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Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок)

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TMS Component Pack v4.6.0.7 Retail

Полезные вещи для программеров на дельфи в виде набора компонентов.
TMS Component Pack - большущий набор компонентов для Delphi и C++Builder, включает в себя следующее:
* Grid components
* HTML components
* Edit controls
* Planner components
* Outlook / inspector bar components
* Web connectivity components
* Syntax highlighting memo component
* System components
* Graphic components
* Menu components
* Miscellaneous components
* Full component list...



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Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
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Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

ExpressBars Suite by Developer Express

Add Office 2007 toolbar, ribbonbar, menu and sidebar navigation to your applications. ExpressBars Suite is an advanced toolbar, menu, andsidebar navigation system for Delphi and C++Builder developers with complete support for the look, feel, and behavior of Microsoft Office. This 100% native VCL library is designed to free your end-users from the limitations imposed by standard menu and toolbar systems, while at the same time enabling full runtime customization, all without writing a single line of code.

The ExpressBars Suite is a 100% VCL toolbar, menu and docking system for Delphi and C++Builder. Written from the ground up, it is optimized to take full advantage of the VCL component architecture and once integrated into your projects, gives you the power to deliver unrivalled capabilities and runtime customization to your end-users without writing a single line of source code.

The ExpressBars Suite isn't just powerful but it is completely easy to use. For your end-users, they will have at their disposal the same UI elements they use each and every day within applications such as MS Office and Internet Explorer. For you, ExpressBars provides an extremely rich design time environment so you can produce superior applications in the shortest possible time.

The features listed below offer you a glimpse into ExpressBars and the benefits it will bring to your next Win32 application.

Multiple Display Styles - Whether you prefer MS Office 2000, XP or Office 2007 - Internet Explorer or Windows XP, the ExpressBars Suite gives you the options to build your best. This includes the ability to use large or small buttons within individual bars

Automatic Drag & Drop End User Customization - Just like MS Office, your applications can allow end-users to fully customize toolbars and menus, thus giving your apps highly polished presentation and flexibility. The ExpressBars even allows you to enable "hot" customization. Hot customization is the ability for end-users to manipulate menus/bars without activating the customization dialog

Full Docking Support - With the ExpressDocking Library, you can implement the same exact behaviors and functionality found in the VS.NET IDE, including window hiding. And all Dock Windows are able to fully restore their positions each time the user executes your application

WYSIWYG Toolbar and Menu Designer - ExpressBars makes it supremely simple to design your next toolbar or menu via its intuitive visual designer

Popup Context Menu - Not just a toolbar and menu - ExpressBars also includes a popup menu for use throughout your application

ICQ® Style Collapsible Menu Groups - With ExpressBars' new collapsible menus, you can introduce an extremely intuitive menu layout to your applications

Fully Customizable Status Bar - Need a status bar which your end-users can customize just as they do their toolbars and menus? ExpressBars includes a built-in status bar so you can deliver an entirely customizable application to your end-users

Background Image Support - The ExpressBars allows you to display background images within your toolbars and menus

Complete Control Over Toolbar/Menu Dock Position

Load and Save State - With the ExpressBars, you can load and save Bar state to an INI file, to the Windows Registry and to a stream

Detachable Sub-Menus - ExpressBars offers you and your end-users the ability to tear off any sub-menu and allow them to float…just like MS Office

Complete Localization Support

Advanced Toolbar Docking - With the ExpressBars, your users can dock toolbars/menus in a manner suiting their own needs

Resizable Drop-Down Windows

Built-in Editors and Controls

Automatic Conversion of Existing TMenu(s)

Automatic Quick Menu/Toolbar Customization - Just like MS Office®

Menu Usage Tracking (Just like MS Office®)

Comprehensive MRU support

Menu Animation

Full Control Over Bar Caption Orientation

Action List Support

MS Outlook® Style SideBar

Full Support for ImageLists (To help reduce GDI resource usage)

DisabledImages and HotImages support

Integrated Look and Feel Controller - The ExpressBars Suite fully supports the look and feel capabilities, via the same Look and Feel Controller. You can now manage the appearance of both of these libraries via the same centralized repository

Logical Groups - Enable and disable multiple controls in one easy step. (Less code = Less hassles)

What’s new in V6.x?

Ribbon UI - With the TdxRibbon, TdxCustomRibbonForm, TdxBarApplicationMenu, TdxRibbonPopupMenu, TdxBarScreenTipRepository and TdxRibbonStatusBar components, you can build Ribbon interfaces similar to those found in Microsoft Office 2007

Embeddable Editors from the ExpressEditors Library - All in-place editors from the ExpressEditors Library can be used within toolbar items. Use the TcxBarEditItem to create this type of item. Note: ExpressEditors Library is not shipped as part of the ExpressBars Suite and must be acquired separately

Separator Items - To fully support Microsoft Office 2007 look and feel, we have implemented a new item type - TdxBarSeparator. You can use this item type in context menus and popup lists. For instance, in the following image, the Clipboard and Formatting separator items are used to break a context menu into two logical groups

Form Inheritance Enhancements - TdxBar is now a TComponent descendant (was a TCollectionItem descendant in previous versions). Toolbars on both the base and inherited forms can be reset

Parented Forms and Frames -Parented forms and frames are fully supported. Problems with common keyboard shortcuts, accelerator keys, tab navigation, and hints in parented forms have been addressed

Improved Support for Images and Image Lists - You can now use the TcxImageList component to display 32-bit bitmaps, PNG images and icons with alpha blending. You can now optionally use a glyph's left-bottom pixel to determine its transparent color. The image mask of a transparent glyph is now taken into account when painting an image from an image list

Extended Appearance Control - Added the capability to apply custom color and font settings to a toolbar item's caption and in-place editor (via the item's Style and StyleEdit properties)

Merging Mechanism Improvements - More than two toolbars can be merged. You can now merge bar managers. You can use the specially designed MergeKind and MergeOrder properties of a bar item to control merging.

Design-Time Improvements -Toolbars can now be selected using the mouse. You can also select multiple items and toolbars by holding down the SHIFT and CTRL keys. It's much easier to delete the selected links, items, and toolbars using the DEL and CTRL+DEL keys. You can press the ESC key to access the selected object's parent component (for instance, press the ESC key to move to the parent toolbar of a bar item which is currently selected)

PartNumbers: PC-511316-114473 511316-114473 PC-511316-114474 511316-114474 PC-511316-114475 511316-114475 PC-511316-114476 511316-114476

Publisher PartNumbers: 83 84 85 87

PurchaseOptions: ExpressBars Suite V6.35 1 Developer License , ExpressBars Suite V6.35 1 Developer License Upgrade from V5.x , ExpressBars Suite V6.35 1 Developer License with Source , ExpressBars Suite V6.35 1 Developer License with Source Upgrade from V5.x

Resources: Run the ExpressBars Demonstration, Read the ExpressBars Suite help file

Operating System for Deployment: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0

Architecture of Product: 32Bit

Product Type: Component

Component Type: VCL

Compatible Containers: Borland(R) C++Builder[TM] 2006, Borland(R) C++Builder[TM] 6, Borland(R) Delphi[TM] 2006 (10.0), Borland(R) Delphi[TM] 2005 (9.0), Borland(R) Delphi[TM] 8.0, Borland(R) Delphi[TM] 7.0

Product Class: User Interface Components

Search Items: New Version Jul 03

Keywords: Toolbar tool bar tool-bar Toolbars Menu Menus Developer Express devexpress Enterprise Partner express bars bar expressbarssuite ribbon bar ribbons
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