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Компоненты для Delphi/C++Builder ~ Components for Delphi/C++Builder 6

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CnPack Open Source Projects

CnPack Open Source Projects 2011-11-05


CnPack Component Package (CnVcl) source code and documents.

(Note: CnPack Component UI are not localized dynamically. If you want to use English UI, such as in Multi-Lang Components, just copy const files in Lang\1033 and overwrite old ones in upper directorys and rebuild package. Or, Just Run the "ToENU.bat" in Source Directory to copy them automatically.)

Fix the Compile error caused by XE2.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
На ХЕ2 Криво ставится, в процессе установки не компилитса компоненты если даже руками ставить всё, то половино компонентов не ставятса а те что ставятса кривые.

Ага. Мне тоже пришлось все uses/ы перелопатить чтобы поставить. Но работает без ошибок.
TMS Security System v2.4.3.1(DelphiXE2)


Обзор функций:

The TMS Security System facilitates the definition of user rights on a menu or form level. In its user management features the TMS Security System relies on user/group profiles stored in a database.

The users can be grouped and can inherit rights in this way. Thereby you can integrate a highly sophisticated and close grained user management that closes all potential loopholes via shortcuts with minimal effort. Only if the user has been granted the specific right by the administrator he can see or use the specific function assigned by the administrator.

The administrator can configure the rights at run-time thereby preventing a restart of the program when changing assignments. For doing so he can use an easy to handle, intuitive GUI that enables the administrator to create new users or to group or delete them directly from the application.

Последнее редактирование модератором:
Iocomp Ultra Pack 4.0.3 SP2 Beta 4 for Delphi & C++Builder 4-2010 Full Source

Iocomp Ultra Pack 4.0.3 SP2 Beta 4 for Delphi & C++Builder 4-2010 Full Source

Iocomp's ActiveX/VCL Ultra Pack is a suite of 63 controls written for use in creating professional instrumentation applications using ActiveX or VCL development environments. Combines our Pro Pack & Plot Pack.
These controls can be used for Scientific, Engineering, Medical, Oil and Gas, Semiconductor, Factory Automation, Aerospace, Military, Robotics, Telecommunications, Building and Home Automation, HMI, SCADA, and hundreds of other types of applications.
All Iocomp controls are OPC-Enabled. If your project requires OPC connectivity, you can connect any property to your OPC Items/Tags. All connections can be made visually using the Iocomp property editor or can be performed dynamically through code.
Последнее редактирование модератором:

GLScene Nov 17, 2011

GLScene is an OpenGL based 3D library for Delphi. It provides visual components and objects allowing description and rendering of 3D scenes in an easy, no-hassle, yet powerful manner.

GLScene is not just an OpenGL wrapper or utility library, it has grown to become a set of founding classes for a generic 3D engine with Rapid Application Development in mind. GLScene allows you to quickly design and render 3D scenes without having to learn the intricacies of OpenGL, if you know how to design a TForm, you'll easily master the basic operations of GLScene. The library comes with a large collections of demos showcasing the ease of use, and demonstrating RAD wasn't done at the expense of CPU/GPU horsepower.

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
TMS IntraWeb iPhone Controls Pack v1.9.0.0 for Delphi

TMS IntraWeb iPhone Controls Pack v1.9.0.0 for Delphi

Set of IntraWeb components to create web applications for mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, Android that offer a look & feel very close to native applications.


Edit in iPhone style with rounded corners
Full webkit based rendering, no images used
Configurable action button
Configurable keyboard type
Asynchronous events & client-side events


Web implementation of the native iOS date/time selector wheel control
Asynchronous updates & events
Full webkit / HTML5 based rendering, no images used
Configurable collection of Slots
Built-in date and time selector
Smooth iPhone style scrolling


iPhone / iPad style popup control
Asynchronous updates & events
Full webkit based rendering, no images used
Built-in configurable collection of iPhone / iPad style buttons
Can host custom content by adding a region that can contain any control
Extensive control over positioning


Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Iocomp Components Ultra Pack 4.02 sp2 Full Source (for Delphi XE2)

Iocomp Components Ultra Pack- набор компонентов для профессионального создания научных, инженерных,
медицинских и других программ.


При инсталляции выдает предупреждения (не исправлял), можно
не обращать внимание, становится нормально

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