- I did some changes for to install in XE2 --> NOW with Editors and Tools menus.
- in "Options" definitions: Conditional defines, Output Directory, Output C++, Description, Version info, etc...
- in regfibplusutils.pas some corrections for XE2, as:
--> type PCHAR --> PWideCHAR
--> type integer --> Cardinal
--> D9+ --> D2009+
ToolAPI class "TDebuggerNotifier= class(TComponent, IOTADebuggerNotifier)" dont compiling without this changes
procedure TDebuggerNotifier.ProcessCreated({$IFDEF D9+}const {$ENDIF}Process: IOTAProcess); --> procedure TDebuggerNotifier.ProcessCreated({$IFDEF D2009+}const {$ENDIF}Process: IOTAProcess);
NOTE: "D9+" was defined, so, right will be "D2009+"
Some functions needs type Cardinal and not allow type Integer
VerQueryValue(Buf, constVerFileDescription, pointer(Value), Len) ---> VerQueryValue(Buf, constVerFileDescription, pointer(Value), Cardinal(Len))
GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(S), n) ---> GetFileVersionInfoSize(PWideChar(S), Cardinal(n))
Important! In various part of the files, the programmer use "definitions" not definided in files INC, as:
-- D9+, will D2009+
-- D4+, not definided
This, can be the cause for many error during the compiling. Delphi XE? use diferente types in diferente cases (32bit / 64bit).
Always verify the definitions in the files for your system!
In geral, its all! For XE2 v16.0.4504.48759, the compiling and install occured with not problem (FIBPlus/Editors/Tools)!
Note: Sometimes, can occur that the Delphi say: "UNABLE to install the component". Just close the IDE, and run again!
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