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и все-таки не удержусь, чтобы не сказ-ать большое спасибо. Книги то что надо....
HobbyMan, presto44, проверьте мыло ;)

А вообще-то надо читать внимательно, что пишется на rapidshare.de, там всё прекрасно качается, только линк появляется через 50 секунд, и ограничение стоит на 20Мб в час...
Тут выяснилась маленькая неприятность - на rapidshare.de бесплатно не поддерживается докачка :-((
PaulKrinsky, неужели до этого не было понятно. Все прелести поддерживаются только для Премиум-юзверей. 1 евро - 1 гиг.


Hardcover: 438 pages
Publisher: ABC-Clio Inc (December 1, 1997)
ISBN: 0874368421
Product Dimensions: 11.4 x 8.8 x 2.4 inches

Description From Library Journal:

Rural America is a diverse society of 62 million people with an array of cultures, ethnic groups, lifestyles, and occupations. This comprehensive reference offers an extensive look at that society and its many facets, presenting 232 essays on arts, business, community development, economics, education, environmental issues, family, labor, quality of life, recreation, and sports. In addition to the subjects one would expect, topics often overlooked in other similar works, such as "addiction," "domestic violence," "gambling," "inequality," "marijuana," "religion," "social movements," and "stock car racing," are included here. The essays were written by contributors from universities, government organizations, and service agencies with keen perspectives on the history, lifestyles, development, and outlooks of rural people and their communities. Entries begin with a definition of terms, followed by an abstract or overview. Graphs, tables, and black-and-white photographs are included, and a list of cited references and topics for additional reading appearing at the end of each essay. At the back of Volume 2 is a 17-page bibliography of monographs written since 1980 pertaining to rural America. This exemplary encyclopedia is guaranteed to educate our highly urban society about the uniqueness of rural America.

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Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?




Hardcover: 584 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience; 3 edition (February 13, 2004)
ISBN: 047126508X
Product Dimensions: 10.1 x 7.1 x 1.3 inches

Product Description:

Toxicology is the science of poisons, embracing the physical and chemical study of all the known poisonous substances, as well as the methods of testing for them, their action on the living body, and the postmortem results they occasion. The Third Edition of this benchmark text once again proves the most authoritative resource on the subject for both students and practicing professionals.

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Product Details
Paperback: 231 pages
Publisher: Kogan Page (March 1, 2003)
ISBN: 074943810X
Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.0 x 0.8 inches

Book Info

Packed with practical information, case studies and exercises. A one-stop shop of a book offers everything readers need to be able to harness the powerful and successful technique of coaching. Softcover.

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Paperback: 414 pages
Publisher: Checkmark Books; 2nd edition (July 1, 1999)
ISBN: 0816038570
Product Dimensions: 11.0 x 8.3 x 0.8 inches

Product Description:

Written by a veteran crime reporter, this bestseller is the most complete and up-to-date source available on this fascinating subject. In this "Who's Who" of crime, readers will find the full flavor and substance of Mafia culture, customs, and characters presented in more than 400 articles. More than ninety-five black-and-white photographs help capture Mafia history from the birth of the brotherhood and the major underworld figures who created it, to the law enforcement agents and organizations who have triedand failedto destroy it.
The Mafia Encyclopedia includes biographical entries of both well- and less well-known wise guys, their criminal specialties, career highlights, friends and enemies, eccentricities, peccadilloes, and frequently dramatic demises.

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pariman, thank you very much for the eBooks!

Your effort is appreciated!!

-= Jraven =-
This topic has an incredible quality! How about some titles by Deepak Chopra, or better, from Frithof Capra? I buy many books, but I really do not like to put money on the wallets of these two...
Спасибо! За книжки и ссылки. Где можно скачать дядюшку Джо и прочее?
Dictionary of Electronics


Paperback: 791 pages
Publisher: Tab Books; 8th Bk&Cdr edition (May 7, 2001)
ISBN: 0071372369
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 7.4 x 2.1 inches

Product Description:

Continuing in the tradition of its best-selling predecessors, this updated dictionary of electronics terms covers a broader range of subjects in an easier-to-use format than any other source of its kind. No comparable reference offers such a vast range of definitions, abbreviations, acronyms, illustrations, schematics, diagrams, and conversion tables. More than 28,000 definitions--plus over 1,000 clear and functional illustrations--make the Eighth Edition the ultimate reference for technicians, hobbyists, and students. Many new terms and illustrations from robotics, artificial intelligence, and personal computing as they relate to electronics are included. Definitions spelled out in plain English with minimal technical jargon make the Dictionary accessible to beginning, intermediate, and advanced electronics professionals. You'll find coverage of the latest terminology in: Wireless technology; Lasers; Digital Television; Radio; IC Technology; Digital and Analog Electronics; Audio and Video Power Supplies; Fiber Optic Communications. Existing definitions have been updated, obsolete material has been deleted, and all entries have been reviewed by an editorial review board to assure their accuracy. You can look for a better source of definitions in electronics...but you won't find one!

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Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?