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Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок)

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Me too it seems a problem with the installer

Unfortunately, I think that are more problems with the installer: after I copied dclcxSchedulerD11.bpl into system32 folder, the error didn’t occur anymore, but, after a while, I got a similar error about dxRibbon. This time the error didn’t go away if I reopen the project and I had to recreate the project from the beginning. It’s weird because I had problems only with DevExpress + dbGo
Also, I got a annoying flicking when I scroll a dxGrid
After I manually compiled the components all the errors disappears, including flicking.
If you want some more experienceб than i'll tell you that
Опять весна, опять грачи translated to english means:
Spring again, rooks again.
На Vanix лежал комплект компонентов от Mitov Software, но не хватало VideoLab 3.0:

VideoLab is a set of components for fast video capture, playback, processing, geometric manipulations, mixing, analysis and visualization. The library allows very fast complex video manipulations with zero lines of program code.

VideoLab comes in two versions a VCL - Delphi / C++ Builder version and a MFC compatible Visual C++ .

The Delphi / C++ Builder version is a set of native VCL components.

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Anyone have Modelmaker Code Explorer 6 please... you can see the latest changes here hxxp://www.modelmakertools.com/code-explorer/screenshots.html#mmx6

Любое имеет исследователь 6 Кодего Modelmaker пожалуйста..., котор вы можете увидеть самые последние изменения здесь hxxp://www.modelmakertools.com/code-explorer/screenshots.html#mmx6

thank you / вы
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