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Corel DRAW (все версии)

пишел что ждет 15 дней кода для Авторизации. Всвязи с этим тоже жду Кейгена
Люди, случайно ни у кого нет триального серийного номера для X3?

При установке выдает окно:

You are not connected to the Internet at this time. In order to proceed, please choose one of the following options:

Enter your trial serial number and choose Continue to proceed.
Вот если надо:
Последнее редактирование модератором:
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Реакции: alba
Перед активацией просит key...
а в генераторе серийника и активации нет этого окошка...
кто нибудь активировал? расскажите подробнее способ,
Да я и не знаю... У китайцев написано именно 13, а не Х3...
Злобный Слон, они инсталяху распотрошили и упаковали раром, а так вроде содержимое то-же
Вот еще ссылки на комплект с кейгеном для активации (180 Мб)

И инструкция как активировать (взята с Авакса, таже что в инфо, только разжеваная)

"elenore Дата: 22-01-2006 / 09:23
I am tired of reading people saying 'copy and paste does not work' This is WRONG. Copy and Paste ALWAYS work.. You just too stupid to work out how.

The 'Crack Instructions' for this program are very very poorly written so I have re-written them.

Disable any internet connections you might have before commencing installation and don't enable it
again until AFTER you activate the program.

Run the keygen and click 'generate' a few times. Copy the serial number but DON'T CLOSE the keygen... you will need it again soon.

Run the install and when you get to the serial number page paste the serial number from keygen in to the "Already have a Trial Serial Number" box BUT BEFORE you will be able to continue you will have to REMOVE the first dash (-). Then click 'Continue'.

When installation is complete start CorelDraw X3 and click the "Already Purchased" button and in the
box where is says "enter your key" copy and paste your serial number from the keygen BUT REMEMBER, so that it matches the number you installed with, you will have to delete the first dash (-). THEN click the "Phone Corel" button.

Now TYPE IN to the "Installation Code" box of the keygen, the code you see in Corel Draw, WITHOUT the dashes (-) and click the 'Activate' button.

Copy the activation code in the keygen.. Click in the 'Activation Code' box of Corel Draw X3
(you might have to click 2 times to get a cursor) and PASTE in the number.. Wait... this is where everyone say copy ans paste not work.... only because, the Continue button did not become active... just remember the last number in this box, backspace over it, retype the number and and then click Continue.

if you do not see copy and paste options you can always use keyboard shortcuts (CTRL C) and CTRL V) because they are part of Windows O/S.
