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Компоненты для Delphi/C++Builder ~ Components for Delphi/C++Builder 6

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Cindy v6.60 released!

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Cindy v6.60 is now distributed with 3rd party functions to use with :
- Indy components (Who does not know this?)
- QuickReport components (printing reports commercial components)
- ImagenEn components (One of the best graphic commercial components)
- TMS components (One of the best commercial components)
- Vampyre components (free graphic components)

TcySpeedButton and TcyBitBtn have now a monochrome drawing glyph effect when the button is disabled. The font and glyph color is also cutomizable on DisableColor property.

Please, continue to support Cindy components making a little donation.

Message Dialogue Components

This unit provides various customisable message dialog box components. Three components are installed on the component palette. They are:

This component wraps the Windows MessageBoxIndirect API call and displays a message box based on that provided by Windows. It will be suitable for most purposes and has the lighter footprint.
This component uses the Delphi VCL CreateMessageDialog function to create a form based message box. (CreateMessageDialog is used by the standard Delphi MessageDlgXXX functions). The component provides more flexibility than either the Delphi functions or TPJWinMsgDlg. It should be used when it is necessary to display buttons or combinations of buttons that are not supported by the Windows API message box or when a finer degree of control over the appearance and behaviour of the message box is required. TPJVCLMsgDlg supports all the features of TPJWinMsgDlg and extends them. The dialogue box component's form can be customised by handling the OnShow and OnHide events.
A demo program that exercises the components is included in the download. This program requires Delphi 7 or later to compile.

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Sprite Sheet Animation Component For Delphi XE5 Android

TSprite component built by Gilbert Padilla for an earlier version of Firemonkey. The TSprite component takes a spritesheet and animates it for you. Spritesheets are all of the animations of a sprite combined into a single image. The TSprite component then has a map of where each sprite image is on the spritesheet and draws it as an animation. You would usually use spritesheets (and therefore this component) when building games. Spritesheets are used in a lot of game engines to achieve a high framerate.

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
ZipForge v6.30 Delphi 7,2007,XE3-XE5 FS

ZipForge is a fast and powerful VCL Zip component, written in Delphi.
It lets you easily create ZIP archives, extract files from zip files to hard drive or memory, add files to a zip archive from disk or memory, replace, move and delete files in zip archives. Also it creates and reads self-extracting (SFX) zip archives, AES encrypted and multi-volume zip files.

ZipForge main features:
Opens and creates archives encrypted with strong AES encryption algorithm
Zip64 supports - lets you create ZIP files over 4 GB
Unicode file names support
Includes transaction system which allows you to rollback changes if archive update failed
Adds compressed data directly from streams and extracts archived files to streams without creating temp files
Lets you store full path with drive for each file
Allows to search for files inside archive by mask
Progress indication
Full Delphi source code is available

Download: Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Ehlib v6.3.171 Full Download

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Absolute Database v7.30 MultiUser Edition All In One D4-DXE5, C4-CXE5

Install serial GBFV-5ER5-5R9Q-83WU

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JSON Viewer and JSON VCL components

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Habari Client for OpenMQ 2.7b1 - message broker client

Habari Client for OpenMQ is a library for Delphi and Free Pascal which provides easy access to Open Message Queue (Open MQ), an enterprise-quality, production-ready open source message-oriented middleware project.

Changes in version 2.7 (beta1)
* Fixed: Authentication with empty credentials (user / passcode)
* Support for encoded carriage return (“\r”) in STOMP 1.2 headers (STOMP 1.2 is only partially implemented in Open Message Queue 5.x)
* Support for equal signs and colons in STOMP headers
* Support for empty STOMP header values
* Compiler errors with Free Pascal 2.7.1
* Unit tests for wild-card destinations
* Unit tests for queue browser

Habari Client libraries are also available for other open source message brokers: Apache ActiveMQ, Apollo, HornetQ, and RabbitMQ

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Easy Compression Library for Delphi / C++ Builder

Delphi 4, 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2 and C++ Builder 4, 5, 6, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2

sn: 215B-8424-017O-8KOY

Easy Compression Library is a very easy-to-use replacement of TFileStream, TMemoryStream and other TStream descendants to their analogues with compression/decompression and encryption. Compression is transparent, all the methods, properties and behavior of TFileStream and TMemoryStream are supported, so it is very simple to replace them in the application code.

Easy Compression Library does not support multi-file archives. If you need to compress multiple files to a single archive file try FlexCompress or ZipForge.
Compiles into exe - no dll/ocx required.
Supports all the methods, properties and behavior of TFileStream and TMemoryStream.
One stream provides transparent compression/decompression for write and read operations.
Forward and backward seeks in compressed stream.
Read and write any portion of data at any file position.
OnProgress event handler.
Compression rate indicator.
Strong encryption provided by Rijndael algorithm, the AES winner.
Could be configured to comply with U.S. and other export restrictions.
Fastest compression level is extremely fast.
Good and Max compression levels provide much better compression rate than Rar, Zip, etc.
Small customizable footprint (45K-100K).
Full source code available.
Includes comprehensive help and demos for Delphi, C++ Builder and Kylix.

Последнее редактирование модератором:
DISQLite3 5.0.4 Full Source

Support: D4-XE x86, XE2-XE5 x86-x64

DISQLite3 5.0.4 is a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine for Delphi (Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland):

Transactions are atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable (ACID) even after system crashes and power failures.
Zero-configuration – no setup or administration needed.
Implements most of SQL92.
A complete database is stored in a single (possibly encrypted) disk file.
Supports terabyte-sized databases and gigabyte-sized strings and blobs.
Self-contained: no external dependencies, no DLLs.
Small footprint and smart linking: Only required code is compiled in, adding as little as 300 KB code space only.
Db.pas is not required, which allows DISQLite3 to compile with all flavours of Delphi, including Delphi Standard and Delphi Personal.
TDataSet descendants are available to work with existing data aware controls and report generators.
Faster than other popular database engines for most operations.
Simple, easy to use API layers: Native, object and TDataSet.
Database files created with DISQLite3 can also be accessed by Linux and MacOS using the default SQLite libraries.

SecureBridge 6.2.3 (04-Feb-14) Full Source

Support: D5-XE5 (CB5-6, .NET)

iOS in C++Builder XE5 is supported
RAD Studio XE5 Update 2 is now required
Bug with the publickey authentication on SSH connection is fixed
Bug with memory leak on TScSSHClient.Disconnect on iOS is fixed
Bug with suspend after sending the quit command by SFTP client is fixed

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