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Компоненты для Delphi/C++Builder ~ Components for Delphi/C++Builder 6
Missing source files of Editors and Tools
The source file of Editors and Tools are missing
The editors can be compiled from older versions source if replace the new Fibconst.pas with old versions of file
Hotfixes 1, 2, 3 and 4 for RAD Studio XE3, Delphi XE3 and C++Builder XE3
Hotfixes 1, 2, 3 and 4 for RAD Studio XE3, Delphi XE3 and C++Builder XE3
Four new hotfixes are available for RAD Studio XE3, Delphi XE3 and C++Builder XE3.
RAD Studio XE3 Hotfix 1
This Hotfix addresses an issue with ShowMessage in a FireMonkey application on certain locales on Mac OS X
RAD Studio XE3 Hotfix 2
This Hotfix addresses a regression with using the GestureManager in a FireMonkey application
RAD Studio XE3 Hotfix 3
For Professional edition only
This Hotfix addresses an issue in using SQLite driver on the Professional edition
RAD Studio XE3 Hotfix 4
This Hotfix addresses an issue with using Korean IME in FireMonkey.
You should install this hotfix if you or users of your applications use Korean IME.
Gradient controls (buttons, speedbuttons, panels) with features like colored bevels
TcyCommunicate and TcyCommRoomConnector allows communication between applications running in same computer session.
Advanced DBX components for easy table data handling
TcyWebBrowser allows view/edit html documents.
DBGrids with advanced feature.
Есть у кого последняя версия Revised Object Inspector? На сколько я знаю, последней была beta 6, но скачать ее сейчас невозможно, так как блог автора уже давно не работает. В инете можно найти beta 4, но хотелось бы версию посвежее.
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