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Tools/Utilities Утилиты для delphi / utilities for delphi

Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Greatis Software
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Object Inspector is a component suite that contains inspectors
allowing you to change anything in your application at runtime.

Object Inspector suite includes:

component for easy access to any property or event of any
component at runtime

customizable full-functional runtime object inspector control

control for easy selecting component

abstract inspector control for inspect anything in your application

ready-to-use database inspector control

ready-to-use ini-file inspector control

ready-to-use inspector control for changing Application properties
at runtime

ready-to-use inspector control for changing Windows colors

small and clean projects illustrating features of inspectors and
TPropertyInterface components

Source codes
full source code of all components and useful internal classes

To install components:

1) Unpack component archive to any folder
2) Add InspReg.pas file into any installed package and rebuild this package


The following actions ARE ALLOWED:
1) The distribution of the products or source codes produced
2) The distribution of products or source codes produced
utilizing a modified version of OBJECT INSPECTOR.
3) The creation and distribution of descendant components
in source code or compiled form.

The following actions ARE NOT ALLOWED:
1) The distribution of OBJECT INSPECTOR, in either source
or compiled form.
2) The inclusion of OBJECT INSPECTOR, in source or compiled
form, within other software distributions.

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links? or Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?.
Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Greatis Software

TFormDesigner allows you move and resize any control on your
form. You need not prepare your form to use TFormDesigner.
Just place TFormDesigner into your form, set Active property
to True and enjoy!

To install component:
1) Unpack component archive to any folder
2) Add FDREG.PAS into any installed package and rebuild this package


The following actions ARE ALLOWED:
1) The distribution of the products or source codes produced
utilizing Form Designer.
2) The distribution of products or source codes produced
utilizing a modified version of Form Designer.
3) The creation and distribution of descendant components
in source code or compiled form.

The following actions ARE NOT ALLOWED:
1) The distribution of Form Designer, in either source or
compiled form.
2) The inclusion of Form Designer, in source or compiled
form, within other software distributions.

ModelMaker Code Explorer 12.3 Delphi 10.2 Tokyo

Award winning Refactoring Browser with Delphi Pascal support.
Integrated with Delphi 7, 2007-2010, XE - XE8, Delphi 10 - 10.2 Tokyo.
Delphi 5 and 6 support provided as service.
Improve the design of existing code with build-in refactorings
Instant, two-way navigation.
Point-and-click, drag-and-drop programming.
IntelliReplace™ propagates renames in code.
Create and edit classes, members and procedures.
Instantly copy, paste and on-the-fly convert classes, methods, properties etc. even between classes and modules.
Use Entity Insight™ to change attributes for (multiple) selected members.
Rearrange and Sort code, maintaining region definitions.
Improve Navigation with History, Method Favorites and Member Search Bar
Live Documentation support
Live Metrics
Source Indexer
IDE Editor Refactorings bring refactorings right in the Editor.

As a Class Browser it shows classes (inheritance) and members (fields, methods, properties) in two filtered views, similar to the windows explorer. On the left the Explorer docked in the IDE editor. The Classes view (top) displays classes and inheritance relations for the current module. The Members view (bottom) show the filtered members for the selected class.
Navigation features like Member search bar Member Favorites Navigation history help finding your way around in code.
Code Explorer is fully Form Designer aware and, for example, has a special filter to suppress component fields and event handler methods.
As a Refactoring Editor, it makes changing code easy and fast: Classes and members can be created and modified through drag and drop or by selecting options in dedicated dialogs. You to Refactor, edit, correct and delete existing classes and members just as easy as you created them.
ModelMaker Code Explorer offers
A Code Browser : Improved navigation based on two-way navigation.
A structured Class Editor: Create, edit, delete and copy classes, members and module procedures with a few mouse clicks.
Explorer Refactoring: Extract Class, Rename Parameter and many more.
Editor Refactoring: Apply Extract Method, Add Local Var, Rename Local etc. in the IDE source editor.
Entity Insight™ bar - quick access to attributes for selected entities.
Live Documentation support: display and edit any comment style.
Cut,Copy and Paste let you pick up a class, properties and methods and duplicate them or move them to another class or module. Where necessary names and modifiers are automatically adjusted.

Drag and Drop Members on a class to copy ,move, convert them. For example: Drag interface members on a class to implement the interface, Drag a module or local procedure on a class to convert it to a method.

Use Editor Refactoring's to refactor an entity at cursor position or operate on selected code. For example press Ctrl+Shift+X to invoke Extract Method for the selected code. Configurable keyboard shortcuts make these refactoring-s available with just one keystroke. Common tasks like Add a Field, Modify a Property and Rename Local are all invoked with just one keystroke.

Advanced Code Sort and Rearrange features include:

Rearrange members in Members view using Drag and Drop in Interface and Implementation rearrange modes.
Rearrange class members using predefined sorting schemes.
Sort class members according to the customizable default scheme.
Sorting maintains Source Regions and optionally sorts inside regions
Sorting hints are emitted for classes not matching the default sorting scheme

... not necessary for Delphi, but...

MikroElektronika Compilers (mikroBasic/mikroC/mikroPascal) 2018.2 / 2017 / + olders

MikroC PRO AVR, the most powerful C compiler, is a great alternative to CodeVision software, and is, in every respect, more powerful and more powerful than other compilers.

Its prominent features are the completeness and appearances of its libraries, which really are not seen in any way.

The MikroC Pro for PIC software supports over 360 PIC microcontrollers. One of the features that made it popular is having the most complete bookshops.

On the other hand, the user-friendly environment and ease of use have enabled even students to use it. In the libraries of this version of the compiler, very significant changes have been made.

If you use the basic language to code PIC microcontrollers, to compile, you must compile your code using the Pic Basic Pro software.

The micro-engineering labs package has created powerful applications in the programming of PIC and AVR microcontrollers, which most developers have come up with with software packages from the company.

Features and Features of MikroC PRO:
- Supports all AVR microcontrollers
- Complete and up-to-date libraries
- Full support for Atmel's microcontroller
- Having various templates and environments to prevent users from being tired and tired
- The absence of errors and unnecessary ERRORs during compilation
- Beautiful look and good environment (GUI)
- Supports mmc libraries
- 7seg code editor
- Numbers Editor in Seven Segment Making Plans
- There is a special character editor in the character's LCD
- Supports all PIC microcontrollers
- Support for Assembly languages, ANSI C with minor modifications
- Editors and image editors for graphic LCDs or GLCDs
- Create Intel Hex, Assembly, Binary, COFF output files

List of software in this collection:
microC PRO for PIC
mikroC PRO for PIC32
mikroC PRO for dsPIC
mikroC PRO for AVR
mikroC PRO for 8051
mikroC PRO for ft90x
mikroC PRO for ARM
mikroBasic PRO for PIC
mikroBasic PRO for PIC32
mikroBasic PRO for dsPIC
mikroBasic PRO for AVR
mikroBasic PRO for 8051
mikroBasic PRO for ft90x
mikroBasic PRO for ARM
mikroPascal PRO for PIC
mikroPascal PRO for PIC32
mikroPascal PRO for dsPIC
mikroPascal PRO for AVR
mikroPascal PRO for 8051
mikroPascal PRO for ft90x
mikroPascal PRO for ARM

Operating Systems:

Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8-8.1

Recommended Hardware

Intel® Pentium® or AMD K-6® class processor or higher
more info Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
