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Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок) 4

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KGrid V1.6

Written as TCustomControl descendant, this is not a TCustomGrid enhancement
95% compatible with TDraw(String)Grid
Any TWinControl descendant can be used as inplace editor.
Cell clipping and double buffering
Cell merging and splitting. Robust and versatile solution.
Column/row/grid autosizing
Contains the database control TKDBGrid
Cross platform solution in Lazarus
Each color can be modified at design time
Index mapping - a technique that greatly simplifies event handling when columns and/or rows change their positions
Last column or row can be aligned - corresponding scroll bar will not appear
OS themes fully supported
Printing and previewing. Robust solution. On the fly previewing - changes to the grid are instantly previewed. Printing a table in Delphi has never been easier.
Row and column hiding with optional visual indication
Rows, columns and cells (optional) are implemented as classes
Several styles for moving and resizing of rows or columns
Single source and the same functionality in both Delphi and Lazarus
Unicode component. For ANSI Delphi versions (up to 2007) no unicode inplace editors are available - you must take these somewhere else (e.g. from TMS Unicode controls).
Various text output attributes (works on all platforms)- multiline text, end ellipsis, path ellipsis, word break
Versatile cell painting interface (drawing cells with various attributes, thumbnail/image cells, checkbox cells,...)
Versatile design of cell events
Versatile sorting interface
Virtual grid possibility - data will not be stored in the grid directly but somewhere else in the application

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IBDAC Version (25-Jun-2010) (Retail, without source)
Thank to kidbabic




MD5: 050EBC31B80A9507974332E353C9510E
SHA-1: 5A7A469356E2B8DEE457ABEFBE807406CE39DB25

CRC32: C2114D5D
MD5: 5B0ED9A89F8F0EAFA6B154AE4D48D68B
SHA-1: 3468FC7B3C292B407FEA32DF5A9FEC868D0B6195

CRC32: 8A5047CA
MD5: A8FC69415F30D248347B82A3DECD89BD
SHA-1: CEFBE5E33A5403C79772A87F2F577EF4109F4400
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Thanks To Dungntsamco
KSDev DXScene V3.80 Full Source (23 June 2010)

+ClearType boolean property to TvxFont
+Public FontFill and SelectionFill properties for text editor
+TvxCanvas.LoadFontFromStream method to load private font
+New ListBox feature - odd item filling
+TvxNonVGLayout object - easy alignment VCL controls on 2D scene
+FileName property to TvxResources - allow to load resource from file
Последнее редактирование модератором:
QuickReport 5.05 for D2009 + D2010 (FS)

QuickReport 5.05 Release Notes

For Delphi & BC++ 2010 (RAD7) and Delphi & BC++ 2009 (RAD6)

Recent changes include,

1. Expressions and expression builder work with unicode literals.
2. XLS filter: XLColumn property added to printable controls to allow column specification.
3. PDF and other export filters support Ansi encoding.
4. Underline and strikeout font decoration in XML export and preview
5. Fixed group header 'ForceNewpage' and 'reprintOnNewpage' bug.
6. Html filter works with streams.
7. Implement page range printing in QRXDocument.
8. XML export and preview : support for rotated text
9. QRXDocument has new method 'saveAsQRPFile' to allow XML->PDF transition.
10. TQRCompositeReport now has a PreviewXML method.

No mirrors please!
Последнее редактирование модератором:
DevExpress v50 AutoSetup (feandy)

Mega Thanks to feandy :beer::beer::beer:


WARNING!!! The password on archive request only in private messages at moderators: Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links? or Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

If you have no 10 messages - not to request the link and the password.
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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Последнее редактирование модератором:
DevExpress v51 Source (feandy) Part 1 + Part2

Mega Thanks to feandy :beer::beer::beer:

// 04.07.2010 12:50 - Add Part 2


WARNING!!! The password on archive request only in private messages at moderators: Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

If you have no 50* messages or non closed infractions - not to request the link and the password.

*- Не писать и не обсуждать такое кол-во сообщений, это желание автора релиза - для нас модераторов это закон.
Помните что набор сообщений пустыми сообщениями или сообщениями с благодарностью рассматривается как набор постов, что введет к бану.
* - Not to write and not to discuss such quantity of messages, this desire of the author of release - for us moderators it is the law.
Remember that the set of messages with gratitude is considered by empty messages or messages as a set of posts that will enter to banned.
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Автоинсталл на часть делать не буду.
Как только найду время сделать полный вариант в исходниках, так сделаю инсталл.
На текущий момент исходники я дал на наиболее затребованный набор компонент. Увы, время деньги. Но времени не хватает. Вот время - это основной момент затяжки выкладки. Так что ежели чего - извиняйте.
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