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EControl Form Designer Pro 1.50
Огромный архив обеспечивает способность создать ориентированные на заказчика применения. Вы можете редактировать формы, модули данных, рамки, рапорты с использованием редакторов свойства, компонентных редакторов, изготовленный на заказ модулей и другого предметы времени конструкции как в Borland IDE.
- 100% совместимое с Делфи IDE.
- «Контролер предмета» в типе Делфи 6.
- Нагружать пакетов продолжитеных по времени.
- Компонентная палитра;
- Using все зарегистрированные свойства и компонентные редакторы;

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
@FShadow its not the EControl Form Designer Pro 1.50!!

The Version its 1.40!

@MDK4Ever you are right the Mitec System Information Suite 10.7 is buggy, the version is corrupt, don't use it
valitudor lol not lazy but very boring process to make every time a new version came up.
I know. That’s way many times I preferred to use an old version instead of compiling a new one. Please, don’t take it as offence…

for a lazy guy it took a lot of work to write this script! good job! tnx!
Actually, it took me a little more than a day because I had to look into exe installer logs (from previous version) to see the compiling order. I have to admit that I didn’t need to start from the beginning because I get inspired from other scripts.

Anyway, for those who decide to use this script, pay attention at this:
1. It seems that a few packages depends on other to get compiled, but, if you just run the script second time everything will be ok; right now I don’t have enough time to find where is the problem
2. Pay attention at the compiler. Dcc32.exe should have about 1MB. More info here… Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
3. The script is working for Vista OS, for XP change the BPL and DCP variables accordantly (look inside)
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Исходники TeeChart Pro V8.02 можно где-нибудь найти?

HELP, TeeChart Pro V8.02 search
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MDK4Ever, do you remember? Thats bad, but i have to tell you guys, that Devexpress password must be writen in RUSSIAN! Add russian layout, change lang to russian and write letter by letter this frase:
Jgznm dtcyf Jgznm uhfxb///
On screen you will have: Опять весна Опять грачи...

P.S. MDK, could you upload fresh DevExpress to somewhere not like RapidShare?
I've got some problems with it last days.
MDK4Ever, do you remember? Thats bad, but i have to tell you guys, that Devexpress password must be writen in RUSSIAN! Add russian layout, change lang to russian and write letter by letter this frase:
Jgznm dtcyf Jgznm uhfxb///
On screen you will have: Опять весна Опять грачи...

P.S. MDK, could you upload fresh DevExpress to somewhere not like RapidShare?
I've got some problems with it last days.

Result : Опять весна Опять грачи///

and changing /// for ... dont work.

any idea?

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