. Например, если открыть в разделе на букву А первую словарную статью "A-4 Skyhawk", почти в самом низу страницы должна быть картинка (там подпись "A-6E/TRAM Intruder"). Я вместо этой картинки вижу картинку на которой написано "This iamge not available for this eBook".

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Просмотрел книжки, оказывается это я был невнимателен. Действительно у меня та же ошибка.
Еще энциклопедии...

Sam D. Gill and Irene F. Sullivan


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Environmental Activism. A Reference Handbook


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Environmental Justice. A Reference Handbook


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Families in America. A Reference Handbook


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Feminism. A Reference Handbook


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Food Safety. A Reference Handbook
Author: Nina E. Redman


Description: Food Safety Handbook addresses food safety from retail, commercial, and institutional perspectives.

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